Security's story

2 years, 9 days ago
2 years, 9 days ago
5 9705 4

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 9 days ago

Explicit Violence

The story of the Security star, my strong hearts are mandatory fan character. !Do note this story does contain spoilers for the strong hearts are mandatory book series!

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2 - Name

Security walked out the apartment stretch his family was staying at while Taser was doing business and onto the grass, deep in thought. He was coming up on 6 seasons now, his magic was developed enough he could finally shapeshift on his own now. He felt upset, he wanted to learn more magic like his mother, but she refused to teach him anything outside of shapeshifting stating its not necessary for him to learn. As he was not looking at his surroundings he didn’t notice the calico cat running his way until he went crashing into him. He let a grunt as he was tackled to the ground.

“Woah!” The calico exclaimed. “Hey-hey what are you doing here? Aha, don’t mind me, I'm just on my way.” The calico exclaimed looking behind him frequently, talking fast paced. Suddenly the colorful cat looked down at Security’s neck seeing his collar. 

“Woah! Woah woah woah!” He said jumping up. “Aha, sorry dude,” He stated looking between  his collar and his eyes. 

“I am in a bit of a rush though.” Suddenly there was shouting nearby and they turned to see guards coming in their directions.

 “Oh uh,” The strange cat suddenly seemed more panic. 

“We should go.” “We?-” Security yelped as the cat picked him up from his collar and made a dash from the guards with him.

After awhile of running, whenever the weirdo cat deemed it safe Security was dropped into the ground. “What was that?” Security yelled at the cat.

“We were running from the guards!” The calico stated. Security blinked at him blankly.

“YOU were running from the guards! I had nothing to do with this!” He shouted at him. The taller cat blinked, took a second, then suddenly looked weirdly sheepish.

“Aha, oh yeah.” He looked away an embarrassed grin on his face. “Sorry bout that, guess you didn’t really need to get involved, ahhh.” He chuckled slightly. Security was on the verge of pummeling this cat. He took a deep breath in and out, calming himself before getting a clearer look at the cat.

“What is your name anyways?” He asked him, might as well figure out who this insane cat was. The cat straightened up and grinned, looking self-centered.

“I am the great Pride! The best mage out there and soon to be famous criminal!” He boasted out loud, seemingly uncaring of who around them could be hearing. Security looked at him blankly, so this is what mages are like? He sighed, regretting his choice for a walk tonight. 

“Where are we currently? And how long would it take me to get back?” He asked, annoyed, not wanting to spend any more time around the other feline.

“Wait-wait-wait, you can’t go back!” Pride exclaimed. “This is close to my home you could out me and I’d be caught!” He shouted. Security realised quickly he was handling an idiot.

“I didn’t know this was your house before you even said that! Just tell me how to get home I want to rest!” He was getting easily annoyed with this cat, he never realised how much another cat could get on his nerves. Pride once again blinked before realising.

“Oh, uh. Uhm, hehe.” He laughed sheepishly again, Security wanted to facepalm. Security however remembered what was bothering him before.

“You’re a mage aren’t you Pride? Could you teach me how to use magic?” Pride looked at him as if he just turned bright blue.

“Huh, what, me??? Aha I don’t know if that’s a real good idea. Me a mentor? Man wouldn’t that be crazy.” He rambled seemingly trying to brush off Security’s request. Security raised an eyebrow at him.

“You said you were the best mage didn’t you? Doesn’t that make you the best person to mentor me?” He asked, hoping if he played on the mage’s ego he could get him to agree. Pride seemed to think for a bit, brow furrowing. Before he seemed to perk up, Security was almost surprised a lightbulb didn’t appear above his head.

“I think I could find a better mentor for you! My place I live is nearby and I bet I could find an even bette-I mean a uh, mage that will fit you better there.” He said, grinning proudly at his idea as if he was the smartest person of the two of them. ‘Atleast he managed to save himself.’ Security thought. But he could work with this idea.

“Very well, take me to this home of yours then.” Security agreed. Pride grinned.

“Follow me then.”

Security walked around this underground colony Pride took him to, Carnivora Colony he called it. He could feel himself getting dirty stares from the people in here, suddenly feeling self conscious being a noble in this place probably filled with mages. He turned to Pride.

