Yum Or Yuck {Oc Game}

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 13 days ago) by Runaway

{OC} Yum or Yuck

(if this is not allowed delete it ;.;

Hey there, i thought it may be time to add another game!

Other Oc games

Five Facts


Counting Game


 For sale/trade thread


This game is simple, here is an example!

(Oc 1) Strawberry ice cream?

(Oc 2) Yum
          Grape soda?

You get the idea ^-=-^

As for rules
You must reply ic.
No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.
Try to post new items.
You may say why the item is yuck or yum. Keep it short.
You may explain that you would only eat it a certain way. ( in soup or on a salad for examples.)

Lets get started shall we?

 Damien colorful

"...Are you a man of culture?" Due to how he could finally related to someone among everyone, he was speechless. He never knew one of his favorites woulf soon be featured, so this is a yum with a hundred percent of absolute certainty. Thanks to you, he craves for it now.

"How about sashimi? Any sort of fish or seafood is fine."

 Katharos (OLD) colorful

(Ignore this but I cannot prevent my urge to reply with two OCs, respond to Damien ^^^)

"...T-Takoyaki...? Please, no." He doesn't like takoyaki not because it reminds him he cannot eat food outside humans and creatures alike, but because his girlfriend looks like an octopus and it makes him sick to the stomach remembering takoyaki. He needs bleach.

Nessa ReddRiftWalker

"Awe, gross, that's disgusting! Fish is a big no! Yuck! Basically if it isn't covered in sugar I'm not buyin'.

Well.. almost... Andy doesn't want me to eat too many sweets.. something about rotting my teeth, so there are some non-sugary things I like. So, with that said, what's your thoughts on fried rice?"

 Himari SweetasSaccharine

"Fried rice?? Yes! Gimme~"

"Who out there likes chicken tamales? I like them really spicy!"

 Elrix Aarix

"Oh yeah I don't mind 'em, in theory.... though I'll admit I'm piss-weak when it comes to handling spice..."

"But hey you, what's your thoughts on salt and vinegar chips? Fair warning I will judge based on your answer."

"Yooo correct answer! I like you aready!"

This user is not visible to guests.
eris lyncuria melchior

"Yuck. As much as I like the concept, combining the elements just gives you a soggy Yorkshire pudding. They're much better on their own."

"So, uh.. Hmm. How about celery sticks?"

bean femboys

"If there is peanut butter or cream cheese involved, I'm all for yummy celery sticks"

"What about black beans? Not plain but with a taco or burrito or just some chips."


Timmy (https://toyhou.se/1273186.timmy): "Black beans are pretty good, especially with some tacos or burritos. I fucking love Mexican food! That being said, yum."

"What do you have to say about mint chocolate chip ice cream?

$12/1200pts milkenemy

"I wouldn't eat it on my own accord. I'm not a fan of mint. I absolutely adore caramel. How about you?"

Alcott Northwind PicklePantry

"Sure, I guess. Not necessarily my favorite, though."

"What about hot dogs? I make pretty good ones, I like to think."

Arson Milkman

"Yeah Hotdogs are pretty fuckin' great."

"I grill the best hamburgers, whaddya think about hamburgers, kiddo?"

Barnibas Clay TheLadyAnatola

"Ooh, don't tempt me, that's a favorite of mine."

"Orange juice, yea or nay?"

 Mircalla Karnstein colorful

"Nna, fruits are good! Yummy yum!" She chuckled, hopping in excitement. "Ooh, they go well with something salty!!"

"P-P-Parmigiano Reggiano!!"

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

Parmesan Cheese?! Oh my fucking god, absol-fucking-lutely! Goes well with pizzas.

Pancakes with Maple Syrup?