Of Drink A-Dreaming; Inazuma style

2 years, 2 months ago

Mild Sexual Content

The Cherry Blossom festival has fallen upon Inazuma, signalling the start of spring. This brings with it the festivities of many, and Fen describes to spend it, as one should, with a drink, surrounded by the friends she's made on her journey.


Aka a fic for Genshin Impact Oc Emporium 's March challenge! This months prompt is "something to drink", with the challenge being "draw or write about your gensh oc enjoying their favourite beverage".

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Author's Notes

Woo! Finally finished my entry! Took- longer than it should have. It still ~technically~ falls within the prompt but lets be real- it got gay real fast and I have no shame about it either.

Enjoy! Yeah- its just gay af adults w alcohol and cherry blossoms - yawelcome!

Fen- wasn't a big drinker. It was often a surprise to the many people she met. Her outgoing, mischievous personality brings people to believe that she'd be one to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. And wellz she didn't hate them, and she was a social drinker on occasion, she really didn't enjoy alcohol all that much.

It's not so much the alcohol factor, and more so the taste. She will try just about anything (which has proven to be a safety hazard in the past, apparently), but strong alcoholic tastes are something she's not keen on. Although, if it's a drink that hides the alcohol taste (usually something vodka based) she'll happily drink it.

Having been born and raised in Inazuma, however, she is also prone to favouring light tasting drinks. Sake, being the most common alcoholic beverage in the Nation, means that she's more inclined to drink when it's on offer.

It still isn't common, however, to find her drinking. Its not that she's a lightweight- nor does she care for such labels (she finds them stupid, really). She can drink an average amount of usual alcohol before it begins to affect her obviously. She just- doesn't have any particular craving, or even thought, about drinking.

Although, as mentioned, she will drink socially on the occasion. And well- tonight proved to be one of those occasions…


Tonight was the night of the hanami fesitival, also know as the Cherry Blossom Festival, and it welcomes the first day of spring. Sakura flowers and petals were not an unusual sight in Inzauma, but with the end of the Visiom hunt decree over a year ago, it also signalled a soon to be significant change in the weather.

The people of Inazuma had gotten used tk the constant storms thay plauged the land during the Decree, and now it had been abolished over a year ago, and the Shogun had calmed, the change in seasons was now more apparent. It meant that this particular year, the celebrations were more apparent than usual.

Fen had grown up in this nation, an Inazuman at heart and holding the Vision of her goddess. So, she had seen these particular festivities many times before. But never had she seen them to quite this extreme. Not that she minded- she could be incredibly social when she wanted, and well- the atmosphere was absolutely wonderful really, and she was absolutely enjoying herself.

She was currently sat on a bench under one of the many large natural groves of sakura at the base of Mt. Yougou. The area had been cleared of monsters by the Shogunate (and Fen, who'd managed to annoy Sara enough to let her join) and so the area was currently safe for those with or without a Vision. Although, it appeared more Vison holders gathered around the area tonight than not.

She was sat on a bench, a porcelain tokkuri flask grasped in her hands. She was currently joined by a rather begrudging Sara (who'd been ordered by the Shogun, or who Fen assumed to be the Shogun) to take the night off work, Thoma, her lady Kamisato Ayaka, said woman's "friend" (Fen was a huge lesbian, her gaydar was excellent, and she could tell that Yoimiya was more than simply Lady Kamisato's "friend"), Kamisato Ayato and Arataki Itto (who keep annoying Thoma, and its absolutely hilarious to Fen), Gorou (who was trying to not laugh at Thoma getting embarrassed), and, surprisingly enough, her Lady Sangonomiya, who was joined by Gorou as mentioned, her other General by the name of Mitsue Katsumi (she'd met her briefly, but the General had excellent stories to tell).

Said Sangonomiya was currently sitting by Sara, who was looking rather flustered as the other woman teases her about something or other (yeah, Fen isn't even gonna ask. As far as she's aware, the two of them are also involved with the Guuji Yae, but wasn't the Guuji rumored to be involved with the Shogun? No judgement, Fen's about as Monogamous as a rock, but even she can't wrap her head around that).

