The boys

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
4 4307

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

A collection of stories about Goober, Ollie and Marc. Occasionally it will also include their other friends and 'vees that they know.

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Naps together

It’s dark in the room, the curtains drawn and there’s a clear form laying in one of the baskets set in the middle of the room. The form is mostly asleep, but not quite. A deep sigh escapes, as his nose rumples up with annoyance. The tug on his back leg gets stronger, and he tries to bat it off with his tail, but it’s just as persistent, if not more so after getting the gentle tail thump to the face. He tries to burry his head into the bed, anything just to get them to go away, it says something, but he can’t tell as it’s muffled by the fur in his mouth, his fur from the bite he has over his leg.
He keeps his head there, buried for a couple more minutes, but the tugging continues, before then stopping for a second. His tail wags slightly, just avoiding the figure that is still there, lurking. He’s about to let out a sigh of relief, before the tug then comes back, alongside a small mouth of pin needle like teeth in his skin.
“Ouch!” he lets out a yelp, leaping to his feet. The mouth leaves his skin just before he gets up, and he whirls around to glare at the small figure that was bothering him, who just looks as innocent as pie. His eyes narrow at the happy little, blob like friend, that is looking up at him expectantly, tail waggling slightly, head keeps tilting from side to side as he watches him. Their first reaction is to bounce excitedly at the attention before then realising how hard the glare at him actually is, his gills then droop slightly.
“That really hurt, Goober! What have I told you about biting me, as well as bothering me when I’m trying to nap.” He scolds, trying to ignore how sad Goober is looking, because he can’t just be coddled all the time. “Please don’t look at me like that, you can’t just get sympathy every time you look sad, especially not when you hurt me.” He turns around and peers down at his tail, swooping it to his front to try and inspect where it was bitten. Goober whimpers slightly from behind him.
“I’m sorry Ollie. I just wanted someone to talk to me, and words aren’t the easiest for me to use.” Goober apologises, slowly approaching behind Ollie again, and gently bumping into his side, in a strange affectionate manner. Ollie tries his hardest not to glance back at the other as he tries to apologise but he can’t hold it within himself to be angry, and he gently leans back into him.
“I’m sorry too Goober, that just really hurt and I’m exhausted. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, I’m sorry.” He leans into him further.
The two of them stay stood there for a little while, just pressing into each other and feeling the other’s pressure and fur move as they breath calmly. Goober’s tail wags and then flips onto Ollie’s, wrapping around it in a sort of holding motion. Ollie can’t help but let out a soft purr as he leans back into Goober’s body, despite his size, and very slick fur, he is incredibly warm, almost like a little hot water bottle. The two of them laugh softly, neither of them can ever stay mad at the other, even when they end up accidently hurting each other.
“You know, I’m sorry that I don’t listen to you Ollie.” Goober starts up, but Ollie gently hushes him with a gentle paw to his snout.
“Shhh, I’m still exhausted, just come down and have a nap with me, we can save the sappy stuff for another time.” Ollie mutters, his own head already feeling rather foggy still, he was in the middle of a nap when Goober came in anyway. Ollie untangles himself first, before then laying down in his basket again, he nuzzles in for a second before then looking up at Goober expectantly. He raises his eyebrows for a second, Goober looks back down at him, questioning for a second, before then coming to lay down beside him. They stay slightly separated for a second before Ollie pokes Goober’s side,
“Hey no, please come snuggle in with me, I’m not sharing my bed with the best hot water bottle and then not snuggling with him.” Ollie laughs softly, and this is all Goober needs to then snuggle in beside him, nuzzling under as much of Ollie as possible. It doesn’t take that much longer for the two of them to fall asleep, soft gentle snores echoing out of the room. At one point Marc wonders in to try and work out where his two best friends have ended up getting to after so long, he defiantly stops and admires the two for a little bit, just enjoying seeing them sleep. He does consider joining them for a good couple of seconds, but he then hears someone calling from downstairs, questioning if Marc has come back to the house for a bit, so off he goes. The two can defiantly spend some good bonding and sleeping times, though Marc is defiantly going to use this over them in the future, probably just as a bribery to let him join them.
As he sleeps Ollie’s back feet twitch slightly, gently pushing Goober away from the spot, to which in retaliation, the sleeping Goober just pushes himself harder and further into Ollie’s body. The two end up tangled into a pile of limbs and fur, snuggled together in a pile of blankets which are also tangled up around both of them, neither of them are going to be able to get up very fast once they wake up, they’re going to have to try and untangle themselves first. Neither of them will admit that they’ve slept like this either, though they don’t realise that Marc saw them so, that’s a bit out of the window now.