Writing Prompt - Danger, Will Nabison

2 years, 2 months ago

Prompt: Rank your characters based on how dangerous they are. The higher the rank, the more dangerous they are.

I don’t own several of the characters in this anymore, the ones in the listed cast are only ones I still own!

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Rank 1 = Joe

Poor, poor Joe. Tries so hard and yet gets nowhere. He’s a nuisance but really can’t become much of a threat to anyone. He mostly just works as a petty thief and gossip collector.

Rank 2 = Taia

Taia could be very dangerous if she wanted to. But she doesn’t. She is a complete pacifist and will simply vibe out of this dimension if she’s attacked. Best to not even try.

Rank 3 = Crey

Crey used to be much weaker but, thanks to Nari’s magic transfer, he now has a decent amount of power. It’s not much since it was just leftover magic stolen from Paradise but hey it’s something.

Rank 4 = Taim

Taim is only dangerous in the way of his influence and ideas. If he could speak to more than just Astonish he’d be much more dangerous. As it is now though he’s very limited to what he can do. Being a spirit is tricky.

Rank 5 = Astonish

Despite being the main hero Astonish really isn’t that dangerous. It’s the friends and allies he makes along his way that are the real danger. The boy may not have a large group…but he has a powerful group.

Rank 6 = Harrow

Harrow is mostly just a lackey for his father, Grinn. If he wasn’t constantly struggling with his personal life he’d probably be more of a threat. He’s just too distracted and conflicted to be at his full danger potential. Then again, he’s not sure he really wants to be.

Rank 7 = Frielle

She may be pregnant but that won’t stop her from scalding you with water or making your limbs fall off from frostbite. Her magic is dangerous and she knows how to use it. Don’t get on her bad side and definitely don’t even dare try to hurt her baby or her husband. Death sentence for you if you do.

Rank 8 = Grinn

While far from being powerful or strong himself, Grinn has many connections. Powerful connections. And even more powerful influence. Even Nari and her soldiers fear him. He is the reason for the uprising of the Rebellion.

Rank 9 = Bio

Mysterious and elusive, Bio’s power isn’t seen all that much. He tends to do his own thing, pursuing his own mission without bothering with anyone around him. However, anyone who tries to stop him gets quickly dealt with by skill alone. No one has even seen his magic yet and he’s still feared enough to be left alone by most.

Rank 10 = Thorne

Poor Thorne doesn’t want to be dangerous…unfortunately for him, he’s a walking time bomb. All his magic energy just keeps building and building until it explodes in a dangerous blast around him. It’s destructive and even fatal if you’re too close. Then, after all that energy is released, it starts building all over again. That’s why Nari keeps him unconscious and locked away. His energy buildup is much slower when he’s unconscious, thankfully. But if that containment is ever broken, well…

Rank 11 = Dominic

The little jerk is powerful, mean, and very dangerous. It’s a good thing he only has a short list of targets and otherwise ignores everyone. He may even help some people if he likes them enough. Too bad he’s just too unreliable to approach for help. Unless you’re okay with possibly having everything blow up in the process. (Most people aren’t)

Rank 12 = Nari

The magic geneticist herself. She is the reason for so many dangerous things that happen. Paradise, Thorne, the Rebellion. Even worse, she works closely with Grinn. With his money and her brain they can accomplish so much. They’re a force to be reckoned with.

Rank 13 = Miyuji

If Miyuji has someone to empower she’s the strongest of them all. But on her own she’s not nearly as dangerous. She’s certainly nothing to underestimate, though. She has trained hard to be strong, quick, precise. She’ll need every bit of strength she can muster if she wants to succeed in her mission. Good thing she’s got friends to help her with that.

Rank 14 = Valor

This probably isn’t a surprise. Valor is an experienced Aurusalkar warrior with immensely powerful magic. Not just anyone can make lava burst forth from the ground and ignite volcanos. However, his body is a major weakness for him. For all his magic prowess his physical strength is quite lacking. Add that to his preexisting joint problems and he’s got quite a problem. He works hard to cover this weakness by training his body and magic every day. Valor isn’t an easy foe to defeat by any means but he’s not invincible.

Rank 15 = Paradise

The magic eater turned crazed beast. He went from being very dangerous to downright deadly when the jungle corrupted him. Now he’s gone mad, running all over, eating any magic he can find and growing ever bigger and stronger. Every force sent to stop him have been quickly defeated and their magic consumed. His presence is even causing the war between the Court and the Rebellion to falter. It seems as if he has no limit to the amount of magic he can absorb and both sides are becoming afraid he could eat all the magic in the world. Then again, not everything is as it seems. No one is truly unstoppable…right?

And hey, maybe the magic-less nabis want him to take all the magic. Make the playing field more even. Maybe the world is better off without magic. Just maybe…