As well as other, non Vision bearing citizens that joined them, they were also welcomed by the crew of the Crux fleet, specifically the Alcor. The Captain, Beidou, was currently sitting on Fen's other side. The young Inzauman man, by the name of Kazuha, was currently talking with Itto and Gorou, while Ayato was again annoying Thoma with bursts of snowflakes.

The Sea Captain sat next to fen, who had her own flask in her hand (with decidedly stronger alcohol than what Fen was currently consuming, or so the woman guesses by the way Beidou was beginning to giggle so early on) wraps an arm around Fen's waist, and the Inazuman raises an eyebrow in her direction as Beidou offers her her flask. Fen rolls her eyes, albeit fondly, and shakes her head, holding up her own.

"Thanks, but I'm good. I prefer to not have a hangover in the morning", she replies, causing Captain Beidou to giggle. It seems that, as well as being rather bold and unruly as drunk, and incredibly truthful, Beidou was also reduced to a giggling mess under the right circumstances. Yes, well, Fen was glad she never became such a mess, she's sure she'd never hear the end of it from the Captain, or Sara for that matter.

"you're no fun" The Captain complains in reply, downing more of whatever she had in her own flask. Fen scoffs in mock hurt, grinning all the while, and taking a swig of her own drink. The sake, especially this time of year, was very light, subtle, and really enjoyable if she were to say so herself.

"Yes, absolutely no fun whatsoever, such a bore". She draws this out while smirking at Beidou, winking at her both playfully and knowingly. The Captain, in turn, smirks at her, before yelling something provocative at Kokomi and Sara, who had taken a seat on a bench, fingers locked together, Kokomi practically sat on top of the General. Sara squeaks, although Kokomi does not seem at all phased, and simply grins at the two, before pulling Sara into a kiss.

Fen and Beidou burst out laughing. Yes, that didn't really seem all that out of character for Kokomi, from what she'd gotten to know of the woman; alcohol or not she could be rather…. ballsy. Beidou draws her in closer, and Fen raises an eyebrow.

"Are you not supposed to be good for the Tianquan?" The Quest was half assed, not able to think straight- not because of the alcohol, but because of the pretty woman who had an arm around her waist (ahem, gay panic, not an appropriate time-). Beidou just smirks at the question, and rolls her eye, grinning at the woman she had an arm wrapped around.

"You know exactly how I and Ning feel 'bout this", she replies, causing Fen to chuckle herself. Yesz she indeed was aware of the Captain and the Tianquan's- not exactly open but not exactly closed relationship. It was strange, it was not a closed relationship, but not so open as they simply slept with anyone. It seemed they kept their interactions of this kind- whatever this kind was- to people they were familiar with.

Fen was only familiar with the pair because her own previous escape from Inazuma during the Vision Hunt Decree had led her to Liyue.

Fen herself had fallen in love before. Whether or not she could say that's exactly what this was- she didn't know. Maybe the alcohol was starting to get to her head- because this was far too much overthinking for such an occasion. She huffs at herself, causing Beidou, and Gorou, who had taken a seat to her other side, to raise an eyebrow at her. She shakes it off with a shrug.

Yeah, this is why she only drank so often. Regardless of if she was the one drinking or not, things like this were far too complicated to wrap her head around in such company. And really, need she worry about such things in said company, at such an excellent time of year?

Again, overthinking, she scolds herself, but she can only laugh as she watches Itto throw Gorou over his shoulder, grin as she watches Ayaka and Yoimiya move slightly closer together from where they both sit, roll her eyes as Thoma finally gets Ayato back with a wave of flame, and smile herself when she sees Sara smile gently while listening to Kokomi talk.

Maybe drinking a little during such times wasn't so bad. Everyone was having a wonderful time, and secretly, it was heartwarming to see. She'd never want this moment to end, really.

Maybe she should go social drinking more often.