Paris - The Ball

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👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

It's the early evening, as lines of people file into the Pavillon Dauphine, located near the Champs-Elysees. A large regal building, with a large open room and surrounded by gardens. Outside each entrance stands bouncers and officers, with more patrolling around to keep an eye on the visiting patrons. Many people invited are elite designers, brand owners, investors, some celebrities, activitists, and so on. Everyone dresses to the dress code in the invites issued for the event, which were high-end somewhat regal-feeling choices.  

Inside the Pavillon, the ballroom is bathed in beautiful whites and golds. Large beige drapes adorn the windows that line the walls of the building. Intricate ornate finishings are carved into the posts and molding of the walls and ceiling. Large crystal chandeliers hang from above, cascading the area in a warm hue. The room is divided into one side empty with some tables providing finger food and drinks, and the other side filled with small round tables draped in white cloth and four velvet-seated chairs surrounding each.  

Amongst the guests are also organizers working hard for the sake of Elaine's wishes, and Carlos, Haskell, and Rudy, also present to overwatch the event and see it goes through. You are here to keep an eye on the event, while also finalizing your determinations of the culprit for Elaine's murder. For now though, it's time to go inside.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash stands outside for a moment, adjusting their sleeves quickly and giving themselves one last check over, before taking a breath and walking in.  

... AND IMMEDIATELY feeling out of place. Not an unfamiliar feeling, but god.

.... At least the place is pretty. And they're not too out of place.  

They carefully tuck some stray hair behind their exposed ear and then casually book it to the food tables.

Lethe comes in, looking a little taller thanks to heels. She doesn't seem to feel out of place, but she feels a bit lost for a moment, before looking for a table to sit at.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme enters the building, takes one look around, and spends their first few seconds pinpointing the perfect spot to stand that lets them stand out as much as an awkward potted plant. And then proceeds to stand there. Mission successful.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex was still fully aware they were attending this ball with work in mind... but also its a Ball! And with all the stress of an actual murder, he wants to have just a minute to live the princess fantasy. He enters the fancy hall holding onto Fiore's arm; half to stay close while guiding him and half cause Alex is attempting heels. "Wow! I knew it was gonna be pretty expensive, but this place is so nice!"

Jamie keeps tugging at his collar and messing with the overly eccentric cape. He's used to some out there outfits, but the tighter fits always made him uncomfortable. Walking in he took a good second to look around and whistled to himself. "Feels over the top, but guess this is a pretty big event."

Tiu | Jarno🌲

The feeling of the venue and it's attendees were positively opulent, and for once Jarno wished he was dressed more fancy. He felt very under dressed in his basic dark blue suit and black brimmed felt hat he had got from his grandpa. He intended to not stand out, but because his style was so drab among the regalia he felt like he absolutely did. He resisted the urge to put his hands in his pockets as he walked inside, busying his hands with adjusting his tie.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty arrives with her arm (in her fancy dress) casually looped through Romeo's, looking around at the venue with eyebrows raised. With a little laugh, she nudges Romeo's side and whispers "Oh, it does not feel like we're supposed to be here, does it?"

Thistle slips in through the door quietly, although...more noticeably than she usually is, with the outfit Evira graciously provided. She looks around, feeling Very Much out of her depth, and slips over to quietly join Lethe. 

Ain | Fiore

Walking in Fiore eyed the tables with the drinks as a reflex. Blinking away any thoughts of drinking himself silly. Looking around and taking in the decor and architecture Fiore was pretty proud of himself for nailing the theme for his clothes.  He looked to his side and down to Alex who was holding on his arm. He's going to be on his best behaviour and he'll only drink when asked to. "This is pretty much way out of our pay grade but hey... The company is paying for us."

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

Syd is bouncing on his heels out of being antsy. "Yeah it's.. a lot." He walked up to Jamie's side, hands in his pockets to give them a place to be. "I feel like I'm gonna have to like lay in an alley to feel normal again after this." He laughed a bit trying to keep his own mood lighthearted.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena arrived to the venue, arm in arm with Kasper. The two were clearly in their element and could easily be mistaken as one of the guests rather than.. well, added security.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran took one look at the place where this was taking place and grimaced, letting out a "uuggghhhhhh..." as he dropped his head on Jiemba's shoulder. He swished the fabrics attached to his hands as they walked in, taking a good look around to check who all made it to the event.

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

With Athena by his side, Kasper is definitely vibing in his heels and skirt, and he's glad to be able to wear it for the occasion. He's got a satisfied smile on his face, but at all times he was keeping an eye out for possible fashion icons around him for suspicious activity since he was still on duty in the end.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe lets out an "oh", seeing Thistle, and pulls a chair out for her. "You look beautiful." She compliments gently as she gestures for her to sit.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex noticed Fiore looking straight at the drinks, and was a little proud of him for not bee-lining for the table. "Yeah! Best part about working a job like this is the experiences with each travel! Maybe we should try and enjoy it to the fullest. I mean, how often to you get to come to a ball like this in Paris?" He laughs a bit. He also takes the chance as everyone files in to shoot a mandatory wave and smile to all the friends he could see around.

Jamie turned and instinctively looked Syd up and down, some what taken off guard by seeing him cleaned up for once. "Oh- I almost didn't recognize you." He grins "You really aren't for these fancy venues, huh?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba took in the scenery, brows raised at the fancy set up, both impressed and intimidated. Hearing Auran's groan, he rested his cheek against Auran's head, giving it a nuzzle. "It'll be fine, mate" Probably. He hoped so. "You look damn gorgeous, by the way, so flowy, really flowing, mate. Just, you know, flow"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo already looks disturbed at the... expense the place gives off. "The fanciest places I've ever considered myself going into is churches...." he groans a little.

