the time i was human (2019)

2 years, 26 days ago
2 years, 26 days ago
30 31748

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 26 days ago

Mild Violence

as an archive just to be safe

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Author's Notes

hey, 2021 kiwi here!

i've noticed a huge influx of new readers in this story, despite it being three years old by now.

while i do love the original TTIWH and appreciate all you dear readers, please keep in note that i have a new version written that is currently updating as of me writing this! (in fact, a new chapter should release in a week or so)

i would hugely appreciate it if you could read the new version as well, since i've improved countless plot holes, overall planned out character arcs/motivations better, and just generally write better.

if you want to read the new version without any spoilers, i would recommend putting this away for later and coming back once i'm finished updating, but that may take much longer. however, if you want to directly compare this one to the rewrite, then go right ahead and read! just be careful to note that the overall plot is the same, so spoilers are unavoidable.

thank you, and please enjoy the old version of the time i was human!

Chapter 1: Pomegranate's Plan

Under the hood of the dark night, Pomegranate Cookie slipped into her lair, meeting up with her master. Cautiously, she walked up to him, and said, "Master, the cookies are getting really close to interfering with our plan."

Looking at her, Pomegranate's master replied, "How though?"

Bowing down, Pomegranate then answered, "The Legendaries are taking action against us. They are already at our tails."

"We don't have tails."

"That was a figure of speech, Master."

"Yeah, well, what should we do, then?"

A dark smile lit up on Pomegranate's mind.

"Shall we activate Plan 39, Master?"

"Yes. Activate Plan 39."


Meanwhile, at the Legendary Cookies Meeting: (the "Legendary Cookies Meeting" idea was made by my friend KapsOff)

"Alright guys!" Moonlight Cookie yelled across the room filled with arguing, fighting, and shouts.

The noise immediately died down as all of the heads turned towards her.

Taking a deep breath, Moonlight announced, "I got an email from Pomegranate Cookie."

"So? What did you do?" Wind Archer Cookie asked.

"Well, I gathered all of you here so I can consult with you guys on what to do."

"You mean you haven't even opened it yet?!" Fire Spirit Cookie demanded.

"Exactly!" Moonlight replied. "She's never sent me an email before!"

"Who voted this idiot to be our leader, anyways?" Millennial Tree Cookie argued.

"I did!" Moonlight yelled. "And that's why I'm asking if I should open it or not!"

There was silence around the room.

Finally, Sea Fairy Cookie stood up and said, "I don't think you should open the email. I've heard stories of viruses being sent via email and that might be what she is doing."

Dark Enchantress Cookie turned to Moonlight Cookie and asked, "If that's the case then, why don't we destroy the email?"

"Can't we just... y'know, delete it?"

"What? So you mean all this time I've been destroying my computers and sending them to the void I could have just deleted the email?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Uh... okay then."

Turning back to the rest of the Legendaries, Moonlight questioned, "So, should I open this email or not?"

A flood of "Yes's" and "No's" filled the room.

"Well, I'm going to flip a coin, and if it lands on heads, then I'll open the email."

Tossing a coin into the air, the Legendaries watched the coin flip a few times before it finally landed on.... Heads.

"Okay then, I guess I'll open the email!"

Hovering her mouse over the unread email, Moonlight pressed down on her touchpad and-

It was blank. The email had nothing on it, it was just blank.

Hesitantly turning to the rest of the Legendaries, Moonlight said, "Well, it looks like it was just a hoax, the-"

But before she could finish the rest of her sentence, a blinding flash of light emitted from the screen.

"Look out!" Sea Fairy screamed as she formed a protective water bubble around herself and Wind Archer, who was sitting right next to her.

The light faded out. Blinking his eyes, Wind Archer looked around the room.

"Where... did everyone go?" he asked as he turned to Sea Fairy.

Sea Fairy Cookie was also beginning to open her eyes, to the sight of a- giant piece of cloth?

Oh my god, I can't believe it. The Cookies have been turned huge! Just wait until I tell my friends-

"Shut up narrator," Wind Archer snapped. "These lies won't fool us."

"No, look!" Sea Fairy exclaimed. "The rest really are huge!"

Wind Archer Cookie slowly lifted his head, and to his surprise, the rest of the Legendaries had become an unbelievable size!

"What in the-"

Suddenly, Pomegranate Cookie appeared with a swirl of red, and laughed, "Haha, now you legendaries can never stop Darkness!"

She then formed a giant pomegranate and tossed it at the enlarged Legendaries. Just as they began to recover from the shock, the giant pomegranate broke into a thousand seeds and started circling around the Legendaries. Then they disappeared.

"Nishishi!" Pomegranate laughed. "Now I just have to do this to the rest of the Cookies!"

She, too, disappeared into a burst of pomegranate seeds.

"I think she hasn't seen us," Wind archer said. "And what was that god-awful laugh?!"

"I'm pretty sure it was from a guy called Kokichi," Sea Fairy replied.

"That doesn't matter, we have to warn the rest of the cookies!"

A scream sounded from the distance, followed by some popping noises.

"That sounded like Princess Cookie!" Wind archer exclaimed. "Don't tell me she's already gotten to the rest! I have to warn Herb Cookie!"

As Wind Archer was scuttling around for solutions, the communication mirror the Legendaries always kept started to shake. Noticing it, Sea Fairy Cookie ran over to the mirror right as an image of Moonlight Cookie appeared. But she seemed different. Her facial features were sharper, and her hands appeared to have strange, thin shapes attached to them.

"Can you see me?!" Moonlight frantically said into the other side of the mirror.

"Yes, I can!" Sea Fairy replied with a happy sigh. "But love, what happened to you? You look so different!"

"I don't know why myself!" Moonlight replied. "But the thing is, Pomegranate transferred us to a new universe! You have to get us back-"

The mirror's screen turned to static, and the image faded out.

Right at that moment, Wind Archer Cookie came running up to Sea Fairy, with a stack of notes and arrows in his hands.

"Sea Fairy, I have an idea!" he declared. "I'll shoot arrow formations to warn the others, as well as attaching notes to these!"

Not replying, Sea Fairy walked past him as if he wasn't even there.

"Fine, be that way," Wind Archer muttered. "Not like you would be interested in saving the rest."

He then notched an arrow onto his bow, aimed out the window, and let it fly.


Herb Cookie was watering his favorite plant when a green arrow flew into his garden. It landed on the ground, so Herb walked over to it, pulled it out of the concrete, and read the note at the end of it. It read: Go somewhere safe! You have to run! -WA

Quickly picking up the arrow and his plant, Herb started to run into his basement, but then skidded to a halt.

"I can't just leave the rest of my plants!" he said, running back to his garden. Just at that moment, another arrow wizzed by, landing by his leg.

Exasperated, Herb picked up that arrow as well and read the note: Herb, I swear to God, if you're trying to save the rest of your plants then you won't live.

"Okay then..." Herb said dejectedly as he started to run into his house again.

But before he could reach the door, Pomegranate appeared in a burst of red and giggled, "Nishishishi! I found you, Herb!"

Herb Cookie screamed, then Pomegranate Cookie formed a pomegranate and threw it onto him.

"Wind Archer!" he cried as Pomegranate laughed evilly. "Help me!"

And just like that, he disappeared with a pop of pomegranate seeds.