Fishing Prompts

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
5 1369

Entry 4
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

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Sunken Mall Fishing 2 (Dots)

After his last visit to the Strange Realm, Dots was craving a bit more fishing there -- hopefully, this time, he could find something pretty to bring to Daisy too, to show her that it isnt all scary here. So! Off he went, fishing gear in tow. Once he found a place to fish, he got to work.

Though, he felt a shiver up his back after a while -- Dots felt like he was being watched. Memories of the haunted house swam around in his head, and Dots started to wonder if he was just being paranoid, or if there really was a ghost somewhere.

That's when he started to hear the crying again, and Dots' whole body went tense. He was frozen in place, staring into the water as he listened to the sound of what he could only describe as crying. It couldn't be crying, right? That makes no sense.

After a few moments of frozen terror, Dotsfinally peeked behind himself -- no one was there. Then, he felt something pulling him into the water! He panicked for a moment,

before realizing he had a bite on his wishing rod. He quickly reeled in the line, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible -- but with each passing second, the crying got louder and louder.

When he finally pulled up the line, the crying was right on top of him!

And he realized that he had pulled up a batch of Echoes. The last thing they heard must have been crying, and while spooky, it was a perfectly reasonable explanation. Though, Dots felt that maybe they wouldn't be a good gift for Daisy - So, after speaking to them to change what they repeated, and released them back into the water.
