Silly Little Oneshot

2 years, 7 months ago

This is an old oneshot I wrote earlier this year about Logan finally getting the courage to ask Maddie on a date with the help of some friends.

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Logan had been dreading this moment all day. He knew it was coming. In fact, he and Jason had been planning this exact moment for weeks, but that didn't help Logan's nerves at all. Part of him wanted to just drop the bouquet he was holding in his hands and bolt out the nearest exit, whether it be a door or window or air vent, but glancing over at his friend, he knew Jason would never allow that. Jason had been with him through this entire process as always. They planned every detail of this moment, and if something went wrong, Jason had a plan for it. He always did.

 As they reached the end of the school hallway, they looked around the corner, and there she was: Maddison Parker. Logan had known Maddie ever since he moved from Texas to New York in the 3rd grade, and Jason had known her for even longer. His little sister, Shade has always been friends with her since then, however, he never really got to know her until a few years ago when she skipped a grade and was put in his class. That 8th grade year, they slowly got closer as friends and his crush on her only got worse. But today was the day. He was finally going to ask her on a date. At least, that was the plan. Jason looked down at the other end of the hallway to find Omilia, Logan's sister Shade, and Andrew, another one of Maddie's best friends. These three were Maddie's closest friends and were therefore in charge of making sure she was in the right place at the right time as well as making sure her schedule was clear. Andrew, who did ballet with her, was also in charge of getting her out of her dance lessons for the day. The three of them looked to Logan and Jason and gave them a thumbs up, signaling that everything was going to plan. Now it was Logan's turn. He was so nervous, he could feel himself trembling. He looked down at the bouquet in his hands, which was decorated with daisies, lilies, and chrysanthemums among other flowers. He couldn't even begin to understand the individual meanings behind each flower, but his mom assured him that she was an “expert” on flower language and that she knew what she was doing. 

Suddenly, Logan felt hands on his shoulders as he was turned to face Jason. 

“How you doin right now?” he asked, taking his hands off Logan.

Logan looked away, trying not to look too nervous. “I can’t feel my legs, so there’s that”

Jason laughed a little at his comment. “Everything’s in order. All you gotta do is go over there, hand her the flowers, and ask her out! Everything's gonna be fin-”

“Ok, but what if it’s not.” Logan interrupted “W-what if I ask her out and she turns me down and-and then we have 3 classes together where we sit next to each other but we can never speak again and then it's awkward for Shade cause it's not like she isn't at my house ALL THE TIME AND THEN-"

Jason grabbed Logan by the shoulders before he could get himself too worked up. "Listen. Buddy. Everything is going to be fine. We've been preparing this for weeks, everything's gone to plan this far, and honestly, as long as you don't do something crazy like blatantly insult her or something, I'd give you about a 95% chance of walking away with a date."

Logan raised an eyebrow at his friend. “95%? I think you’ve been hanging out with Omilia a little too much.”

Jason laughed a little at Logan’s comment before pulling him in for a hug. Logan clung to his friend, not really wanting to go through with what was planned, but knowing he could never forgive himself if he gave up now.

As Logan finally began to pull away from the hug, Jason once again grabbed him by the shoulders, turned him back towards Maddie, and, before Logan could process what was happening, pushed his friend back into the hallway.