Mickey Calhoun



1 year, 18 hours ago


Name Michael "Mickey" Calhoun

DOB May 29th, 1921

Age 23+

Sign Gemini

Gender Male

Birthplace Buffalo, New York

Height 5'5" (165 cm)

Residence New York, New York

Build Wiry

Occupation Boatswain's Mate, Seaman

Eyes Blue

Orientation Unsure

Hair Red

Demeanor Shifty


HTML Pinky

For awhile, Mickey did a fairly good job of tricking his family into believing he was an upstanding young man with a good paying office job, little did they know he was making all that money as a thief and a fence. Being thrown out, cut off, and estranged from them once he was found out didn't seem to affect him at all, as he had plenty of friends in low places to fall back on, and enough money saved up to buy a sleazy little apartment for himself. When he was drafted he easily could've skipped town and laid low (and anyone who knew him probably would've expected him to), but he saw it as a new opportunity: new places to see, things to steal, and people to cheat! Of course, now that he's a sailor he does as little actual work as he can get away with and doesn't take it seriously at all.



A real lying, conniving, sneaky snake in the grass, this man is 100% out for himself and no one else, though his smooth talk is good enough to fool gullible folks into thinking he has their best interests at heart. He is a thief and a con artist, if there's something you want he'll get it or do it for you, for the right price. Anyone with half a brain who gets to know him learns quickly he's not to be trusted, but at the same time it can be hard to resist the temptation when he offers up something he knows someone really wants. He just always seems to be up to something, plotting, scheming, or simply picking pockets when people let their guard down. In addition he can be quite annoying and likes to tease and prank people, and poke fun at their insecurities. It's a wonder no one's killed him yet, though a few have tried, and he's had the crap beaten out of him more than a few times as well. He even speaks in an irritating, roundabout way, hardly ever giving a straight answer to anything.


He is almost always "smiling," but rarely ever in a friendly/sweet manner...it's clearly an evil, devious grin. He also doesn't like making direct eye contact when speaking, but will whenever he's trying to be extra convincing or is making a point. Though he rarely seems to exert himself or do much actual work or heavy lifting, he's actually pretty agile, just as quickly as he can sneak up on someone he can slink away, as well as climb up or slip into hard to reach places, like the slippery little vermin he is. :p Though he keeps himself (reasonably) clean his living quarters rarely are, his apartment back home is a mess and he never makes his bed.


His voice sounds rather like Christopher Walken, only maybe a little bit higher in pitch. It's just kinda...strange like that. XD He also has a bit of a New York accent, it's not extremely thick, but it is noticeable. He doesn't often raise his voice, but if he's under extreme duress he can and will scream in a girlish way to throw his attacker off.


Likes: money, rats, stealing things, New York City, junk food, Coca-Cola
Dislikes: cops, people who ask too many questions, hard labor/"real" work, getting caught, anyone touching his neck...



Hair: His hair is short and a very deep/dark red color, lighter on the top. It is always "swooped" to one side.

Eyes: Blue, sort of almond shaped

Build: Thin, but with a little muscle in his arms and legs, and slight definition in his abs, he has almost no body hair.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: He has a scar wrapping all the way around his neck, and a tattoo of an anchor on his left shoulder. He also has buck teeth/overbite and a very big nose.


Out of uniform he wears business clothes, but they're never very neat: his suits are usually ill-fitting and sometimes a bit tattered/shabby, and often in more "unusual" colors (purple, red, green, etc.). He'll sometimes wear zoot suits as well.













  • He is Red's uncle...which just suddenly came to me and wasn't what I originally intended. I realized they looked alike and thought it was cute that both Red and Les would have had uncles in the military, so yeah lol.
  • And just as Red is really named Philip, Mickey is actually Michael, but literally no one ever calls him that and it only says it on his birth certificate.
  • The scar around his neck is from someone (probably justifiably) attempting to strangle him with piano wire. Ever since that attempted murder he has an extreme phobia of not being able to breathe in any way (both by strangulation and other means, such as drowning.)
  • He has been called a dirty rat plenty of times (and even looks like a humanized one XD), but he takes it as a compliment. Rats are probably the only creatures he actually has any compassion for, he loves them!
  • For someone who has had his ass beat as many times as he has he's actually not much of a fighter and can hardly defend himself, if he were really backed into a corner and had to fight for his life he always carries a switchblade, just in case
  • Though alcohol is a common thing he will steal and/or sell to others he never drinks it himself, because he likes to "keep his wits about him" as he would say
  • Aside from maybe heating up a can of soup once in awhile, he can't cook to save his life. He lives mainly off junk food and take out (Chinese is his favorite.)
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