“Are you sure it’s fine for me to be here?” He asked the cat, Pride didn’t seem to be the smartest from what he’s seen before, this may have been a bad idea. Pride smiled down a him.

“I’m sure it’s fine dude! I think I know just the mage for you!” He said, loudly. Does he ever lower his volume?

“Can you stop calling me dude?” He growled.

“Well you never gave me your name.” Pride grinned.

“Its Security.” He said, tired.

Pride used his tail to hit Security on the back playfully, grinning at him as he continued on. Security ducked his head and continued to follow him. They walked for a little while longer before stopping suddenly. Pride thrusted out his paw in dramatics showing off a large horned owl.

“This here is Enthusiasm! I think they would be a great mentor for you!” He said with confidence as both Enthusiasm and Security stared at him blankly. 

“W-what?” Enthusiasm asked, shocked at Pride’ statement.

“Mentor? A noble?” They looked at Security with wide eyes as if he was a dangerous animal. Security felt bad for the owl, getting the feeling they were as uncomfortable with him being here as everyone else is.

“You don’t have to,” He said quietly before turning to Pride. “Maybe I should go, could you show me the way out?” He said, hoping Pride would let him go.

“Oh uh, I’m not sure if I can let you go now that I’ve showed you this place. Sorry.” He chuckled, embarrassed slightly. Security stared at him, is this cat insane!?

“WHAT?!” He shouted at the calico. Absolutely shocked at the audacity.

“Hey, at least now you can learn magic like you wanted!” Pride said, trying to calm down the silver tabby. Enthusiasm watched this interaction with interest, realising that Pride once again made a foolish decision they sighed. They looked at the small noble again considering things again.

“Listen, what is your name, little one?” They asked. Security blinked up at the owl.

“Security.” He said, hoping the owl won’t hurt him for Pride’s idiot idea.

“Can I take your collar off? How much magic do you currently know?” Security nodded allowing the avian to slip the collar off his neck.

“My mother, she taught me how to shapeshift to hide my true form.” Enthusiasm looked surprised.

“So this isn’t what you really look like?” They asked. Security shook his head no.

“Show me your true form please.” They commanded, gentling almost. Security felt his magic fall around him, his fur gently shifting as he let the spell go. Showing his true form to Pride and Enthusiasm. Pride was staring at him with interest, taking in his form with joy. Enthusiasm on the other hand was looking him up and down, sizing him up almost. The owl then dropped his collar to the ground and kicked it behind him.

“Listen, if Pride agrees to take the fallout, and if Rave approves of it I will mentor you. However there will be rules, you’ll have to constantly be around me and Pride and you won’t be allowed out of the colony for safety reasons. Do you agree?”  Security nodded eagerly at this. He could be learning more magic! Enthusiasm sighed at him.

“Very well, let’s go talk to Rave then. Come along you two.”

Security was resting inside the colony, it had been 4 seasons since he’d started training with Enthusiasm. He’d gotten closer with them and Pride- their relationship bettering once he got used to the calico and his tendency to not think. According to Pride, Security was listed as a missing person and there has been search parties looking for him, Pride has been accused of kidnapping him - Which he technically did. Security just chose to stay with Pride. Today was to be his last trial so that he could get his mage title, after talking with Enthusiasm and Rave they agreed to let him go home after this after swearing to not speak of the colony. Security felt a bit sad to be leaving the colony but he also missed his family, he could only imagine how worried his mother was for him. Deep in thought Security didn’t notice Pride charging for him until he made collision, with an oof Security was slightly pushed to the side. Before Security could say something he heard Pride’s cackling laughter in the air, of course it was him. Security turned to the other feline, he was on his side cackling in a way that reminded Security of a hyena, at times he wondered whether Pride was really a cat or not. Finally the calico calmed down and turned to Security with a grin on his face.

“Enthusiasm called for meeeee,” he sang “It’s time for your final trial!” He purred. Security felt nervousness envelop him, what if he failed? What if he wasn’t good enough. Pride seemed to sense his uneasiness and sat closer to him snuggling up.