Natsumi steps into the venue, feeling sliiiightly under dressed... But they'll own it anyway!! Fancy frilly outfits are too boring for them anyway. They do just kind of walk into the middle of the room and look around, making them stand out more to people.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash waves to Alex (Hi hi!) before noticing all the couples, and then casually looking around to see if there's any alcohol. Hypothetically of course.

They also see Natsumi though and wave!!!

Ain | Fiore

"And the best thing about right now is the freedom of choice on what we can wear is pretty nice. It's a pretty big upgrade compared to prom right?" Fiore gave a small smile.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani walked in not necessarily with the group but not by herself. She felt a little off- honestly uncomfortable at this big event. She loved parties back at home but nothing was this formal and beautiful. Definitely not what you'd see in a LA neighborhood, but cool all the same. She let out a sigh and did her best to walk carefully in what she wore: a silk dress with thigh slits on the thighs adorned with  what seemed like armor and matching thigh high boots to match. She kept her piece on her hip, made to look like it was just a prop to the look. Mialani glanced around aimlessly, unsure of what to do but follow the group.

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

Syd noticed Jamie stare for a second and grinned, doing a little pose. "Really? I didn't think I was that different." He nudged Jamie with his elbow playfully. "You look pretty snazzy yourself dude. Don't take that to the head though."  

"I mean- gotta experience it once right? You don't seem stressed at all either."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme is engaging in quiet people-watching from their spot near the wall, appreciating their coworkers outfits from a distance.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty laughs again, moving further into the room. "Yeah, didn't expect this when you took this job, did ya?" She waves back at Alex casually, before nudging Romeo's side again. "Wanna go talk to Kasper and Athena? They're hanging out over there."

Thistle gives a tiny curtsy as she comes over to Lethe, murmuring "Thank you...Evira did a very nice job." She settles in next to her, eyes flickering around the room a bit. "You, um, look very pretty as well." 

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex smiled at Ash's wave, then turned back to Fiore to see him smiling and his face went a bit red. "Pff, I didn't even go to prom, nerd. I wouldn't know... but I don't remember seeing anyone else dressed up this fancy back then. Bet I would've stolen prom queen~"

"Heh, not too different I guess, just more dolled up then I was expecting you to put effort into." He continues messing with his cape as the lil fake wolf connected to the cape keeps falling. "And thanks. I guess I'm just kinda used to big crowded events like these." He shrugs. "Not too intimidated by it all but also not my speed, but we're technically here for work so."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"I'll just follow you.." he grumbles, glancing around at all the glitzy people..

Natsumi looks around before spotting Ash waving and runs over. "Hallo!! OooOOoo So nice!" the gesture at Ash's outfit.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran snorted. "It sure flows, bro." He twirls on himself, making all the loose fabrics in his outfit lift and follow the twirl, making him giggle at the feeling. Aaahh, sweet freedom. "You're looking great too" And he leaves a quick kiss on Jiemba's cheek before pulling him along by his hand, looking for their friends to hang out with. He spots Ash and Natsumi, beelining for them and dragging Jiemba along! 

Ain | Fiore 

Fiore chuckled, "I didn't go to prom either, I was using that night for a cosplay project. If you're prom queen, then I'll try my best to get prom king too."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe curtsies back, looking over Thistle's dress one more time before following her gaze out to the room. "She did indeed." "And thank you. I appreciate Victoire was willing to put aside the time to make it. She did a lovely job."

Ash grins brightly as Natsumi comes over and compliments them. "Thank you thank you!! You look nice as well!" And then- "Hi Auran! Hi Jiemba!" They greet as they munch on some of the provided food.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

She smiled and waved at her friends as she came across them, spotting Mialani entering and making her way to her "Mialani!!" she opened her arms to hug her friend, pulling away and looking at her "I adore the fit! You look amazing!"

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba didn't have much time to appreciate the twirling as he was now getting dragged over to the friend group!! He waves back at Ash and grins at Natsumi.  "G'day mates! You're both looking swell this evening for this fancy shindig" 

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

"I like to keep you on your toes. Surprise. Bam I can look nice." He reached up to attempt to help adgjust the wolf too when he noticed Jamie kept messing with it. it a small pat when he gave up. "Yeah- totally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for work. I'm not even invited to weddings half the time. I break a table one time." cackles.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty squeezes Romeo's arm a bit in acknowledgment and leads the way over to Kasper and Athena, waving with a grin. "Heyyy guys, looking good You seem pretty at home here, huh?" She smiles. "Oh, hey, Mialani, good to see you too."

Thistle gives a little nod, softly saying "She did, it fits you very well." She looks out over the room again and murmurs. "I do not long it will be before things happen, so I will stay with you for a bit, if that is okay."

