Surprise Missions

5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
2 1884 2

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

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The Clouds Are Falling!

Florence woke slowly, and very unwillingly. Feeling warm and safe under the blankets, and in the arms of his mate, snuggling his nose into the others shoulder some and giving a small hum, breathing in his mates scent for a few moments before resentfully pulling himself out of bed. The need for the bathroom urging him up and out of the warmth of his mates arms and warm bed. Rubbing at his eyes tiredly and giving a wide, lazy yawn, tail swishing behind him as he padded for the door. His breath leaving him in puffs. It had become bitterly cold this season. Oddly so. He had never been able to see his breath so clearly as he could now. 

He looked to the dying coals in the fire pit and added some wood, hoping to warm the little hut by the time he returned. Heading for the door, he pulled it open ad he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stepped out, only to give a surprised shout and jump back, blinking rapidly and looking down, frowning at the shining white substance he had stepped in, his foot now freezing cold, shaking it a little as he peered at the white stuff in confusion. 

Moving closer he poked his head out to examine it, taking in a shocked breath as he watched more white flakes fall to join the blanket of white. He gave a loud cry of fear and upset as he realized it, running back into the little house and shaking his mate awake. "Akuji! AKUJI!" he cried, his voice frantic and filled with fear. His mate giving a low grumble of complaint at the shaking. "What is it?" he asked lightly, yawning widely. Even in his panic, Florence couldn't help but to admire the other. So rarely other then sleep did he get to see his mates beautiful face. But it was short lived. 

"The clouds! Akuji the clouds! Their falling!" he insisted. His words only seemed to make Akuji  chuckle a little, reaching out to stroke his pristine fur as white as the clouds on the ground. "You must have been dreaming. The clouds are fine. Come back to bed." he insisted to his mate lazily, reaching out in an attempt to press their foreheads together to try and comfort and quell the other's fears. Something that had always settled and relaxed the albino male whenever he was particularly stressed and nervous. Always happy, and content when loved by his mate. 

This time, however, Florence shook his head and began to shake him vigorously once more, refusing to, or unable to be calmed.  Taking his hand and pulling. "NO! Akuji, it isn't a dream! It isn't! Their outside! They've... they've fallen!" he insisted, his tone reaching near hysterical. To a point where Akuji couldn't shrug off the others frantic fears, and the odd behavior enough to worry and unsettle him as well. Whatever had his mate worried, it wasn't so easily shrugged away this time. Reaching to slide one of his masks back onto his face, he allowed Florence, now filled with tears and shaking he was so distressed, to pull him to the door. 

When they reached it, Florence flung the door open, giving a devastated sound and turning into his mate to sob on his shoulder. "The clouds Akuji." he sobbed into his shoulder. "What are we going to do?" he asked. It took several moments for the tired masked male to understand. And when he did, he couldn't help letting out a laugh and shaking his head. 

At the others reaction, Florence backed up a little and looked at Akuji in hurt confusion. "it's not funny, Akuji!" he insisted, looking at his mate like he was concerned he might be insane for not understanding the severity of the situation that was before them. "What are we going to do if everything falls!? The moon?!" he demanded, jolting a little and scrambling to look around in the sky until he found it, letting out a relieved breath to see it, at least had not been harmed, and it's it's protective glow still shone down them. Finding comfort in that, at least. 

Akuji only chuckled again, shaking his head. "Oh sweetheart. My love. They aren't clouds, Florence." he assured his make, smiling a little deviously. "Its snow." he explained, chuckling some. "The clouds poop." he explained lightly. 

Now it was Florences' turn to take a while to register, raising his head to look at the other, and then look back at his mate before jabbing him. "it is not poop! Gross!" he accused the other, shaking his head so hard his ears flapped slightly with the force of it. Trying to hide his embarrassment at being so fearful of the snow and what it might have meant. "It's not poop." he insisted. "Poop is smelly... and I stepped it in, it's cold. Not smelly." he accused. 

"It turns into water." Akuji explained. "Pee-poop." he added, sniggering some. Which only made Florence roll his eyes. "Rain is not pee. We drink that stuff you know." he huffed, elbowing him a little. "Don't make it sound so disgusting!" he insisted, letting out a breath and leaning back into the other's shoulder. Nothing but relieved that everything was okay, other then the fact that he'd made a fool of himself that is. Relaxing some as Akuji put his arms around Florence and held him close. "Nothing to worry about, my love." he told him comfortingly. 

This time when their foreheads were pressed together, Florence relaxed and returned the affection as he always had, relaxed and feeling much better, staying like that for a little before finally leaning back to look outside at the snow once more. "It is quite pretty." he admitted lightly. "Though it is very cold, and I really need to go to the bathroom." he told him in a bit of embarrassment. "Well that I can't help you with, my love." he told Florence apologetically. "But I can certainly help to warm you back up when you return." he promised, Florences skin feeling heated in a flush at the suggestion. "I should hope you will." he told the other bravely in return, nosing at his neck fur affectionately. "Now go back to bed. I'll return in a moment!" he promised, heading out into the snow and giving small sounds of discomfort and cold, looking rather comical as he half ran, half hopped his way to the necessary area. Akujii shaking his head some. What a mate he had indeed.