a toast, then, to mayhem and worse;

GoId MisMantis
2 years, 5 days ago
2 years, 5 days ago
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Chapter 10
Published 2 years, 5 days ago

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While he hadn’t intended to nearly kill Lasair with laughter, he was very proud in the way anyone would be proud after telling a good joke. Very rewarding.

“Realistic, too. He tried auditing me, I’m sure.” Aleister sighed, almost a little defeated. “I have no doubt he’d expect that to bite him in the ass one day. It’d be funny if he tried to kill me, I think.” His voice was earnest, as if the thought didn’t concern him at all. The man was highly volatile and had swords just fort of vibing in his neck, but sure, test him into killing.

As Lasair became serious, Aleister turned towards her, bending down the slightest bit to shorten some of his own height. “Become in truth?” He parroted, a tilt of his mask. “As in,” a general motion towards the top of his head and his toes, “full body? That’s dedication, Lasair. I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy.” The man laughed, stretching out again. “If your intention is to walk around like me beyond this little joke, I’d rather warn you it’s a bad disguise. I’ve been attacked by witchfinders twice in a short time span, I expect they’ll keep coming.” He pronounced loudly in a store, obviously uncaring about who heard. “I don’t mind. We can write it down. I’ll forget it anyway and greet you like my brother.”

Disguising like him was a hazardous adventure. But also, a very easy one, given his poor memory no one ever expected him to remember anything.

A shimmering fabric that seemed to shift from dark blue to green caught his attention, pondering how he could do something similar to his future mask. It needed to look like his old one, perhaps even be a copy, and yet.

“Mh. Likely the less I tell you the more accurate you could act like me.” The man hadn’t caught onto Lasairs little pause, nor had he noticed he’d dropped his own age randomly again. “I come from Siregal, originally. I live in an old mansion outside of Faline, though Divos likely believes I am homeless, and spend my time with a different whore each night just for a roof.” Phew, facts were hard. “Oh, I have four familiars. You can borrow one for sure, they all look the same.” Just like the two fabrics he’d been comparing for the last two minutes.

He would follow Lasairs lead whenever she was done, musing on what other fun facts might be good for her to know if she was going to try her hand at impersonating him. “Oh, I have pink eyes I’ve been told. But perhaps it’s easier if you ask me what you need to know. I don’t have secrets.” Nor much of anything else with his memory.