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani wasn't really expecting anyone to come up to her, so when she heard and saw Athena she gave the brightest smile she's given in a while. "Athena-" she said in a soft and appreciative tone before giving her a tight hug. After pulling away, she looked down and laughed. "Thank you! It took a while to find something like it. Legit just looked on pinterest and went with whatever I could find." She laughed again. "You look perfect as usual. And you-" she pointed to Kasper; "look great too! Love the vibe." She then waved to Wisty and nodded. "You too!"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"You didn't go? High school was so weird... I remember messaging you that night- I thought you had gone to yours!" He smiles and clings a little tighter onto Fiores arm "Yeah! Prom royalty feels pretty fitting for us, don't ya think~" Hes happy embarrassed

"Hmm? I don't remember saying that." He smiled a bit, clearly joking, then leaning his head away as Syd tried to help with his cape. "Uh, thanks... I'm half tempted to take this thing off..." he sighs "Yeah, maybe try to not break anything while we're here. I know that's probably asking far too much of you."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

Though Kasper was already in work mode, he still made sure to wave to his friends as Athena seemed to want to lead him around, and soon they were with Mialani before Romeo and Wisty would come alongside them too. "Oh thank you! And of course, the scenery is nothing new to the both of us, though I hope you guys aren't feeling too out of place. You two are looking great yourselves!" Kasper said with a head nod to Wisty before turning his attention back to Mialani with a smile. "I can say the same with you too. You made great choices with your fit."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Upon Wisty and Romeo's arrival, her smile got even brighter. "I mean, we already knew this but you clean up really well, Romeo" she said, teasing lightly as she hugged Wisty. "Aw, thank you so much, you two!! I haven't been to an event like this in a bit butgosh did I miss it! How are you guys feeling? Wearing flats today?" she asked, directing the question mostly to Wisty with a light nudge

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe hums. "Of course. You are pleasant company to keep. Feel free to stay with me as long as you want."

She sees Jamie and waves, but doesn't make the effort to approach, since he looks busy.

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

"Oh I know already you don't need to tell me." Smug cat emote. "Take it off and throw it into the crowd to find out who gets covered in ice cream next-" Syd whistled before acting a little hurt. "Me? Break something?? I'm a changed man Jamie. I wouldn't damage a singular piece of property ever." There is the distant feeling that he may be proven wrong through this event.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"Thank you- I tried." Mialani said with an appreciative laugh. "I'm a little overwhelmed yeah, but its cool. I like how everything looks. Never been to something like this before." She said while obviously clinging to the side of her dress.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Jamie laughs "Yeah, I don't believe that shit for a second. I could almost place money on you breaking something before the nights over." He then notices Lethe and Thistle across the way waving at him, and gives them both a wave back with a smile. They both look really nice.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle gives a tiny wave and smile back to Jamie.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

"Heeeyyy, how you doin'?" He waved at the two and gave them a small grin, letting go of Jiemba's hand. "How's the food?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

As the crowd finishes settling into the room, the door shut to the main entrances and are guarded inside and out.  

Carlos looks around at the crowd and sighs. "Time to talk I guess..." he moves from his spot near the wall with Haskell and Rudy, standing up to address the crowd. He takes a glass and taps it. When everyone silences and turns to look, he takes a breath, slightly stuttery, before lifting his head.  

"Hello... everyone. Thank you for coming. Elaine would appreciate your show of support for her efforts despite her no longer being here. Elaine wanted to take this chance to introduce the designers, to let you understand her position, and to thank all of you for your support in her decision to equalize the fashion industry between human and occult. Before I introduce her designers for this show happening next week, I want to take a moment to speak about Elaine."  

He clears his throat a bit. "Elaine was... always looking to the future, adamantly. Despite all the injustices she saw, all she ever had was hope in her heart. She believed true justice would always prevail, and that she just needed to assist it. She shared that love and that passion with everyone she met. Her dedication to the happiness and comfort of those around her are a testament to that. I was lucky to have called her friend..." he grips the glass in his hand a little.  

"While she may no longer be with us, her fight continues, by her companions and by SpectreCorps... She was one of the very people who first supported my efforts in unifying the ghost hunting world for a greater cause. I saw her as family... and I, and many others, will miss her dearly." And with that many clap and nod. He takes a pause before inhaling again. "So with that, let me introduce her last effort and the noble volunteers to bring the occult fashion world to the main stage. Three different brands and their designers were selected by Elaine to be featured in an occult fashion show hosted on a main stage amongst the public. Those designs are Evira, a sky siren with her avante-garde brand Weltschmerz. Evira embraces macabre themes and nature, using both as muses to create designs nearly of fantasy. Next, Victoire Laurent, another long time friend of Elaine with her brand V.Laurent. She specializes in sophisticated haute couture, bringing an elegant undead charm to the style. Finally, Kim, Konan, and Katy of the brand Fierce, Feral, and Fashionable. They specialize in athlesiure, creating very trendy and modern designs and promoting them through social media." 

As the designers step forward, he continues "All have amazing talent and amazing courage to volunteer their effort for the cause Elaine and many others support. Applause is not enough for the hardships they and many other face and continue to persevere through, but regardless, please give them your utmost praise. You will be able to speak with them all throughout today's events, and I as well as Elaine, strongly encourage giving them your time. Thank you." 

With that he steps away, glancing back at the designers as he does. He looks to Haskell and Rudy as he returns and simply nods.

Now is the time for discussion. Your ocs should speak with fellow teammates to go over details and finalize their choices in who they believe the culprit is. They have one hour, so don't waste it. After that hour, a poll will be sent out for your oc to vote on who they believe killed Elaine.

Romeo blushed at the compliment slightly before glancing away. "They're just clothes.." he grumbles but stays silent to allow them to further talk before turning to watch the speech and also... seems to be trying to. Stay behind Kasper a little? 

Natsumi smiles at Jiemba and Auran. "EEE you both look good!!! Auran so flowy, ahhhh sugoi!!!" they jump in place before stopping and turning to witness the speech. 

