How To Kill A Necromancer

5 years, 5 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

Jase wakes up with a knife in his forehead and the soul of a Necromancer sharing his body.

(Started 2018)

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Chapter 4

“Ugh… Why are you so cheery?”

“Why shouldn’t I be? We’ve been on a nice brisk hike all morning, and you haven’t bothered me this entire time.” Jase said.

“But you’re exhausted. You woke up a dead man, lost all your friends, and you haven't eaten all day…”

“Maybe so. But all the same, there’s new people to meet, and you to get rid of. If being cheery is what keeps you from wearing me down so you can take over, then I’ll be the cheeriest fellow you’ve ever met.”

“You’re in denial. That's what you are. ”

Jase didn't want to consider that possibility. He stopped and set his pack down, “If being hungry is bothering you that much, i suppose i could take a break.” He pulled out a small loaf of bread and took a bite. “I’m surprised you waited till now to complain about it.”

“I am not complaining. I'm pointing out how you feel. Not like there's much else for me to focus on when you’re the one who gets to walk us around. How much longer till we’re there?”

“It’s up there. I noticed it through the trees a couple times.”

The path wrapped around the edge of the mountain foot again and Jase looked up.

“See? Right there.” he said, indicating a large stone tower sticking out of the trees.

As he walked, Jase saw a couple gryphons take off from the tower. One of them circled around and landed on the road. Jase coughed as the dusty road was disturbed by the gryphon's large wings.

The gryphon turned to block the path, revealing a woman in a green leather uniform seated on its back.

“Sorry about that. Hold a moment, please.”

Jase tried not to stare as the rider swung her leg over to dismount. A pair of wings stretched out behind her. For a moment Jase thought the gryphon was about to take off again, until he realized that the wings were moving with the woman.

“This road goes to the Skyguard’s guild tower. Do you have business there?” she asked firmly.

“Wings and a sword. What the fuck is she?” Zendron warned, drawing Jase’s attention to the short sword that was hanging from the back of her belt. “I thought you said the Skyguard were alchemists.”

Despite her polite introduction, Jase began to wonder if should have listened better to the rumors actually said about the guild’s members. He cleared his throat. “Unofficial business, I suppose. I don't actually know who I would make the request to.” Jase explained. “I was hoping to see if there was some way to get over the mountain on one of your gryphons. It's rather important that I make the trip as soon as possible.”

The woman seemed to try and stifle a laugh, “We don't just lend out gryphons. Did you walk all the way up here just to ask?”

“Well… yes?” Jase couldn't hide his disappointment.

“Wow. You really know how to waste our time. Next time, I'll come up with the plan.”

Jase wasn’t about to leave without explaining himself to the rider. “I’m a professor at the Academy. This trip is very important to my research. Is it possible that the SkyGuard might make an exception if I submitted a formal request from the Academy?”

This seemed to catch her interest. Jase watched the woman’s wings flutter behind her. “The Academy of Alchemy?” she asked.

“Yes, that’s the one. I am Professor Jase Jevaun,” Jase expected the title would give him some credibility. “I heard that the SkyGuard were alchemists as well.”

The SkyGuard is full of alchemists, if you couldn’t tell.” She shrugged her shoulders, letting her wings move naturally with them. “If it's for an institution like the Academy of Alchemy, it could be possible.”

“Thank you!” Jase said, relieved. “I’ll come back then.” He ignored Zendron’s unhappy groan.

“Oh! You don't have to head back right away, you’re almost to the tower anyways. You know the Guild opens its library to permitted guests, right?”

“It does?” Jase was surprised. He hadn't heard anything about the SkyGuard even having a library. He imagined a large stone hall of books. “I don't suppose… I would be considered a permitted guest?” he asked hopefully.

“You are if I say you are.” she smirked, nodding up the road. She started to walk beside Jase, trailing her gryphon behind them. “Sorry about the questions. We don't get many visitors up to the SkyGuard.”

“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about the Skyguard, but people aren't too pleased with the Academy teaching alchemy to their children either.” Jase chuckled. “I’m sorry, I didn't even ask your name.”


