
Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 23 days ago) by Xen

I'm just curious now, is there anyone else out there who has ocs with pun-names or just interesting/funny names in general?

Some of my notable examples are

Bullsguye (Cause he uses long range combat and has good aim, get it? Bulls-eye? Bulls guye? haha ha)

Sniall (Cause he's a snail, get it, Snail + Niall... Sniall? ha)

Sloug (Cause he's a slug... get it? Slug + Doug? kill me please end my suffering)


I can't be the only one right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.


I mean my name is a pun on ni and doodles. But as for ocs off the top of my head I've got:

Hymn which is less of a pun name and more of a joke, since when I was naming him I said 'what should I name it' by accident, as was corrected by my best friend with a 'him' so of course my joking reply was 'ok sure, Hymn it is'. And hymn it was.

Willey since she's a trickster~ But also it shortens to 'Wy' which is what people say after she scams them, to which she replies with a 'wy not~'


mmm I have one that fits the bill pretty well. Vallen - He has a valentine-like color scheme but before I shortened it his name was Vallenato which is....accordion music. He's a musician but doesn't play the accordion. Yet.
He has a twin whose name is Rondeau, and though we typically pronounce it sorta like "mon dieu" it's an alternate spelling of Rondo, a dance. Of course, he's a dancer.


Oh gosh I'm sorry for double post but I just remembered two more Xyxen was named after a website I was looking at for names that said "You can't name your alien character Xyxinrid because it's too complicated and sounds bad" so what did I do? That. more or less. You don't tell me what to do internet
Vindaego is sort of inspired by the wendigo, I had a hard time naming him so I was like I'M JUST GONNA CHANGE SOME LETTERS AROUND and it stuck very well...he has a kid character, Moulot, that I named based on Mouloch. The name was fresh in my mind since I did some work with rare Milton works over the Summer like Samson Agonistes and so I gave a name based off of a god of child sacrifice to a child that is both undead and....well, totally harmless.

I have a really bad habit of having words stick in my head after a short exposure and I end up naming my characters after things on accident. Moulot, Sybilon, and Vallen are all really good examples because I was just like "well that particular set of letters sounds nice together." Don't usually make the connection until I feel like googling the name out of curiosity.


idk if it counts as a pun name or anything, but i have kalma! his name means somewhat death and well.. he is dead. i also got kissakala, who is, like it can be seen, cat+fish mix. and yes -their name means catfish, lol!