Evira stands with the other designers, seeming effected by the speech but trying to keep a strong face.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

She gave her attention to Carlos who stepped on stage, tapping the glass to gather everyone's attention. At his words she nodded somberly, After the introductions she looked towards her current companions, heart racing slightly in worry. "Well.. so our job really starts now, huh? If I'm being really honest, I'm kind of nervous.. the evidence is very clear but... y'know.. still worried" she says with a sigh, biting down lightly on her lip, allowing herself a lighthearted laugh at Romeo's reaction "ah, but you're the one carrying the clothes well, so it's technically not 'just clothes'"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Victoire gives a gracious dip of her head in acknowledgment as she's introduced, dressed in an elegantly designed dress.

Wisty laughs and pokes Romeo a little in the side, leaning up to whisper "That's not what you seemed to think back in the room," re: the clothes, before turning to watch Carlos make his speech with eyes just slightly narrowed and moving in front of Romeo a tiny bit, for all the good that does.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani listened intensely to Carlos's words, taking a slow breath as she could feel the solemness from what he said. After everything was said, she turned to her friends. "Understandable... never really had to do something like this before." She said to Athena, lightly touching her arm for comfort.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Mm! Natsumi's right, you both look really nice! Oh, and food's good! Feel free to give it a go." 

"Also, mm.... Should we like- meet up with the other friend group and discuss the case a little or...?"

Lethe looks to Thistle. "Do you want to bring them over for a chat?"

... She does take a moment to look around though, seeing if there's anything that catches her eye. [Perception: 16 + 3 = 19]

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Lethe senses an.. uncomfortable feeling in the room. Is someone there who... shouldn't be?

Ain | Fiore

After listening to the speech Fiore looked back to Alex and nodded, "Should we head over to the rest of the group? I think we might need to do some actual work..." 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle gives a tiny nod and waves to Jamie and Syd, beckoning them over. 

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

She nods her head to agree with Mialani, brows pinched and looking around for her other friends to see where they were stationed.. in that moment, she takes her time to peruse the area.. [PERCEPTION: 17 + 5 = 22] 

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Kasper lowered his head out of respect for the fallen, understanding the somber moment... But also he noticed Romeo using him as a curtain. No worries man, he's gotchu.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo blinks and flushes a bit at Wisty before whispering back. _"That's because its just us... Sei l’unica con cui riesco a essere me stesso.." he huffs. 

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

Syd watched, losing a bit of his high energy as the recent death was brought up. "Ah- work." He walked over to where he was being summoned, giving a small wave. (idk who to tag) [Perception Nat 20]

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

With that speech over, Alex gently tugged on Fiore's arm and then looked around quickly to note where the rest of their team was at. "Mmm.. We should get together and talk I think.. I see Esme. Lets go!" and starts walking towards Esme with a little wave trying to stay casual. 

"Guess works starting..." Jamie looks back to Syd and then just... kinda followed after. Mans just started walking idk where they're going. 

Katy bows her head and holds herself close through Carlos's speech, having stepped forward to represent the brand for the triplets before returning to Kim and Konan; both seeming a bit quiet and tired.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe tenses up suddenly and looks to Thistle, expression turning serious. "Something's off."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty blinks a bit, mentally translating, before she laughs into her hand and stretches up on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek before returning her attention to the Discourse.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Athena and Syd both look around the crowd and notice... two individuals who don't seem to. Fit. But they're so obscured by the crowd they're difficult to see well. When they both notice being watched, they quickly move further into the crowd.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle blinks at Lethe and looks around at the room again, eyebrows drawing together a bit. "...Off how?" she murmurs back.

Ain | Fiore

Fiore walked with Alex to Esme and bowed his head in greeting.

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba listened to the speech, expression going sober. All those feelings came rushing back, but he managed to keep himself from getting overly upset.  Glancing at Ash, he nods, "We probably should...I'm still not sure about any of this and i'm nervous as hell about making the wrong decision but. Our job..." He glances about, seeking friend group to join. [Perception: Nat 20]

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena's eyes widen at the brief glimpse that she caught, now looking towards Mialani and Kasper. "H-hey, did you guys see that?" she asks, a light shudder going down her spine "I spotted like.. a couple of people and like-- I dunno.. they felt off.. like, I usually trust my instincts and I kind of have warning bells going off right now.." her voice is lowered to a whisper, only enough that her companions can hear her "They were sus.. and they acted sus.. since I think we made awkward eye contact and they.. moved away... like, quickly.."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme has busied themselves with studying the decor, and it takes them a moment to notice the approaching dweebs. They give a little wave and nod when they do, though.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

"Yeah? I think I will later--" As the speech started, Auran's grin slowly fell off his face, eyes fixated on Carlos as he talked. His expression slowly shifted sadder, looking between all the designers and ending at a resigned cross of sadness and worry. "... Yeah... I guess we should..."

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani raised an eyebrow at Athena and shook her head. "Sorry, I wasnt looking- but based off that... did you wanna like.. follow them? I aint the sneakiest person, but I can try."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Upon hearing Athena's observation, Kasper tried to look into the crowd to spot the suspicious activity happening... [Perception: 18+6=24]

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"It feels like.... Something, or someone, is here that shouldn't be." Lethe tries to focus in on the off feeling. 

Once Jamie and Syd come closer, she looks to them. "Do you feel it too?" Cryptic and straight to the point at the same time.

Ash sighs. "Alright- Lets get going then." They gesture the group to follow as they meet up with the other friend group.  "Hey crew. What we feeling- wait what about following what-?"

