Security's story

2 years, 9 days ago
2 years, 9 days ago
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Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 9 days ago

Explicit Violence

The story of the Security star, my strong hearts are mandatory fan character. !Do note this story does contain spoilers for the strong hearts are mandatory book series!

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5 - Heart

Ambition was now 18 seasons, Pride, Fire and Enthusiasm still visited him regularly. He had recently been representing his mother in politics. He wasn’t enjoying the extra duties, he’d prefer to stay with Pride and Fire. He learned his daughter recently started her mage training to get her mage title. He was so proud of her and wished he could’ve been more involved with her life, Pride and Enthusiasm had been raising her but he wished he could be there as well. He was currently sitting next to his sister, listening to her chatter on about the goings on in her life. She recently got married and moved away with her husband. She came to visit with news of pregnancy and Ambition felt so happy for her.

“Ooooh, and, me and Select have started setting up a room for our kit! I’m so excited for all of this.” She squealed happily as he smiled at her.

“I’m so happy for you.” He purred at her. His sister soon turned and grinned at him mischievously. 

“So when are you going to get married and have kits? You can’t be our mom’s babysitter forever! I moved away and got out of it so can you!” She said, obviously not happy with Ambition coddling their mother and doing her bidding. She nudged him.

“She’s a lot older than us Security, she can handle herself.” She gave him a sympathetic look. He felt sadness curling in his belly, he wished he could just leave like she did, go to Pride and Fire and live with them. Maybe he could convince the two to move in with him, become verified and live together. 

“I know, I know.” He said to his sister. “I wish I could but-” He stopped himself, he didn’t know what to tell her what he could tell her. She looked at him sadly.

“Listen, I have to go but if you change your mind I’m sure I can find you a person to go out with.” She winked at him before getting up and leaving. He still felt upset, what was he going to do? He couldn’t just abandon everything could he? Maybe he should talk to Pride and convince him to move in with Fire. Yes, that’s what he’ll do.

Ambition was talking to Pride currently, Fire didn’t come as she was busy training and Enthusiasm was giving them some space together.

“Pride, I was thinking. I no longer want to constantly be apart from you and Fire so what if- you two moved in here with me, got married, got verified. We wouldn’t have to be apart anymore.” He said hopefully, hoping he would agree. Pride stayed quiet for a bit for sighing.

“Ambition, listen. I agree I no longer want to constantly be apart but, I would never want to be verified. So many restrictions! Plus I doubt they could give me a name as cool as Pride!” He chuckled, but it wasn’t like his normal cackling laugh. Ambition looked Pride in the eye and he looked sad.

 “I love you Ambition, but I don’t think I'd be ready to give up everything for the media. I've been helping the Carnivora colony y’know, if a mage comes in and needs someone to take the heat for them I convince officials it was me. Get them off the mages tail, I know they’ve survived without me doing that but. I’m helping them so much, for once I'm doing good. I'm helping people and they need me for once. I’ve never had anything like this before, I don’t know if I want to lose it.” Pride said, sympathy in his eyes as he looked at his mate.

 “I’m sorry really but, I don’t think I’d enjoy it as a noble with you. Do you even enjoy being a noble?” He asked, looking away. Ambition felt so disappointed at this, he understood why and he felt guilty for asking Pride to do this even when he didn’t want to. He thought about what he was asked, did he enjoy being a noble? Did he really enjoy it? Besides the political perks and the nice things he got, there was nothing about nobility he liked. He didn’t think he was even attached to his title. He knows if he told Detector and his father about Pride and Fire they’d support him and tell him to be with them but his mother, she’d never want him to leave. Detector was right though, he needed to move on from constantly babying his mother he needed to be his own person without constantly revolving around her. He murdered people for her and it didn’t even help! Ever since Fire was born he hasn’t killed again and he was left to think, why did he? He was so desperate to get her better so he no longer had to constantly care for her that he killed others. Doubt and sadness swirled in his belly as he leaned further into Pride, who sensing his distress purred quietly to soothe him, beginning to groom him.

“Once again I’m sorry, but if you ever decide to come back to the Carnivora colony, we would all welcome you with open arms.” He hummed quietly into Ambition’s ears. Ambition let himself be lulled to sleep by his mate while thoughts swirled in his mind, a little nap wouldn’t hurt.

Ambition was once again lying with his mother as she talked to him about the meeting she needed him to go to, what she needed him to say and what she expected of him, He for the most part knew what she needed of him, choosing to tune her out as he thought again. How easy would it be to run away and be with Pride in the Carnivora colony? How much better would it be there? He’s stayed there before while training.

“Security!” His mother snapped as he directed his attention at her once again. She was glaring down at him, she had noticed him drifting off.

“This is an important meeting! I need you to take it seriously!” She scowled as he felt annoyance come up in him. 

‘If it’s so important why don’t you go to it for once?’ he growled in his mind, tired with constantly needing to represent her. Why couldn’t she go back to work for once! It’s been nearly 9 seasons! He tried to hold himself back from glaring at her in anger. She swiped at his ears without claws, he responded by flicking his ear a few times in annoyance. She gave him a look before continuing on with what she was telling him. Ambition sighed to himself, he felt bad but he thinks he’s finally been able to make a decision.

Ambition was with Pride, with the help of his mate he slipped his collar off and let his disguise fall. Pride threw his collar to the side as Ambition started clawing at his ear, digging into it, trying to pull something out.

“What are you doing?” Pride asked, confused.

“Something’s in here! Help me get it out!” He growled, as Pride joined in, with his mate’s help they managed to tear the chip out of his ear and toss it to the ground, blood leaking out of his ear.

“Woahhh they chip you?” Pride exclaimed in shock. “I’m extra glad I said no to becoming verified now.” He said sniffing at the chip slightly. Ambition flicked his ear as he felt blood drip down where the chip was. He grunted at Pride before shaking his fur out.

“Whatever, let’s go now.” He said, ready to get a move on.

“Right! Enthusiasm is waiting for us, they’ll fly you over first then me tomorrow. Fire is waiting for you at the colony!” Pride told him the plan. They headed off to the meeting point with Enthusiasm. Excitement and happiness was filling Ambition, he’d be together with his family in the colony, he was sad he’d no longer be able to see Detector or his parents, but he felt this was a better route for him. He looked to Pride at his side, seeing determination in his face. Finally, things seemed to be going well for him. He would be happier now.