Yum Or Yuck {Oc Game}

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 12 days ago) by Runaway

{OC} Yum or Yuck

(if this is not allowed delete it ;.;

Hey there, i thought it may be time to add another game!

Other Oc games

Five Facts


Counting Game


 For sale/trade thread


This game is simple, here is an example!

(Oc 1) Strawberry ice cream?

(Oc 2) Yum
          Grape soda?

You get the idea ^-=-^

As for rules
You must reply ic.
No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.
Try to post new items.
You may say why the item is yuck or yum. Keep it short.
You may explain that you would only eat it a certain way. ( in soup or on a salad for examples.)

Lets get started shall we?

DoXy RandomStorytale

"Sounds delic-wait. WAIT, you said roaches? Not strawberries?"

*both of them wave their hands in front of them*

"No. N-no way!"-Dorian

" YUCK. JUST NO."-Xylio

 "Um....to the person below us; how about honey and peanut butter sandwiches?"

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

"Yuck...not a fan of peanuts, dunno about my twin brother Zidane Tribal though. He'd eat anything.

What about vanilla ice cream with Nutella?"

Vitalitas vit

"The vanilla sounds great by itself, but Nutella is as gross as bird poo. Yuck."

"To the person below, what about delicious and buttered-up yeast rolls?"

Vesper Malachordia Shon2

"Yuck, the things humans eat are absolutely disgusting! I can't imagine putting something that greasy and bland into my mouth, not at all!"

"Hmm, let's see... How about some nice, syrupy wood varnish? Absolutely splendid when drizzled across a fetid corpse or two... That ought to be delicious to someone out here!"

Gilmore Fursecution

"Hey, you know, I'm really up for trying anything but I don't think I could drink wood varnish and live or eat rotting dead bodies... yeah Flora's telling me that's not possible so I'm gonna have to say yuck. Sorry dude."

"How do you feel about those coconut popsicles that have actual shreds of coconut in them? Those are the bomb."

Avala-Ne Hibernis galaxycreations

"I have never had that before,I'll have to see if our stores have any of these frozen snacks."

"How about hearty soups?I love a soup with lots of meat and vegetables especially after working outside in the cold researching,it is a great way to warm up."

Constella Cipher

"Yum! I do so enjoy hearty soups... even more so if they have actual hearts.... though a chicken noodle stew worms my old bones up nicely just as well."

"Raspberry truffles have always been a weakness of mine. I'm sure you think the same way!"

Nathan Pastel truelexblue

"Yum! Of course!"

"What about some chicken adobo and rice? I could make you some, if you want any."

 Felicia Mariette

"Oh, yum! That sounds delicious! Extra spicy for me, please!"

"Between you and me, the best thing you can get here is the cheesecake! I like mine drenched in a white chocolate amaretto sauce and sprinkled with macadamia nuts. What do you think, wanna share a piece?"

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"YAS! You love them, too? I have a pile of them in my room!"

"Hm...oh, how about CENTURY EGGS?" :3 (added a link b/c like 90% of non chinese people have no idea what they are)

Aeris knightofpherae

"Lots will probably think I'm weird for liking them, but YUM! I like eggs in general. Button, Abaddon, Azalea, and Wraith like them too, oddly enough..."

"For the person below, how about Angel Food cake? I know its corny considering I'm an angel, but yknow."

Umiko ickei

"I've never had angle food cake, but it sounds wonderful, Vivi. Let's go with Yum."

"For the dear below, what are your thoughts about Cinnamon Sugar Pecans?"

Tanaquil🌺 Narciso

"Okay there is no doubt that that one is a big Yum for me! Warm and sweet sugared pecans ( with cinnamon too!) could make my day, any day"

or the person below"For the person below: Fairy bread is a childhood favorite of mine that I still love, it's a little simple sure but i still love it, how about you?"

( https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b4/db/99/b4db990af1ecf3b0d0d7149f485b104f--fairy-bread-white-bread.jpg )

Pep TiredSpider

"Yum! I used to make that all the time as a child. Maybe I should make some.."

"Um, another thing I enjoy is eclairs! I like the chocolate and raspberry ones personally..."