“I really appreciate this, Leopold.” Jase tried not to stare as he studied her out of the corner of his eye. Her wings were covered with long brown feathers ending in orange tips. Under her short cut hair, two soft rabbit ears lay on her shoulders. “So you’re an alchemist too then?”

“You couldn’t tell?” she laughed and spun around, indicating her wings and ears. “I’m within a subsection of the guild that calls ourselves ‘chimeras’. If you’re heard anything about the SkyGuard, it's probably our fault.” she said proudly. “I’m just fascinated with the stories and myths surrounding the creatures.”

“She’s not any more magic than you are.” Zendron said, audibly disappointed.

“Could you tell me what you’re researching?”

“I’ve been researching creating an Elixir of Life at the academy.”

“Really? The one that makes you live forever?”

“Oh, Is that what it was supposed to do?” Zendron asked sarcastically.

“Well, yes. But it does more than that. I personally try to focus more on the regenerative part of the elixir.”

“Is that what you’re going over the mountains for? The SkyGuard’s library is pretty extensive, I could give you a start on where to look!”

The trail turned a corner and there stood the tower. At the base of it was a stable, and Leopold handed off her gryphon to an attendant. She opened the door for jase and followed in after him.

The hall had tall ceilings supported by arches, from which hung massive tapestries. Other guild members walked around, talking in groups or reading, or practicing spells. Most were ordinary humans, but some of them had additional tails or animal ears like Leopold’s. A few of them flew through the upper spaces of the hall.

“Woah… the architecture here is astounding” Jase said as he looked around in awe.

“Kindof makes you want to join a guild, doesn’t it?”

“Not really.”

“Library is this way.” Leopold led them down the hall. Occasionally she would stop to say hi to other guild members along the way. Jase followed, politely nodding and smiling.

“Ugh, don't stay here too long.”

“Why not?”

“huh? Did you say something?” Leopold asked.

“No, nothing.” Jase said, smiling reassuringly.

Leopold pushed a large door open, “this is the library.”

Jase nodded respectably, “Impressive.”

“You can always fill out a form if you want to check out a book, just be careful because they will send the gryphons after you if you don't return it.” Leopold joked, “Follow me!”

They went down the shelves of the library and Leopold waved at a few shelves.

“This entire section is on alchemy.”

“This is quite expansive.” Jase noted. He pointed towards a book he recognized a few shelves up, “the university only has the first volume of this set.’ He spotted another and took that one down too, “oh, and i have this one in my personal collection!” he said, “Does the SkyGuard ever publish books of their own findings and research?”

“Absolutely! let me show you!”Leopold added. She brought him over to a large tome on a stand, “This is one that all the skyguard is obsessed with right now. They’ve got a ton of copies, but this is the original. It has everything about essences, splicing, and how to safely use it on yourself. You know, incase you ever wanted to try” She adjusted one of her ears over her shoulder.

“Wow, i can’t believe we found someone nerdier than you, Jase.”

“Thank you so much for showing me this, Leopold.”

“Can't you just spend hours reading it all?” Leopold said happily. “Honestly I wish we could get more guests like you.”

“But you’re not going to stay to read. Remember? We came here for a reason?”

Jase just nodded.

“Hello!?? Jase?!”

“Well, I suppose I could take a break and read some before I head back.”

“Uh NO you won’t!”

“By the way, there's no food allowed in the library, but I won’t tell anyone if I catch you staying for lunch.” Leopold winked.

A bell chimed through the halls and Leopold and a few other skyguard looked up, and started packing up.

“Oh dear, I have a roll call I need to get to. Take your time reading, there’s no rush. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

“It was nice meeting you, Leopold.” Jase said.

“Nice to meet you too!” Leopold said as she hastily left the library.

Jase looked over and took another book down from the shelf.


“What's wrong with a bit of reading?”

“What am I supposed to do while you’re reading? Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to not be able to move inside your body? Being buried alive would be less boring.”

 “Our lead hit a dead end. Unless you want to walk home now, then we’ll need to find something else to do instead while I rest my feet for a moment.” Jase said quietly. He sat down in one of the seats available, “Besides, where else am I going to be able to read in peace without you taking over? There’s enough people around that it’s going to be my turn for a while.” he said as he placed a couple books in front of him and reclined in the chair.