Drinking on a Monday

MisMantis zombee
2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Prompt D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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A friend of a friend had informed him of this little get-together. Nothing special, but after his latest stunts Aleister felt it was important to check in with the local nobles. See what the drama was nowadays, and if he’d still be let in with the recent, developments, with mages.

But as always, Aleister was somehow too obvious and intimidating to not be let in. Pretend to belong somewhere, and people will assume you do.
The man stood out, both by height and by his outfit, well dressed but masked. No one else was. This was obviously not a masked ball. He’d recently carved a new one, it’s shiny obsidian matching his outfit. And while he got some side-eyes, no one dared lift a finger, and so he’d eventually just stopped to chat with a woman curious about his mask. Of course. She’d especially hoped he’d have to take it off to take a sip from the drink she’d brought him, but unfortunately he had a straw. No; like anyone else, she just got the warning she’d likely rather not see, and whatever new lie he’d come up with to scare her off the prospect.

Their conversation had come to it’s natural end as someone clumsily bumped into him, nearly sending Aleisters drink flying. The mask betrayed none of his surprise, turning to look at just who had hit him. “Ah, no harm done, are you alright?” A slight tilt to his mask, turning to face the shorter man. Who promptly seemed to have grabbed the guest list, becoming the official first person to point his small crime out to him. “Lady Svea? No, that wouldn’t be correct, but if I’m correct my name is right under hers.” He folded a hand behind his back, the other a flourish as he pointed down onto the little book, his nail pressing into the paper as his name appeared right on the spot. “Aleister. Thank you for bringing the check-in list to me.” His grin, while not on his face, was audible in his voice. “Are you perhaps the administrator, or did I misinterpret your role? Surely a guest is not walking around with this list.” He asks curiously, retreating his hands behind his back, stretching into his full height again. “With whom do I have the honour, hm?”