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27 Jul 2023, 3:11:21 pm



local rat has pure luck given his sneaking onto a ship in the 40s, news at eleven (im SORRY thiS TOOK SO LONGGGG but i wanted it to look good for youuu!! thank you for waiting ;; )


*SQUEALS* OMG HOW CUTEEEEE!!! 😍😍😍😍 This is the sweetest thing omgggg, ahhhh rat boy has a friend now (which he needs since the other guys are all jerks to him lmao XDD)!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! ❤️❤️ He looks precious and adorable (and so does the little rattie, I wanna pet it too wahhh 🥺❤️) EEEE I was soooo excited to see which bby you would pick to draw and I'm SO pleased you picked him, you made him look super cute in your style!! his expression towards his new lil buddy is so pure and perfect, what a cinnamon roll ❤️ ALSO I just always admire how well you do clothing, everything looks so goooood!! *_*

THANK YOU SO MUCH for the trade!! I LOVE how this came out and it's always a blast drawing your babes for you too! ❤️❤️❤️ (And no worries at all about the wait, it's all good 🥰!!, it was such an awesome surprise to see this when I opened TH today!! 🥰❤️ TYSM for this cutenessss eeeee!!! ❤️!!)


OMG im so glad you like it ;; <3 and I LOVE MICKEY SO MUCH, he's just an adorable GREMLIN xD (i also want to pet the rat!!!! if Mickey weren't here he'd have been the best part of drawing this XDDD ) i wanted him to have a decent time since the actual other 'passengers' aren't as nice to him... m-maybe for good reason BUT STILL!!! lol.

thank YOU for the trade! loved your part sm and still look at it often aaaaa. i hope everything's going well for you lately!! :3 ilysm!