Guide to the Offsprings

2 years, 1 month ago
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The Offsprings and their associates are the main reoccurring characters in the Post-Panic Universe. If you like the Offsprings and want to know more about them as a group, this document is for you.

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The Offsprings and their associates are the main reoccurring characters in the Post-Panic Universe. While divorced from the Goddity System, the classification system that manages the power of the vast array gods of mythologies, the Offsprings have a well-developed system of their own that is balanced between their eight members. 

Balancing the Offsprings

The Offsprings are split into four pairs. Each pair represents an opposite and complementary position or element, and physically resembles one of the three Aspects – Panic, the “rabbit”; Sierra, the coyote; Havoc, the wolf and the Equalizing Point, who chose Frantic, the fox, as its mortal representative. Their powers, elements and domains are all balanced against each other. Each Offspring has an/a: 

  • Maintaining: A constant of reality that the Offspring watches over
  • Embodiment: An elemental power that the Offspring wields and represents
  • Alignment: A place in a typical D&D morality alignment chart
  • Dialectic: Either Synthesis (an exaggeration of their originating Aspect) or Antithesis (a reversal of their originating Aspect)
  • Kingdom: A pocket dimension, their sanctuary and dominion
  • Minion: Or elemental being, who inhabits the Kingdom
  • Weapon: Some fight with their fists, but many have weapons
  • Symbol: A sigil associated with each Offspring and with their Element

Newark and Ohare

The first of the Offsprings, Newark and Ohare act as the de facto leaders of the group, with Newark often making the first move and getting the final say. They maintain the duality of Normality/Abnormality and embody the elements of Void and Energy respectively. Newark’s Kingdom, the Land of Void, is an ordinary suburban neighborhood under a starless, inky-black night sky, inhabited by Kelvins. Ohare’s Kingdom, the City of Energy, is a sprawling metropolis full of noise, light and movement, inhabited by Plasmas. While they are usually in agreement, when these two disagree, expect sparks to fly. 

Cynthia and Oren

The second pair of the Offsprings, Cynthia and Oren interact with other gods and mortals with the most frequency, and are often known by their epithets – Cynthia the Empress-Queen and Oren the Boy Premier. The maintain the duality of Conflict and Chaos/Resolution and Peace and embody the elements of Earth and Sky respectively. Cynthia’s Kingdom, the Underworld, encircles the netherworlds of human imagination. Oren’s Kingdom, the Sky Union, protects the atmosphere between the planet and the Heavens of human design. These two never agree, but they rarely fight – rather, they send their minions, the Demons and the Knights, to do battle for them. 

Louisa and Joseph

The third pair of the Offsprings, and the least effective individually. They maintain the duality of Rifts/Bonds and embody the elements of Cold and Heat respectively. Due to the contradiction between their Maintaining and Embodiment, both Louisa and Joseph struggle at their godly goals and often end up furthering their opposite’s Maintaining. However, they struggle equally, so that their wins and losses balance out and thus balance the universe. Rarely on speaking terms, these Offsprings are the only pair to have a middle Kingdom between them – the Mild Sea, which stands between the Warm Sea, Joseph’s tropical ocean inhabited by Magmas, and the Cold Sea, Louisa’s polar expanse inhabited by Frosts. 

Isaac and Johannah

The fourth and final pair of the Offsprings, Isaac and Johannnah were originally raised by a mythical being as siblings before their claimed their full godhood. They are the friendliest pair, often exchanging gifts or visiting one another in their respective Kingdoms. They maintain the duality of Complexity/Simplicity and embody the elements of Synthetic and Natural respectively. Isaac’s Kingdom, the Artificial Cliff, is a Classical-inspired city filled with robots on a steep rise, overlooking the sea and made entirely of synthetic materials. Johannah’s kingdom, the Walking Forest, is situated on the back of a titanic turtle, teeming with plant life, animals and magnificent old trees.