“Hey, hey bud, you’re gonna do great! You always do!” He grinned at Security, smoothing down the fur on his shoulder. Security smiled back at Pride, he always had a way of cheering him up, he could never really feel down around Pride. He snuggled closer into Pride, not wanting to be free of his warmth and fluffy fur. Pride purred at the feeling of Security snuggling into him. Security wanted to stay like this with him forever but sighed.

“I need to go, do my trial.” He whined, not really wanting to go anymore. Pride hummed down at him.

“I’m sure Enthusiasm won’t mind, you staying a bit longer. They’d probably understand you have nerves, need some time to prepare and hype yourself up.” Security chuckled at Pride.

“You’re a bad influence on me.” He said, snuggling even further into Pride, as if trying to merge himself into him. Pride purred louder, leaning further into Security.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’ll make it so you never make it to your trial and stay here with me forever.” He said, Security could feel his grin against him. Security chuckled at him.

“I don’t think that’d be so bad.” He hummed, he supposed Enthusiasm would probably be fine with waiting a bit longer.

Security had finally finished his training, the final trial. He was panting not knowing whether it was from being tired. He looked up as Enthusiasm made their way to him, nodding at him. He had passed, he felt joy fill him, it felt like a weight had been lifted off him. He smiled up at his mentor. 

“Congratulations, you have passed. Over these seasons of mentoring you, training you I have watched you and what you were like. Thus it is time I gift you your mage name, Ambition, a title that suits you. You came here ambitious, wanting to be a mage and you worked hard to achieve that, as well as whatever goals you set to accomplish. You are now a full-fledged mage.” They declared. Ambition, that name, it felt like it fit him so much better than Security. It felt like it fit like a glove, like it made more sense to be called that. He straightened up and looked Enthusiasm in the eye.

“Thank you, you have been an amazing mentor. I couldn’t have asked for a better one.” He smiled up at them. Suddenly he heard steps coming towards him fast, he turned his head to see a flash of red right as he felt something collide into him. 

“Pride!” He yowled as he was tackled to the ground. Pride cackling as they fell to the ground together.

“You did it!” Pride cheered. “You did it Ambition!” He was stunned for a second, it was his first time really being called that name, it felt odd but it also felt nice.

“Thank you, Pride.” He laughed snuggling up to the cat. Before stopping.

“This means I have to go now.” He said quietly. Pride stopped his laughter as he turned to Ambition, seemingly shocked. He looked at the silver tabby, gapping, his mouth opening and closing. Finally able to find words, Pride swallowed.

“Oh, yeah.” He said, looking away. “You’re gonna go.” He mumbled. Looking upset. Ambition felt hurt to see his partner looking so sad.

“Hey,” Ambition said. “You can still visit me can’t you? You’re such a great magician, and I’m sure you can get Enthusiasm to fly you.” He said smiling, hoping to cheer the calico up.

“I’m not sure on that.” Enthusiasm said, both cats suddenly remembering the owl was also there. The two felines then began looking at the avian with pleading eyes, trying to change their mind. Enthusiasm looked at the two mages before sighing.

“Very well, but don’t make it a regular thing.” The two felines cheered. They would be able to stay together.

Ambition was standing outside the colony, his noble collar was back on him. It felt odd wearing that again after so long without it. Pride was next to him.

“Ready to go?” Pride grinned, looking down at the smaller cat. Ambition smirked up at him.

“You know it.” He states shifting back into his old for, it felt weird being it again now that he was older. The two nodded and turned to Enthusiasm. 

“I’m gonna miss you.” Ambition said to his mentor, who smiled at him. 

“I will be visiting you with Pride, do not worry.” They said, calming Ambition down.

“Now go.” The owl said, the two cats then turned and took off. They ran together before hearing the sound of a patrol. Verified guards. The two looked at each other, and snuggled up to each other. 

“Let’s go.” Ambition said. They then took off again, Ambition screaming for help as Pride stayed silence chasing him from behind, as they came up on the patrol, the animals turned to see the two cat, Ambition running directly into the group. As the patrol turned to look at Pride, the calico then turned tail and ran into the other direction, as some from the guards took off after him. One of the guard look down at Ambition and saw his collar.

“The Security star!” He gasped.