Drinking on a Monday

MisMantis zombee
2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 8
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Prompt D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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Aleister too was delighted to have his invitation accepted, though doubtful Atreus would actually appreciate his living quarters. An old, stone mansion was hard to manage when you’d lived on your own for over a 100 years, and it showed. At least it’s foundations were stable, but parts of the building were in heavy decay.  
“I look forward to it, then.” Sure, let’s see how the evening goes before inviting strangers to your place, though. He needed to keep some wisdom to him where he could. 

The tall mage folded his gloved hands behind his back as Atreus simply followed the suggestion he’d been given, his magic turning it’s attention to the other man. The napkin would bring his hearing to such a height he’d feel as if he was standing amidst the conversation his attention was directed at, and Al smiled quietly as he watched it work. A little nod for Atreus as he briefly looked at Al, the eye behind the mask turning to the conversation as well.
“Are they now. So you are the talk of the party then.” The mage himself ignored the brief exchange between Atreus and Baylen, his attention on Atreus. “You borrowed a painting? Not exactly the most exciting thing to borrow off a man. Can’t imagine what he’s so fussed about.” Then again, did that surprise him? These people were all so impossibly boring to him in their day-to-day struggle, yet he kept finding himself at stuffy parties to drain them for whatever small bit of entertainment they held.

This time that looked to be Atreus. And his attention was on his expressions as he went on about his little turf war with Baylen. “I think you’re right, yes. Why would you want to steal that, anyway, by his outfit I can’t imagine his taste in paintings is much better.” Al grumbled, shaking his head ever so slightly. 

He grins, invisibly as Atreus compliments him, and offers another bow in thanks instead. “Honoured to hear it. I have worked hard on both, of course.” Aleister admits with a pause, “but it is certainly entertaining. I’d not be nearly as often in these kinds of environments if not for being a good spy. People are happy to pay for information.” And oh, people spilled out so much more juicy stuff when they had too much to drink. And what else was there to do at these affairs?

“Out of curiosity though, Lord Atreus, what brings you here? I wouldn’t have imagined you to really fit with this stuffy group of people.” Not really caring who in the vicinity he’d be offending with that one.