Insecurities coming to light

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
9 3861

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

(Gonna think of a better title and summary soon). Vaness had only said that comment about Rook to get Becca to see he would be the better boyfriend. It was obvious she didn't take it well but how bad would that comment affect her?

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Chapter 3

Turning the next page on the book he was reading, Vaness kept one hand holding the book and the other hand was running his fingers through Becca’s hair as she slept with her head on his lap. He had been intending to stop using his magic on her for the day hours ago but having her so close was addicting. Plus with a mix of his signature spell and unique magic, Becca thought she was with Rook, not him. That alone made things way easier when she had trouble sleeping.

He hadn’t meant to scare Becca when he mentioned the chance of him breaking up with her but she needed to know the truth. The second year’s hatred for Rook was obvious. And it grew even more when he remembered the events of last night. Between him imitating Rook and Becca clinging to him insisting she’ll change for him as long as he didn’t leave, it was hard not to. Why did she love the huntsman so much? Someone who, in his opinion, would leave Becca behind in a heartbeat.

Even if he thought Becca was an idiot at times, she didn’t deserve that. Vaness wouldn’t leave her behind, he wouldn’t want her to change, so why wasn’t she with him? He didn’t get a chance to ponder on it too much before he noticed the other second year waking up. Maybe he could buy a little more time with her, or at least he could if he could think of an excuse to keep Becca with him longer. Using his magic was tempting but even that had its limits and the last thing he wanted was a certain huntsman barging down his door.

As Becca woke up more and looked at Vaness with a confused look in her eyes, he simply reached into his pocket and pulled out her phone, handing it to her silently before leaning in enough to kiss her forehead. Vaness was worried he had used too much of his magic at once but as she quickly snatched her phone and pushed him away, speed-walking out of the room, he couldn’t help but grin.

Luckily for him, Becca was still herself. And he knew she’d never notice the tracker he snuck onto her phone. Granted, he knew all of the habits the pomefiore student had since arriving to NRC by heart but.. It never hurts to be safe.