Fishing Prompts

2 years, 5 days ago
1 year, 11 months ago
5 1369

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 5 days ago

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Stardust Beach Fishing Take 2 (Dots)

Feeling somewhat bitter towards the last failed attempt at fishing, Dots has been practicing! And boy has his confidence been raising. Sure, it was only some electronic fish toys that Daisy had bought for bath times in the sink, and then the bathtub, but still! Practice is practice, and Dots was feeling much better about this attempt, new fishing rod and all! So he hopped on the small train to Stardust Beach, adjusted his hat, and set off for the end of the same dock he lost his first fishing rod at.

This time, he knew how to hold the wishing rod, and he had a lot more patience. So, he sat, and he waited. And waited. And waited. Watching all of the fishes below the surface put his mind at ease, and soon enough, he found himself asleep under the warm sun.

He had wonderful dreams, really. He imagined he was in a bubble, floating up and down under the water, seeing all the colorful fish that were so close he could touch them -- soon enough, in this dream, he sank to the bottom. He could even see his old fishing rod! He was running over to get it when, suddenly - Pop!

He awoke with a start, he could feel something pulling on his new wishing rod! It felt really strong, too! Was this, perhaps, 'The Big One'?! Fumbling, he almost dropped this rod, too -- but as luck would have it, he was able to pull up what had bitten on his line...

And what stared back up at him was a cute little goldfish. He stared at the fish for a moment, before nodding to himself, proud of his catch! He turned around, and went back home, his wishing rod, and goldfish, in tow.