Surprise Missions

5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
2 1884 2

Entry 2
Published 5 years, 4 months ago

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When it had first fallen, after his initial panic and thought of the clouds falling, Florence had actually quite enjoyed the snow, even if it was rather cold. He had found great joy in warming himself up by pressing himself against Akuji, despite his grumblings of him being cold, he had always accepted it and wrapped him up safe and warm in his arms. It was something he was very much enjoying, and taking full advantage of. The snow and fun even pulling him away from his tales and stories and books in favour of being outside, the cold making him feel oddly refreshed and even frisky... another thing Akuji hadn't seemed to be minding at all. 

For his part, he was rather pleased that his mate was sticking around, the male coming and going so often, he was happy to have him remaining with him and taking full advantage. When he wasn't outside, he was spending it with him, and even when outside, he was often found scavenging. Many creatures freezing to death making a good collection of food, and saving what berries were still edible and salvageable, and putting together meals. Not always delicious, but Akuji ate all of it, even when it was utterly horrible, and Florence was more than grateful for it, trying his best to make it better every time. 

Now, though, he wasn't liking the weather at all anymore. The wind had picked up more and more, whipping at his mane, freezing the thin membrane of his ears and the snow whipping into his eyes and getting turned around during his scavenging. He could barely see a few inches in front of him, and he wasn't sure what way he had come from. A cold shiver of fear sliding down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold taking him... what if he was lost? What if he froze out here? Panic began to flood him, and the storm only began to get worse, great drifts of snow falling to the ground from the trees above, mixed with snow and ice, one falling right onto him and making him give a yelp of pain as ice struck him, making him shake his head and feeling rather harassed. 

He hugged himself, moving his tail into his hands and wringing it, trying to keep it warm as the freezing wind blew by, making him feel frozen, trying to squint through the flurries and decide which way he was supposed to go, letting out a shaking breath as his teeth began to chatter, still having no idea which way to go, panic rising when he heard it. A voice in the distance, cocking his head just slightly and trying to listen. "H-hello?!" he called, hesitant and unsure, squinting through the snow. 

It was then that he saw it, starting as nothing more than a shadow in the distance. His instinct telling him to run, but he stayed where he was, staring and watching as the shadow became a shape and finally giving a loud gasp. "AKUJI!" he cried out, running over and latching himself onto the other, snuggling into him. "Oh! How did you find me! I thought I would be lost forever!" he cried in distress, snuggling against him. "By the moon!" he cried, the other hugging into him. "Nevermind that now, let's just get out of here before we both catch our death, your cold as ice." he accused, not missing the chattering jaws of his mate, putting an arm around him and starting to lead him towards home, Florence nuzzling into the warmth, his breath stuttering from the cold and snuggled into him. 

"I-it came s-so fast... I-I lost m-my trail." he admitted to the other, making Akuji give a low sound of disapproval. "You need to be more careful. We aren't far." he promised lightly. True to his word, they made it home not a moment to late. Florence all but falling inside and pulling free a blanket and wrapping it around him as Akuji went to stoke the fire so that he could get warmed up, leaning into his mate for the added warmth as he did, the other male putting his arms around florence and petting at his freezing ears to warm them up again. "W-we aren't going b-back out t-till the s-storm passes." he insisted, making his mate chuckled. "That seems perfectly smart to me." he agreed simply, giving Florence a tight squeeze in support. Florence leaning into him and finally relaxing, thawing from the warmth of the fire and the comfort of his mate, the howling wind outside no longer as much of a concern, safe and warm in the arms of his beloved Akuji.