[READ] Todo List

Posted 9 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by lulu

on the todo list in very rough order of priority:

  • Authorization levels - kinda done, but still looking for ways to improve
  • Worlds Overhaul.
  • View Previous Posts / Subscribed Threads / Created Threads
    • Actually probably just a General Forums overhall...
    • Allowing users to delete their own threads.
    • Showing when posts have been edited (+ possible for mods to see original post?)
  • Folder icons and blurbs
  • Species creation
  • Literature submissions/pages for characters
    • Changable privacy levels for the pages possibly
    • "AU" pages
  • Clean up mass image/character management
  • QoL fixes
    • Mass deletion, links to individual edit panels
    • "Next" button when browsing through character pages.
    • "Are You Sure You Want to Delete" pop-up when hitting delete for posts/comments/everything
  • Deleting comments probably needs a confirmation panel...
  • Site search
    • Character search by tag or unverified URL
    • Image search by URL might be useful too, hm
  • Fix thread notifications links to take you to the latest page... Actually I should have it take you directly to the post, I was too lazy when coding this and it's gonna be a pain in the ass to change now
    • Same with thread links on the forum's front page
  • Random character/user link (only for listed and public characters & users)
  • User autocompletion
  • Tag blocking
  • Layout fixing like just in general going around and fixing forms and also checking to see that everything wraps correctly
  • Liking or favving forum posts
  • World tags maybe
    • World galleries
  • Popular world listing on the front page thinks about it... Maybe worlds that've added a lot of members in the past few days? hm...
  • Have a look at a chat... I don't think cloudflare works with websockets so I'll need to have a think about it rubs chin I don't really like the idea of an AJAX chat
  • Image thumbnail / character avatar cropping tool
    • This is half done but I realised it was taking way too long so I've shelved it for later...
  • Drag & drop uploading
  • Bulk image/characters upload
  • Tagging images with multiple characters
    • stares into the distance i'm not looking forward to this
  • Image tagging and specialised/tagged galleries, embedded galleries for character pages
    • stares further into the distance... also not... looking forward to this...
  • Dice rollers on the forums
  • Downloading threads as a PDF/etc... / downloading character profiles?
  • Custom Post Formatting
  • Delete images from image manager
  • Character link sorting/deleting
    • Editable icons seperate from the character icons?
  • More user options including # of charas displayed on a page.

Feature fixes / comments

  • Watermarked thumbnails needs to be looked at, I'm not really happy with it atm.. 
  • Commission a logo artist for a clean logo 
  • I should just outsource the front end to a proper front end developer
  • Fix how images teleport when you try to drag one that's at the end of the row

Features I'm thinking about and welcome suggestions for:

  • Anonymous comments (if I do throw this in you're still certainly going to have to be logged in so the recipient can report malicious content if necessary)
  • Allowing for fandom/canon characters 
  • World chats - just mulling it over right now...

@jearminut Ah glad to have helped then ~


This is a really awesome site, I am happy to be able to have an account and to be able to keep my files and characters this organized and cleaned up <3


27 pages so dunno if this has been suggested or not (or if I'm actually missing this setting somewhere) but would it be possible to have a "night vision" theme / button? Essentially it would switch the site theme from majority-white to majority-black to be easier on the eyes in the dark, kind of like the feature TVTropes has! As someone who tends to be a night owl, that would certainly be beneficial, if possible to implement. c:


I don't know if this is on there, but maybe mass character deletion? ^^""

Like, a way similar to how you can edit and move multiple characters to a different folder, but instead you can delete them. :D


Seconding the night-time/dark theme suggestion that's a few posts up. Pure white sites just burn my eyes. :c Maybe make it so users (maybe premium) can customize the site layout, change the header/background/etc colors in a personal setting panel?


i'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but i would really prefer to have an option to make my links private. i don't really want people i haven't authorized to see what relationships they have with others, and i don't want them to see what characters i have, either. 


is global tag searching already on there?


perhaps a trade function? like the ability to set a transfer to complete both character transfers at the same exact time to avoid scamming.


A stickied thread that lists a bunch of common problems and fixes + info to help new users in TH.

Because i feel like a lot of people don't read the faq until someone mentions it


another suggestion for the block mechanic, i keep seeing ocs (on the front page) of people i have blocked and it's a bit of an annoyance to me. i would love if something were added in to be able to hide those characters from view


i'm not sure if this is possible, but maybe a way to freeze comments on a bulletin? a way that would still enable the person who initially made the bulletin to be able to comment of course, so as to reply to people that have already commented for example. just something for like crowd control for raffles, stuff like that.