The boys

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
4 4307

Entry 4
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

A collection of stories about Goober, Ollie and Marc. Occasionally it will also include their other friends and 'vees that they know.

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Ollie's 'morning' after.

Word count: 1029

Late night Typing: Part 2

It’s an adorable scene to walk in to Ollie the next morning, typing set-up pushed to one side, and he’s snoring softly on the sofa. He’s curled up, legs twitching slightly as he clearly chases something in his sleep. If you pay close attention to his face, it twitches between a soft smile and a snarl, clearly whatever there is in his dreams is something he’s thoroughly invested in and quite possibly enjoying. Though, if you ask him about it, he will deny it whole heartedly, not necessarily because he would be embarrassed about it all, more he just wants to deny the fact that he did it at all, be it due to embarrassment about it actually happening or that someone saw him doing it instead. Though neither Goober nor Marc would really want to point this out to anyone, rather they’d just want to bask in seeing their friend at such clear peace as he sleeps and clearly enjoys himself, he always seems so tense in some way or another when he’s awake even if he’s trying not to be.
One miraculous thing that does seem to happen, even when he’s asleep, is that his cowl does not end up lifting up and showing any of his shoulder area, the places that he always hides during the day. No one really knows what he’s hiding with it, if he’s even hiding anything at all, possibly it’s just something that he does for comfort. Goober once tried to discuss with Marc about what could be under there, but he cut the other off pretty quickly. If Ollie, in anyway, wanted to discuss what was under there, be it clearly stating what it is, or just hinting about it being something or nothing; what they shouldn’t do is discuss it behind his back when it’s clearly not something that he is comfortable about.
Ollie continues to gently snore and snuffle in his sleep as the sunlight creeps in through the window, he’s not sure at what point he ended up stopping and falling asleep, it all sort of became a blur, he’d think only five minutes had passed, and then glance at the clock and it had been hours. Another second he’d look at the clock thinking hours and passed and instead it was only minutes, time really does seem to travel differently when you’re writing and this seems to affect Ollie the most. He’s body goes loose and still for a moment before he suddenly tenses up, waking with a loud and heavy sneeze. He bumps his nose rather heavily on the sofa, before then fully waking up with a groan, that’s what he gets for staying up really late and not actually taking his hay fever meds on time because of it all. Looking around, it takes him a couple of seconds to process where and how he is where he is, before his eyes are drawn back to his keyboard and he remembers. Part of him urges to go check it, but his legs feel numb, so he knows he needs to get up and do a little walk and probably sort out his sneezes and grab some food before it starts to annoy him more.
Clambering off the bed, it’s the only time his cowl gets messed up, but he sorts it out the second he’s ono the floor, he then heads on into the kitchen, perking his ears a couple times to try and listen for any sign of Goober. There is no audible sign of him, and Goober tends to make as much sound as possible when he’s awake, even if he doesn’t mean to do it at all, he’s just generally a slightly noisy person and if anything, that is rather comforting to Ollie, it does give him a nice warning about when he’s about to turn up. A yawn comes out of his mouth as he continues, pausing at the first mirror he passes to see the mess of his hair, he tries to sort it out slightly more, however it doesn’t really seem to help. Yeah, sleeping on the sofa really wasn’t the best idea, but then, he wouldn’t have quite been able to make it up the stairs to the bed considering the fact he can barely even remember actually going to bed last night, or well, this morning at this point wasn’t it. Part of him wants to peer at the time to try and work out what it is, but then that just feels rather embarrassing to think about, he does like to consider himself a sensible adult, and uuuh, spending all night writing instead of sleeping really doesn’t cover those bases. Shaking himself away from the mirror, he instead heads into the kitchen like he planned to get everything he needs to actually get the day started for himself. He may have thought he has no plans last night, and honestly, he has no real plans, but he should probably head out to get some food, he always likes to get some spares, in case of things such as their beloved neighbours just deciding to drop over, or Goober just wanting to spend the day eating his way through the fridge again, it will also take away the pressure of having to head off early tomorrow as they don’t have supplies for then.
As he roots through the fridge for something he can quickly eat, he makes a plan for the day. He’ll sort out his hay fever with a good snack, before then making sure that his writing set-up is secure, then it’s shopping and probably preparing dinner so that it will be ready for them whenever they may all finally be together and hunger. He never remembered to ask Marc when he thought he might return today, though he does know it's today, oh well, a bit more spontaneity can’t be bad for him, they sure as hell need it sometimes, life can become a little too mundane if it’s just all too predictable.
He shuts the fridge, breakfast in hand, now the day starts at whatever hour it may have ended up being.