The boys

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
4 4307

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

A collection of stories about Goober, Ollie and Marc. Occasionally it will also include their other friends and 'vees that they know.

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Author's Notes

People and Pokémon alike have been woken up by a hellish sound emanating from an unknown location. A trainer suggested luring the source of the noise by imitating its call- to everyone's exasperation.
Unfortunately, Ollie is the only one in the house to sort this racket out, he's also the worse at singing in his house, oh well.
Word count: 653

Infernal Melody

Ollie groans and covers his ears, what on earth is that noise? It’s not necessarily bad, but it’s defiantly far too loud, it’s as if someone is playing a song at full volume next to his ear despite the fact there’s clearly no one else in his room, for once even Goober isn’t there. With another groan he lifts his head, realising there doesn’t seem to be anyone else in the area to seek out this noise and potentially shush it.
Clambering out of his bed, he drags his cowl on, tying the bow up and adding on his little bell, at least that is a far more pleasant musical noise. Heading downstairs he checks every room, even Marc isn’t here at the moment, which is very strange, sure he doesn’t live in their home, but he’s here pretty often. However, these empty rooms suggest the sound is happening outside, probably somewhere close to their garden as otherwise it would get lost in the other houses around them. Padding out, he pricks his ears, the noise having stopped for a second before it then starts up again, it almost seems out of tune, maybe whatever is being played is out of tune and that’s the problem.
“Hello?” Ollie calls out and the noise stops for a second, before then starting up again, okay then, clearly, they’re close enough to hear him, but they just don’t want to come? “Where are you? You sound incredibly out of tune; can I help you in anyway?” He calls out again, and just like before, the sound stops for a second, as if the person is listening in, before then starting back up.
He sits back down on his haunches, it seems that they can defiantly hear and understand him in some way, but a different approach needs to be taken to lure them over it seems. Letting himself think it over, the idea suddenly comes to his head, maybe because of how musical they seem, the way to get their attention and true response is to be musical back. The only form of instrument which Ollie owns is his bell, if Marc was here, well he knows how to play the harp which is pretty impressive. What Ollie can do however, is sing, it’s not that impressive, but it’s defiantly in key and he can pick up and create some tunes. He coughs to clear his throat, what however should he sing? A simple ask if they need help, offering them shelter of some form, or maybe where they are so he can meet them. Maybe asking them to come here would seem the less creepy take. Letting his tail wag behind himself slightly,
“Do you need any help.” He calls out to a tune, wincing slightly from having no preparation with making a tune for it to go to, “If you come to me, then I can help you with whatever you may need.” He adds on. He does hope that the person is listening this first time around because by golly was it a rather bad tune. He other stopped the minute Ollie started, and he holds is breath to see if he will get a response, two happy sounding musical chirps are sent out, and then silence before a bad whistling and clinking noise starts up. Well, at least that seems to mean that they’re coming his direction and that, yeah racket has stopped. Hopefully they can at least have their tune fixed before they go on their way, though he must admit that he is curious, about this ‘vee, it seems strange that their instrument is being dragged along like it sounds to be happening. However, Ollie shall just sit here and wait until they come to him, even though he’s a bit jealous that their arguably bad music is better then his attempt that he was trying to make sound good.