Drinking on a Monday

MisMantis zombee
2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 9
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Prompt D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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Atreus simply beamed under the all-too-obvious compliments the older mage bestowed upon him, chuckling softly at his opinion of the painting theft.

“Not exciting to you, maybe, my dear, but very exciting to people who have an eye for art,” He scoffed, giving Aleister a wink before he leaned back against the table behind him. “And while, yes, you are right about his clothes,” Atreus added with a laugh - oh, how he wished to bundle this one up and take him home - “I will admit, he does have excellent taste in art…”

Ah, but thinking about it would only make him jealous. He still stirred when he thought of the one sculpture by the dear deceased Madden DeBriusk that Baylen had been waving under his nose for months now.

But Atreus didn’t trust himself to steal that one on his own.

Thankfully, Aleister’s voice pulled him back to the present, and he lifted his gaze to meet the mask with a quirk of his brow. Stuffy people? He laughed again, fluttering his finger to twirl his hair.

“I am stuffy people, Aleister,” He breathed, “I fit in because I want to.” His gaze wandered then, a light shrug leaving his shoulders with a soft sigh.

“What brings me here is irrelevant, darling, now that you’ve shown me your talents!” He pushed himself off from the table, clasping his hands together with an enthusiastic grin. “Who shall we spy on next?”

And just like that, his night wasn’t so boring after all.