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno had completely given up trying to keep his hands out of his pockets at this point. He stood at the back of the room, surveying the crowd, trying to see if there was something amiss. [Perception: 11+4= 15 ]

Ain | Fiore 

"Guys... I think we should head over there..." Fiore pointed to the gaggle of SC employees all chatting with each other, "It seems important." 

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

Syd tensed up as someone caught the corner of his eye, turning quick into that direction. He moved his weight on his feet some like he wanted to run after the feeling but wasn't going to just yet. "I saw some off people- they ran when they noticed I saw them. Normal guests shouldn't do that, right?" He looked towards Lethe like he wanted confirmation on his feelings. 

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

Athena looked at Ash as they approached, asking, she shuddered again "Well, Mialani was just suggesting we follow like.." she sighs "Okay so like, I saw a couple of people and immediately got sus vibes.. we made eye contact and they quickly shuffled into the crowd. I normally trust my instincts and my warning bells are going off I'm not sure.. should we follow them? Thoughts?" 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Kasper and Jiemba notices a shift in the crowd, a strange looking person who just feels.. unfitting.. before they once again notice him and disappear.

Jarno sees and senses nothing.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"Well-" Mialani started. "I dont think we should all follow. Unless you wanna do the whole spy crew thing where we come from different directions."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex walks up to Esme with a determined look. "Esme! Emergency team meeting!-" Then as he was getting ready to explain, he look over to where Fiore was pointing and nodded "Okay, yeah! Lets all go!" And grabs onto both Fiores and Esmes arms and drags them along. 

Jamie was following behind Syd, and caught the weight shift; throwing out an arm to keep him from taking off in case he actually went for it. "Huh? Saw someone? Either way don't just bolt off, we gotta discus shit-" He sighs, then dragged Syd to the others, tilting his head at Lethe. "I didn't see anyone?.." 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle murmurs " not think they are supposed to do that, no. That might be why Lethe you see where they went?"  

Wisty waves at the others as they join them, glancing around the room. 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran's mood seems to be shot again as he walks towards the rest of the group, barely even waving at the others. He barely even caught what Athena was saying... chasing who the what?

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe nods to Syd, giving that confirmation. "I felt something off- like there's something here that shouldn't be. So... That might be it." 

"... Likely not everyone should pursue them. But we should talk about the current suspects. Syd, keep your eyes in the crowd, if you could, just in case things go... wrong."  

"Are we in agreement, however, that it was likely Kim of the triplets?"

Ash hums thoughtfully. "... Lets just keep an eye on them for now. We'll deal with them when we have to, yeah? In the meantime- So are we all in agreement of who did it?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba blinked, spotting the figures before joining the rest of the group. He listened to the others mentioning they saw some suspicious figures or felt an off sort of presence. "I did see some weird folks around in the crowd myself..." Jiemba makes a was decision time wasn't it. "I means, all the evidence points to Kim but It just doesn't feel...right. That makes no damn sense but, I don't know..."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Romeo glances around, opting to watch for this apparent activity instead.

Natsumi is sort of dazing out but they're. Yeah they're here. Prbably.

Ain | Fiore

Fiore is dragged to the group now. "Hi..." He waved awkwardly to the group. "Ummm... what do you guys have right now? Because I've gone through the mission logs and security time stamps I might know who it is, but I'm not really sure."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme is not expecting to be grabbed and barely keeps their footing the whole way over. Once at the gathering they quietly put as much distance between themselves and Alex as possible before tuning into the conversation. "Oh, right, we need to... um. Whatever you guys want to go with, I guess..."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty sighs. "Yeah, like I said, we don't want it to be any of them, but we do have to look where the evidence is pointing, right? We can't just go by feeling."

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"I've been thinking, the wolves are definitely being watched. Kim might be the one who did it but I don't think they would have any reason to do it, unless there's someone else putting pressure on them," Jarno threw his thoughts into the soup of discussion.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex is in the big group, but getting slightly lost in the voices. He notices Natsumi in a daze and realizes the english is probably a lil much for them so he gives them a lil moral support pat on the shoulder.

Jamie's staring out into the crowd, trying to see what everyone else apparently saw.

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

Syd squeaked when grabbed. "I wasn't gonna do anything!" He shook his head, keeping an eye out in the crowd still to see if he noticed anything new. Bark bark guard dog time. "With the evidence and answers we have it makes the most sense.. but uh.... I'm not really the brains of this operation either." He was maybe only half listening haha oops.

Ain | Fiore

Fiore wants a drink, but decides now's not the time.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"The only one who lines up with the timestamps is Kim, and they're the only one who had water with her. We don't wanna accuse them, but we kind of... have to make this call." 

"... Oh?" Ash tilts their head at Jarno, before thinking. ".... Maybe the accusation will get them to come forth about it?"

Lethe hums. "It's fine. The evidence is sound, at least. It's unfortunate, but...."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

Kasper eventually sighed upon losing the person to the crowd, but he does go back to thinking about their suspects and narrowing his options. He speaks to his coworkers in confidence. "Out of everyone and based on the reports released, I believe Kim of the triplets might have been the one who did it. He has too many evidences up against him, and even as far back as when we first met the triplets they always seemed to have to hide something. It's not fun to make accusations, but... If it means bringing justice we will have to."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

"I mean, based on the reports.. the triplets are the only ones who have discrepancies in their testimonies.. so, of course suspicion is on them. I feel like the others have more solid alibies. But Jarno has a point.." she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose "there's a possibility they're being pushed to do this too.."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran continues to just listen to the group discussion.

