
Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Xen

I'm just curious now, is there anyone else out there who has ocs with pun-names or just interesting/funny names in general?

Some of my notable examples are

Bullsguye (Cause he uses long range combat and has good aim, get it? Bulls-eye? Bulls guye? haha ha)

Sniall (Cause he's a snail, get it, Snail + Niall... Sniall? ha)

Sloug (Cause he's a slug... get it? Slug + Doug? kill me please end my suffering)


I can't be the only one right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

Annie retroleum

I love pun names but I never have much of an opportunity to really make them except for a few but this one, her name's Annie but her full name is Reanna Mayted aka reanimated as in she's a reanimated corpse ayy

its terrible and completely unoriginal but I love it. a couple other characters in her "story" have similar names but I haven't posted them yet pbthth;

I have a lot of characters whose names are either references, homages, or in-jokes but not necessarily pun names. Annie is the only one that I could call a pun name :v 

C'lod cedes

This is C'lod, she's a clod. I heard someone insult something, calling them a clod and was like amg. Why do I want to make that acharacter name? She's pretty slow and not bright at all, though she likes to pronounce it with two syllables.

And then there's Luza, she's pretty dopey and doesn't get along with others, basically a Loser lol (this one was sadly accidental)

 Loms FixerTenma

Made this character just for having a really easy to draw character, and her name didn't matter to me a whole lot while I was trying to think of it.
Basically her only characteristic at the time was being a small rabbit.
Her name is smol backwards.

Hypni RandomStorytale

Hypni <3 *Hypn* From Hypnosis and *I* sounds like Eye. 

Plus she has hypnotic eyes in her hair!

Semil Lunaled Isoprene

Semil's name is a portmenteau of semilunaris and naled. That's right. Ice abs.

...Though posting that made me realize that I've had the e and a in his last name mixed up this whole time and now I gotta go fix that whoops

Noroi - means curse and well he has the power to curse things
Naosu- means cure and as you can guess he can cure any curse ||D 
Migi- Hex's codename because he has a lot of shadow hands and he's good at stealing
Lazarus- he sleeps a lot and is a ghost. sort of like a dead person :0
Corvus, Lyra, Vela- since the CS are based on space, why not name them after constellations xD
Jaide yearbook

After all she's ben through...she sure is JAIDE-ed!

Jackie Lonk

Jackie's full name, Jackie Lupe, is a pun on how she resembles a jackalope and gets mistaken for one! Also goes with the fact that she hangs out with wolves.

I was trying to find a name for her before I uploaded her, and because I hate myself I decided to go the Ace Attorney route and make this her name.

 ♇ Pardy Trolluminati

I got quite a lot!

I'll take Pardie here as an example. So actually her name comes from the word 'Gepard' a cheetah in German, what she also is. But if you add an 'O' between 'R' and 'D' you get 'Parodie' (a parody) which indicates to her ability to copy appearances almost perfectly but not completely. She's also a cheetah => cheater which is a pun on them being creatures that only follow these whomever they want and can not only cheat with their appearance.

 Free w/ Valentine's Blind Lace Chronicler


He's a chocolate heart-themed dessert.



I have a small number of them, I don't normally like to ascribe too much meaning to a person's name, as if their fate was predetermined by their name. But I have exceptions.

A little on the nose, but Bonita is a pun. Her parents named her that because it means beautiful, but Bonita sounds a lot like "bone-eater" and her species is primarily sapovoric, eating rotten flesh and bones.

Sudden Jeff is a superhero, and his name is a really groanworthy pun on Sudden Death. His real name, Carlos Cornejo, isn't a pun, but is a slight reference to the alliterative names Marvel characters often have.

Finally, there's poor old Farter, who is based off of Furtur from the Ars Goetia. Does that even count as a pun? SHRUG. He is older than the English word Fart so its not like his parents were assholes or anything.

 Asap Alavu Micteo Shen guada898

I don't have a lot of pun names, but this one is in spanish- Asap Alavu is actually a phrase in reverse, Uva la pasa, which means "grape the raisin". I jokingly said I would name him that if I didn't find any good name, and I didn't-