Insecurities coming to light

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
9 3861

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

(Gonna think of a better title and summary soon). Vaness had only said that comment about Rook to get Becca to see he would be the better boyfriend. It was obvious she didn't take it well but how bad would that comment affect her?

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Chapter 2

Becca hadn’t come back to Pomefiore dorm last night. Rook originally hadn’t thought much when he woke up and Becca wasn’t beside him. She always had a weird sleep schedule. The second year could’ve simply been up for a while but no one in the dorm saw her the night before. It was starting to worry the vice dorm leader.

Grabbing his phone, he silently prayed as he unlocked it. If Becca at least responded to his messages while he was asleep, it’d be enough to calm him down but nothing. Delivered. Becca hadn’t even seen the texts. Taking a deep breath to calm down, despite the fact she hadn’t called him earlier only making him panic more, he tried calling. Hearing it ring, Rook sighed in relief that her phone wasn’t dead but it rang twice, then suddenly hung up.

Getting out of bed and walking out of his room, he was greeted by the other Pomefiore members who seemed to be doing their usual routines. Green eyes scanning the room, he had hoped Becca was here and just no one told him. But nothing.

“Rook, calm down. Getting anxious isn’t going to accomplish anything.”

“Your S/O isn’t the one missing, roi du poison!” Rook had intended to hold his tongue but both adrenaline and nerves got the best of him. She wouldn’t just leave. Not without telling at least someone. She was in danger. She had to be. Why else would she… not being able to think straight, the huntsman grabbed his archery equipment and left, accidentally slamming the door to the dorm.