Ain | Fiore

"I have to agree. The wolf was the only one who left in the specified time frame." Fiore's pushing his one braincell as far as it can go.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

"Fair point, Jarno" Jiemba nodded, "Maybe it'll work out then, IF that is the case" 

"Its just...having a member of the occult murder someone who was fighting for their equality just doesn't look right and doesn't make sense to me. And would just....look bad for the occult, which i'm pretty sure some hateful bastards would want anyway..."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔 

Esme is back to peoplewatching the rest of the room idly.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Like I said- Maybe when they're accused, they might come forward about it, yeah?"  

"I don't like accusing them publicly either. But...." Ash sighs and rubs their forehead.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani just listens to everyone and sighs. She lowkey feels bad that someone has to get accused, especially taking Jiemba's words into consideration.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle gets up and starts quietly drifting over to the rest of the group, indicating with a gesture of her head for the other three in the group to follow. 

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Jamie takes note of Thistle and lightly follows after her with a nod. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Lethe follows behind quietly.

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

Syd is distracted he may be going the wrong direction.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle goes back to take Syd's hand and lead him the correct way. 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

The results: the group suspects **Kim** is the culprit. It is now time to decide who will give the accusation. You can elect a player character, including mod characters, or choose to ask one of the present leaders. Determine this in-character discussion!

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty rocks on her heels a bit. "Sooo, assuming none of us wanna take the responsibility for doing this, we should probably have one of the leaders do this, right?"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

"I feel like.. maaaaaaybe this is a Carlos thing...."

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"Yes. Definitely." Jarno agrees with them.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

"Probably..." Alex nods with the group

Ain | Fiore

"Who's going to tell him?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle raises her hand and softly says "I have spoken to him before and we get along, I could tell him?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash bites their lip, about to open their mouth when Wisty says what they were thinking. They let out the longest sigh of relief and nod quickly. "We should probably bring it up to Carlos, yeah. So who's gonna go tell them-?"  

"Oh hi Thistle- Oh, if you want to?"

Lethe looks to Thistle. "I can come with you."

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

Syd is holding Thistle's hand now. He just shrugs a bit in a 'idk I got transfered here man' way.

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

"But we were hired to do this job. We have to make the move ourselves at some point."

Albo | Jiemba🪃

"I think having a leader do it a far better idea though. We did our job, and we're reporting to our superiors, yeah?"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"But the issues pretty sensitive.. I mean, their all big name brands and the events really publicized..." Alex is nervous

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

"I mean, I understand that.. and we've done our job. An accusation feels beyond our paygrade and he might be able to handle it better considering he runs the whole organisation.." she gestures. holding on to Kasper's arm and bringing herself closer to him.. he seemed tense and that was fair

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

"And we can make the move when we're not still classified as newbies and we're more experienced. It's better if someone more official does it, instead of a 'new recruit', ya know?" Ash brings up.

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

"Then... I think Lethe and Thistle should do it. It'll have the least repercussions to not have humans do it at least considering the climate." 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle gives a tiny nod and murmurs "You may come if you like, Lethe, although he is not - scary." She looks around at the others, fiddling a bit with the fabric of her skirt. "Then...shall we go? If we are agreed?"

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani is just watching this go down. She doesnt feel like she needs to say anything for everyone to know she agrees with the general group.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Lethe shrugs. Carlos isn't scary at all, but she still wants to stick with Thistle.  She's ready to go with her though.

Ash gives a thumbs up to Thistle. "You're a star. Thanks for doing it for us."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Ooohhh, this new theory actually makes a lot of sense in Auran's mind... he's making connections of what could possibly go wrong in his mind and he's hating where this is going. His face seems to be full of panic for a couple seconds, but he quickly summons the power to bottle it back down. "Yeah... Carlos is probably the best idea...." He hesitantly nods, fidgeting with his clothes. (the long vest thingy may be getting twisted in his hands. dont worry about it.)

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba notes Auran fidgeting, and moves to catch one of his hands, holding it in a gentle grip.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle gives a tiny nod and slips over with Lethe to where Carlos is standing, tugging on his sleeve slightly to get his attention. "Carlos...we think we know who the most likely suspect is. We are, um, supposed to make an accusation, yes? Would you be willing to help with that? The rest of us are concerned we are not...qualified. Politically." She blinks at him a bit before murmuring "Also, your clothes look nice."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe follows silently beside, nodding in agreement with most everything Thistle says. "Mm. We believe someone more official should handle this."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Carlos turns to face the two, blinking. "You all have come to a conclusion then? Alright. Who?" 

 He also glances at Haskell and raises an eyebrow.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran grimaces and whines, slouching. 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi looks at Auran and gives him a... strong pat to the back. "Straight! Ho!" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash splutters.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme jumps at Natsumi's shout. "Straight? Hoe?" 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran shrieks as he straightens himself up and stumbles forward.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi smiles. "Good job! straight back healthy"

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba caught Auran and glances back at Natsumi with wide eyes, "Bruh."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell catches the eyebrow raise and immediately starts distracting Rudy.

Thistle gives a tiny nod, taking a deep breath to get ready to talk, and quietly says "We think it was Kim. He was the only one in the room in the time frame the poison would have needed to be taken, and the only one who drank water with Elaine - she did not drink anything with any of the others. The werewolves have also apparently been...acting unusually nervous, and weren't as truthful as the other designers in their interviews. The others have no evidence against them that would make them seem like more likely options," She looks up at him, hands twisting in her skirt a bit. " seems the most likely."

