How To Kill A Necromancer

5 years, 5 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
20 35650

Chapter 5
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

Jase wakes up with a knife in his forehead and the soul of a Necromancer sharing his body.

(Started 2018)

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Chapter 5

Jase turned the page of one of the three books in front of him. He liked to read multiple books at a time, and had gotten good at keeping track of them in his head. Zendron on the other hand had gotten annoyed that Jase took too long to turn the page for one book, but had been too fast for zendron to finish reading the page in another book before Jase had flipped that one.

Eventually Zendron’s complaints resigned to the occasional irritated huff, and then silence. Jase assumed that meant that Zendron had decided to stick to only one book, or not read any at all. Either way, Jase was enjoying the final peace and quiet.

Finally, he shook himself out of the intense concentration of reading and stretched. As a member of the Skyguard left the library, jase caught a glimpse of the late afternoon sky through the door.

“Oh dear! Is that how late it is? It’s almost evening.”

Jase set the books back and stepped out into the hall. It was rather empty this late in the day, and the bustle of guild members had diminished to a few here and there.

“Which was the way out again?”

“Left. Maybe.” Zendron said unhelpfully.

“Oh you know that for certain, do you?” Jase said as he continued on.

“Oh! Professor!” Jase turned around to see Leopold hustling down the hallway. “I just got done with some chores, and I was on my way to check the library to see if you were still here. I asked, and it is possible to get you transported over on gryphon. Of course, a trainer would have to accompany you.”

“At least this wasn't a total waste. Almost makes reading about the life extending properties of dandelions worth it. Almost.”

“That’s great! Thank you for checking for me.”

“But the bad news is no one will be available to take you until tomorrow.”

“Ugh. So now we have to walk all the way back and do this again?”

Jase ignored Zendron, “I suppose I'd have to come back tomorrow then?”

“Yes, sorry it couldn't be sooner, but it's already late in the day.” Leopold said, “But I could try and set you up with one of the spare bedrooms if you’re willing to stay the night, it’s the least I could do for taking so long.”

“You really didn't have to go through all that trouble. If it’s possible that does sound nice. it’s rather late, and I’d have a long walk back to town otherwise.” Jase wasn't feeling eager to get back to the mess in his house either.

“Finally someone says something intelligent”

“Okay, come on,” Leopold waved, “I'll show you where the commons are and tell them the situation.” Leopold led them down the halls again. The smell of cooking wafted down the halls and it seemed like most of the SkyGuard were at mealtime.

“I hope we aren’t making you miss anything.”

“Not at all!  Oh- ‘we’? Were you planning on having anyone else join you?”

“No. Just me.” Jase said quickly.

“Alright then. That's good, because I only asked about one gryphon.” They entered an open hall with three floors and lots of small doors, and Leopold waved them to one “This one is empty. Go ahead and stay here for the night.”

“Is the skyguard always this welcoming towards guests?” Jase asked gratefully.

“Of course! We just don't get very many anyways… You know, because of all the magic. We only get guests that want to be here, like you! So I guess- why not be welcoming?”


“I suppose that makes sense.”

“Jase, ask her when and why the Skyguard were created.”

Leopold turned to go.

“Oh, wait, Leopold. I'm curious- when was the Skyguard created? It was a while ago, wasn't it?”

“The first skyguard guild was established a few years after the end of the Kings’ War… somewhat fifty-five or sixty years ago? This branch here wasn't finished being built until last year, but you knew that already.“

“Only a few years after the Kings’ war?” Jase was surprised. “But, the Lords wouldn't have been allowing magic back then, would they?”

“No…At first the skyguard worked as messengers or guards to Lords and Knights while they’re traveling. At its heart, the Skyguard is a militia founded to maintain order after all that chaos. We say our goal is to keep peace in both the skies and on land. Once the regulations on alchemy were lifted the guild was allowed to begin researching it, but that was only after a couple decades, I think.“

“I’ve been studying alchemy for a while, so that seems correct.” Jase nodded. “Hm. well… I think that’s all I had to ask. Thank you, Leopold.”

“No problem. Have a good night!”

“Goodnight.” He closed the door and set his bag on the bed. “So, why did you want to know when the skyguard was made? I got the impression you weren’t interested in anything here.”

“So the kings’ war ended already… sixty years ago.”

“Yeah? Fifty-seven if I remember correctly. It's hard to say the exact date the war ended.” Jase sat down and began to take off his shoes while he talked, “I could have told you that if you had asked.”

“That means I’ve been dead for over fifty years.”

Jase stopped, “Really? You were there when it began?”

Zendron took control of Jase again.

“Is now really the time for this?” Jase sighed.

Zendron kicked the shoes off and fell back onto the bed. ”I can't believe this…” He said irritably. He sat up and rifled through Jase’s pack, pulling out the rest of the food to eat. “mrph - So… That makes my body what? A skeleton at most.” He said with his mouth full.

“Does that still work for you?”

“Oh, yeah of course it still works. Just disappointing to say the least. But I suppose that will be easier in the end. I can't expect myself to revive a whole body while I'm trapped inside you. A skeleton would be much more manageable.”

“That’s rather morbid, putting it that way”

Zendron shoved the rest of the food in his mouth. He mumbled something.

“What was that?”

“I said: I'm tired.” He layed back and closed his eyes.

“Oh. Alright. Goodnight Zendron.”

