Make the OC above you in a dollmaker

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 17 days ago) by reinapepiada

edit2: if appliable please make sure you're hosting your image somewhere you can trust. like or gyazo or something.

edit: guys!! dreamselfy is up again!! i'm so glad

quick n fun game where you post IC and make the oc above you in any dollmaker as long as it's legal to do so i guess!

these can take a bit of a long time so you can claim your post and take your time making the character above!

here's some, a bunch of them stolen from this thread

... and any other you know of!

there's plenty of dollmakers out there with very different types of characters, but just as a general rule, if you post IC as a character with a very improbable appearance (say, a literal cloud of stardust) then people are free to interpret their appearance into one according to whatever tools the dollmaker will give them

as long as they stay somewhat recognizable, it's all good!

also, if this thread goes without a reply after two days, feel free to reply to yourself with your own doll. they're fun to make after all!

Renee Cabal zeotaku

reinapepiada i tried


Sybll Dohmalore


claim :O why do no games.....have glasses....

 Keala BriarHK

Claim! I tried XD I didn't do the hooves, though, sorry abt that~i_tried_by_briarhk-dc96gro.jpg

Taesha de Santana zeotaku

BriarHK here you go, definitely easy to make him.


Michael Dohmalore

claim!  EDIT: That hair was hard to make lmao,,,


(feel free to use a maker w/ a lady base i know the unisex/dude bases are harder to find)

Violet ThatOneWow

this is really bad, but I tried my best!

also, didn't know this thread existed :0


Nathan Pastel truelexblue


uwu i missed this thread

edit: fixed her eyes n hair!

Chiba Nobuyoki RensRad

Claiming Done! I'll do my best to create Nathan for ya! I put him in a spoiler to make more room for everyone else!


Noir Eisschweif


Done ^^ (couldnt find any with the right skin tone x'D ^^')


Nana Takayama majimasimp

edit: done! couldnt do the bandages tho ;; i edited the colours to make them match more! edit: omg thank u so much!! so cute <33

Venice Renai MotherRat


mario girard majimasimp

claim ! edit: done !!