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

"ho?" Syd stares at where Auran shrieked.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe continues nodding in agreement, casually ignoring the chaos in the background.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty sagely says "Auran does have trouble with being straight." 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran gives Natsumi a cross of a horrified, confused and outraged look.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Rudy has been easily distracted. Who knew Haskell had such intrest in his extensive fashion taste and opinions!

Ain | Fiore

"Who is straight nowadays..."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi blinks, smiling, no thoughts inbetween those ears.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash puts a hand over their mouth as they snicker. "I'm so sorry Auran--" Why they had to bully him today, who knew---

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba is trying not to snicker, god help.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex looks at Fiore like bro im right here

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"Natsumi, I think we need to have a talk about personal space," Jarno says and puts a hand on their shoulder. 

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani quietly laughs at the conversation. Really helped relieve the tension.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Carlos listens to Thistle, hand going up to his neck as he thinks through her evidence. "I see... well then. I'll handle the rest. Thank you all. Please advise the others to pay attention to the room... we hope this will go cleanly." 

Natsumi blinks and looks at Jarno then his hand. "Is first lesson starting now?"

Ain | Fiore 

"I meant 'is'.... sorry..." he scratched the back of his neck.

Albo | Jiemba🪃

"Auran? Are you straig--I mean, are you good mate? That was some slap, shit" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash snickers. "I don't think anyone's straight here-" They mutter under their breath.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle gives a small nod and a quiet "Thank you, Carlos," before ghosting back away through the crowd to rejoin the others, indicating for Lethe to join her. As she comes back to the others she gives a small wave and raises her voice to a somewhat more hear-able volume when she says. "Carlos said he would handle the rest, and to watch the rest of the room in case this does not go...cleanly."

Albo | Jiemba🪃

"Thanks Thistle, you're a gem" Jiemba shoots her an appreciative smile.

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"First lesson is, don't hit your coworkers. It's not nice, and will get you in trouble if they get hurt," Jarno tells Natsumi with a stern, deep voice stemming from past experience.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe follows behind Thistle and nods. "Lets hope it doesn't come down to that." Their mind is still on the people who shouldn't have been there....

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Carlos sighs to himself before turning, lifting his head and putting on a somewhat serious expression without it being mean. He moves forward, making his way to the triplets and stopping infront of Kim. "...Kim.... may I speak with you...?"

Natsumi blinks. "Hit?? I only have Auran stand straight! Back should not uh... bend. Always."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle gives Jiemba a tiny smile and curtsy of acknowledgment.

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"Just use your words and not your hands the next time, okay?"

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

Syd gave a little okay hand sign as Lethe and Thistle rejoined the group. “….Is there enough of us here to even handle something if the whole room were to break out.” He thought half out loud to himself, glancing around like he was trying to gauge the worst case scenarios with the singular braincell he had running.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash can't help but give Thistle a gently headpat.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Kim freezes up as Carlos approaches him for a moment, stepping backwards "Uh... y-yes? Can... I help you?.." He looks around a bit to see where Konan and Katy are.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle gives Ash a tiny smile as well and reaches up to pat their head back.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash giggles and leans down to give Thistle easier patting access.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi blinks. "Soooo neee.... hm! Everyone different. In the cult I was raise in you always say hello with a punch to the face! And goodnight with a swift kick to the kneecaps..." they cross their arms and nod. 

Carlos motions to the nearest exit. "I would like to speak with you about... the case at hand."

Ain | Fiore 

"Guys... get ready things might get messy." Fiore glanced to the table of alcohol. No, he must resist.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Kim is very reluctant "I... I told your agents everything I know already... I-I really don't have much more to say... And I can't really just leave the event- I-I...."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"With due respect... this isn't a suggestion, Kim. You've been accused of committing the act. I would prefer we handle this as quietly as possible... you don't want your brand's reputation publicly shaken..." he levels his voice in a low whisper.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty gives a thoughtful nod to Natsumi. "Was it just with people within the cult, or did they just punch anyone they saw in the face as a greeting? Although I guess that would be a giveaway they were in the cult." 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash is kind of laughing at the cult talk.

Lethe is really just keeping her focus on the crowd, and on the... accusation.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani's listening to the conversation, but keeps taking glances at the talk going down. Gotta be ready, yknow

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"hm! Cult only! Elders used to hit all, but that was frown upon."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

Athena is too anxious to pay attention to the conversation happening and is doing her best to keep calm.. her mind is still on the suspicious figures from earlier.......

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba is half listening to the Newest Natsumi original while also keeping an eye on the confrontation going on. Its two very different moods. This is a weird time line.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔 

Esmes attention has drifted towards the accusation, trying to gauge how its going from a distance and blocking out Natsumi as much as possible. Sorry Natsumi.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Kim's eyes go wide and he stays silent for a moment, trying to decide what to do but is unable to keep his voice from shaking. "Its.... Its not what you think... please, this wasn't supposed to happen..." He lowers his head and checks for his siblings again. "Okay... I'll go with you..."

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"Wait, what?" Jarno says, dumbfounded by this revelation. "Really?" He doesn't want to believe it but the straightforward way Natsumi said it like it was just alittle tidbit gave him a pause. 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran gives Jiemba a strained high pitched "no" before coughing and-- being thoroughly enthralled by Natsumi's tale once more. He is very confused, but his attention is selective and it decided that was what he was going to focus on now.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Yeah I would think it probably would be, huh?" Wisty gives another thoughtful mhm, mhm nod, then winks at Jarno, before she returns her attention to the rest of the room, watching for any unrest. 

