“May I have her L3 ?”

5 years, 6 months ago

With the help of mutual friend Cora, Brian and Morgan reunite after two years of not seeing each other, but their unresolved tension prevents them from being friends.

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Sabotage Bar, 9:00 pm

Cora, dressed in a maroon mini dress two sizes too small and a green bomber jacket for modesty, and Morgan, dressed in a faux fur jacket and pajama pants, walked into a bar. Morgan was a social person, and had just moved back to Evelow, so she was up for a night out, even if wearing pajama pants in public indicates otherwise. Cora, however, had ulterior motives. 

Cora’s friend Brian had mentioned Morgan, that they were crew mates and they were no longer on good terms. And now that Cora’s childhood best friend Morgan has returned, Cora will make it her priority for Morgan and Brian to make amends. Cora loves having friends, but she loves making her friends befriend each other even more. 

Cora thought it’d be a better idea to make their reunion a surprise. All she told Morgan was that she had some friends she wanted her to meet, and there was nothing with Morgan not questioning that. She was just as vague with Brian. 

Brian: Define “friend”

Cora: It’s not jake lol. he’s with his mom.

Brian: I didn’t ask if it was him..

Cora: sureeeeeeee… i’m not trying to set u up w anyone this time lmaooo

When Cora and Morgan made it inside, Brian was already there, sitting in a table alone on his phone. Cora wanted Morgan to find him first, but because Morgan made no attempt to scan the bar, Cora started making some hints.

“My friend said he’s already here, but I can’t seem to find to him. He texted me that he’s in the corner.”

Morgan’s face lit up. “Wait, is that him ????” she pointed at Brian, not caring that pointing is impolite.

“Yeah, that’s Brian. Why do you ask ?” Cora pretended to be oblivious.

“I know him !! Hold on..” Morgan went ahead of Cora and made no hesitation to approach him.

“Heyyyyy, long time no see, huh ?”

Brian looked up and went into a quick state of shock, followed by confusion, then anger. “no….” he got up and walked towards the door. 

“huh ?” Morgan asked herself, and Cora caught up to her. She didn’t say anything, she knew she made a mistake.

“Hello ??” Brian was annoyed. He wanted Morgan to follow him out the door, obviously what he had to say to her wasn’t appropriate for an indoor establishment. Morgan got the cue and left the bar too. Cora knew it wasn’t her business, but neither of them were about to tell her to leave them alone, and she was curious to finally find out why they ended their friendship.

“What the H E L L are you doing here ????” Brian said under his breath but loud enough to be alarming.

“This is my hometown ! I’m back, didn’t know you’d be here though.” Morgan pretended she didn’t know Brian was angry.

"Cora, I cannot beLEIVE you brought us together ! I told you I don’t talk to her anymore ! You know what, Morgan ?? Do me a favor and don’t cross paths with me. Redeem yourself however you want, I just don’t want to hear about it.”

“Whoah Brian, come on ! You never told me why you seem to hate Morgan so much !!” Cora defended herself and Morgan. “You don’t get to tell someone to jump off a cliff without explanation, you know.”

“No no no - first I want to hear Morgan’s take. Morgan, are you just as confused as Cora ??? Surely you mustn’t think of yourself as a saint, right ??”

“Come on, Brian, no one’s perfect…. haha..” This was a conversation Morgan did not want to get into.

“You’re right. But I would argue stealing a friend’s organs isn’t something most people are familiar with,” Brian fake smiled.

“Whaaat the fuuuuck …. ?” Cora needed context.

“That wasn’t my choice !! I didn’t kill Ronnie !!!” Morgan sounded more annoyed than apologetic. She and Brian had already had this discussion before. “W-what’d you think was happening ?? I was a-a-awake on the table picking the parts of her damn spine I needed to walk ??!?”

“Oh my godddd what is the matter with you !?!?” Brian went back to his whisper-yell, grabbing at his hair so that he wouldn’t yell. Brian walked away from the bar, not knowing or caring whether Morgan followed him. He didn’t need to hear any more explanations from her, but he did have a lot more to say to her.

“Ronnie was my friend too, I didn’t have to have a baby with her to prove that.” Morgan unquestionably chased Brian to wherever he was going. Cora knew about Brian’s son Oliver and that Oliver’s mom was dead, but Morgan being involved with her death was news. She followed too.

“No, but she could have used a little god damn mourning, and no one seemed to give her that in the least.”

“I.. was sad.”

“Doubt it ! Seemed like you were too busy defending yourself and your vile boyfriends.” Brian was referring to Morgan’s friends Adam and Seth who were ultimately the ones who decided to save Morgan by giving her Ronnie’s organs.

“You know only one of us could have survived that accident !! You’ll never forgive me because it shouldn’t have been me who was saved.” Morgan was angry that Brian couldn’t have at least been a little thankful that at least one of them were even able to survive. Neither of them wanted it to be a “this or that” situation. Brian was quiet, because he couldn’t blame Morgan for not being totally sacrificial over the accident. No one in their crew was like that, they were all in it for themselves and it took a tragic death for Brian to realize how messed up their motives were.

“I’ll blame myself then. Blame myself for joining a crew and breaking their rule of not giving a shit about others. No one had let me sulk, so don’t get upset that I’m sulking about it now.” Brian turned his back again and started walking again. “Do not follow me.” he genuinely wanted to be left alone and Morgan understood that. She wiped her face, upset that she wasn’t able to make amends. She had only hoped they’ll meet again, on better terms.

Cora poked her head around so that she’d meet Morgan’s contact, pretend to not notice her tears. “Soo…. what the shit’s was that ?”