Jase found it strange, lying there conscious but unable to move while Zendron was in charge. Zendron lay on his back for a few hours, not moving but still clearly awake.

“What's the problem? You said you were tired but we haven't fallen asleep yet”

Zendron groaned and rolled over, “Something keeps bothering me.”

“What is it?”

“You.” Zendron quipped, “No- it's that everyone keeps calling alchemists ‘magic users’, but you’re not.”

“Well, in a way we are.”

“You’re just blending magic from nature into potions. You don't have any magic inside you to use.”

“Maybe not. But after the Kings’ War, no one uses magic like that anymore.”

Zendron seemed thoughtful. Jase didn't say anything, waiting for him to come to his own conclusion.

“Something else that bothers me is that someone already tried to kill you. They're bound to come after you again.”

“Do you mean the robbers? I’m sure they already took what they wanted.”

“No robber would break into a house knowing the owner is awake if the only thing they wanted is easy money. Someone must want you dead. I mean, I want you dead. Later, of course.” Zendron said, “But anyone else? There's no one you can think of? You didn't seem too liked by the other teachers.”

“Well… I guess not. But that hardly seems worth killing me over.”

“Enough motive for me.” Zendron mumbled. He climbed out of bed, “It didn't work. So they’re likely to try again.”

“Well, that’s not comforting.” Jase said, “Perhaps someone did target me because they knew of my work, they’ve already stolen my bag that had the potions inside it. There would be no reason to come back and kill me a second time.”

“Good, because I can't afford to lose another fifty years in the afterlife waiting to come back again.” He left the room and started walking down the hall.

“Where are you going?”

“You had me stuck sitting all day in a library, I’m going to walk around until I’m ready to sleep.” Zendron stopped and ducked into a shadow. A skyguard was standing next to the window. She turned and they saw it was Leopold.

“What's she doing out here?!” Zendron hissed.

“She’s already seen us, so don't avoid her!”


“ If she sees you walking away she will be suspicious. You’re going to have to pretend to be me.”

Zendron paused, but then stepped out and kept walking.

“Oh hi, Jase, I thought that was you. What are you doing up?”

Zendron turned his head, pretending to look out the window so she couldn't see his eyes. “I couldn’t sleep. Why are you up?”

“They woke me up because there was a bit of trouble with some of the gryphons. And now i can’t sleep either. Are you okay? Your hair is… different.”

“Right, that's…”

“Tell her it's an alchemical side effect of a potion”

“- from a potion.”

“Oh. Doing some late night practice too? White isn't too bad of a color, but I prefer purple myself.” She smiled. “If you’re going to stay up, do you want some tea?”

“No. I am just gonna walk around a bit more.” Zendron said, turning to go.

“Good thinking.”

“I’ll walk with you.” Leopold offered.

“Oh dear”

“No, I'm fine. I… needed to find a restroom.”

“Really? That's your excuse?”

“Oh, you have a better one?” Zendron hissed.

“What?” Leopold asked.

“I said I don't want to talk right now.” Zendron turned around and glared at her. “Can you just leave me alone already?”

Leopold grabbed Zendron and pinned him down onto the floor under her knee with trained precision, glaring back. “You're not Jase. Who are you and why are you pretending to be him?“ she demanded.

“Well, that was a disaster.”

“Don't avoid her’ that was your idea, dumbass…” Zendron muttered under his breath. “Ugh, fine. I’m not pretending to be Jase, I am him. It's a long story, okay?” He looked at Leopold pointedly.

Leopold pressed down, applying more pressure to his chest, “Who are you?” she repeated.

Zendron grimaced as it got hard to breathe, “Fine! My name is Zendron Vrax. This is Jase’s body and you’re going to break his ribs.”

“Keep talking.” Leopold said as she let her weight off slightly.

Zendron sighed impatiently, “He's listening to us, we just have an... arrangement here. We’re going across the mountains so I can find my body and get out of his.”

“Prove it. I want to talk to Jase.”

“Oh, come on!” Zendron groaned, “No! I've been waiting all day to get a chance to walk around and do what I want. I'm not switching now.”

Leopold pressed down harder with her knee.

“it won't be for long.”

“Fine.” Zendron closed eyes and took a deep breath.

Jase realized that Zendron was willingly letting Jase take control this time by relaxing his own will. Leopold watched as Jase’s hair faded to brown. Jase opened his blue eyes and gave Leopold an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry about that. It was my suggestion that Zendron pretend to be me. But I couldn't have explained it to you sooner. You would think I was crazy.”

“Well. Yeah.” Leopold nodded, “Now that I’ve seen it though, I believe you.” She stepped off of Jase and helped him to his feet. “Sorry about that.”

“No, I understand completely.”

“He’s kind of an ass, isn't he?”

“Uh, he can still hear you.”


“Tell her she can suck it”

Jase shook his head, “No, I’m not saying that.”

Leopold smirked, appearing to have relaxed, “okay, well that explains the talking to yourself. The hair, the eyes… You’re alright then?”

“Yes. I’m sorry for lying to you before. What Zendron said was true, that's the real reason why we are trying to get over the East mountains.”

“Okay. I’ll have a gryphon ready by tomorrow morning for you.” Leopold promised.

“Really? You’re still going to help us?”

“Only as long as I'm coming with you.”

“No!”  Zendron protested loudly, “I can't believe this. Anyone but her!”

“See you tomorrow Jase” Leopold said, patting him on the shoulder as she walked by.  

“Can I just walk around now?”