Ain | Fiore 

Natsumi's reply caught Fiore's attention. "Um excuse me." He switches to Japanese "I don't think we've met but what do you mean by what you said?" 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Carlos nods. "You will have time to explain in custody... for now, walk with me to the exit casually. Then attention shouldn't be brought to you." and he turns a bit, ready to walk. 

"Yes! It was very rough at first but you get use to it" 

Natsumi blinks before looking at Fiore surprise. "Ah! Japanese? Wow!" they smile "Yes, it is the truth."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

"Oh.." Athena watches as Carlos and Kim converse, it seems as if like.. it's going smoothly? She's grateful for that...

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

Syd has a growing off feeling and is hoping it’s just leftovers from the weird people earlier. He’s on edge.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Despite the conversation seeming to go well, Mialani still felt a little uneasy about everything...

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash looks to Athena, before looking to Carlos and Kim, and breathing out a small sigh. 

Lethe is continuing to keep her eye out. This is going too smoothly....

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Kim remains silent as he's escorted out, and while Katy doesn't seem to have noticed what's happening Konan definitely has.. and is keeping Katy distracted. They won't be causing an uproar. 

Alex has been somewhat zoned out listening to Natsumi's bullshit.

Jamie watches the accusation going down and tenses up a little watching Carlos escorting Kim away.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle murmurs, also in Japanese, "I am very sorry but I think we are supposed to be focusing on the rest of the room in case things go badly..."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi blinks. "Badly? Why would they go badly? Because of the murder?"

Carlos escorts Kim to the door, speaks to the officers there, and a few follow him out with Kim. Luckily, they get out without drawing any attention.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme looks intrigued at the Japanese back and forth. Waow! Other languages! Cool.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle nods. "Because people might get angry about what is happening...others noticed some strange people and presences around the room, so we want to be ready if people try anything." she goes up on tiptoes, looking after Carlos. "But...they have left now and nothing has happened yet. It might be okay? But we should probably...still be on guard, just in case."

Ain | Fiore

"Ah... I see, but I still think you shouldn't hit your coworkers. I've been told it's not a good way to create good work relations." Fiore nods to Thistle, "Also the reason why we're looking out for anything is because some of the reactions to the accusation wouldn't be good."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle nods in agreement with Fiore.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani sighed once they left. She didn't want to hold onto this uneasy feeling, but she knew it was gonna stick around until the whole case was closed.  "It's heavy in here, huh?" She said mostly to Athena 

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

"Kind of.." she says with a light laugh "and my mind is still on that thing I mentioned earlier.. it feels really off, still.."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Ahhh I see... Okay! I will not hit unless needed hehe" they nod, grinning. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash's gaze flickers around as Kim is escorted away. They stand and wait, bracing for something to happen.... But it? doesn't???  They let out a sigh of relief. "Well, we should definitely keep an eye out.... But we're here, right? And we gotta stay here- why don't we do a little multitasking? Add in a little play to the work. After all, here we are, all dressed up- lets try and make it a little worthwhile!"

 "We don't have to keep our mind away from it completely. But it's better to act natural instead of standing here like statues, right?"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔 

"I want a drink..." Esme mumbles sadly.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

"I think it's just gonna stay that way." Mialani sighs again before seeming to stand up more straight than she had been. "Anyway, Ash is right. We can always do our job of keeping watch while enjoying a ball." She smiled. 

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

When they left the doors Syd visibly relaxed, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He migrated to Jamie’s side again now that he wasn’t mapping the whole venue. He stared at where the other two sibs sat at and appreciated that Ash’s optimism seemed infectious. He shook his head to let out the rest of the stress. “Ready to get rid of the cape yet? Let loose?” He wanted a distraction.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs a little. "Yeah, we are still supposed to be security, so I think we gotta stay till the end anyway, right? It's not like we need to stand by the walls the whole time." She looks around. "Probably better if we don't, honestly, attracts too much attention." She shrugs. "So...yeah, that's probably that on that for the night, whenever we wanna, like, disperse."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe lowkey wants to ask for Jamie's cape if he gets rid of it but just kind of looks away.

Ash hums. "So this is a ball, right? When do you think there'll be dancing? And if so, who wants to dance with me!"

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran gives the group another sad grimace. "... I did wanna dance... it is a ball..."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex watches the escort out lightly, trying not to be obvious or draw attention, then leans his head on Fiores arm feeling uneasy. "I want a drink too..." A bad idea, but he doesn't like the stress of all this 

Jamies a bit stuck in his head, and jumps a bit snapping out of it when Syd speaks to him. "Wha-? Oh..." He's not sure why, but he feels almost angry for no real reason. "No.. I don't want to have to carry it around so I'll just leave it on I guess." 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty shoos Auran away playfully. "Go dance, then! There'll still be enough of us watching around to yell and get your attention if something goes wrong."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Go dance Auran!! Go have fun! Go Dance with Jiemba!" Ash cheers. 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Romeo slightly relaxed seeing them leave, though probably not for the same reason everyone else had been. He looks to the others but doesn't speak. He was content being a statue by the wall honestly.

"Ooh! Yes, dance and drink time!! It is a party, right?" they bounce in place. "Wanna dance? Anyone?"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Feeling thoroughly dismissed, Esme slinks off to grab finger food and a large drink. o7

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

"Dancing sounds like a great idea." Mialani said sounding way more relaxed now. "I'll dance with everyone at this point!" She laughed

Ain | Fiore 

Fiore's head snapped to Alex at the mention of drink before he calm himself. He wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Let's get a glass."

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno is glad that everything went so smoothly and quietly. "No thanks," he says to Natsumi's invitation to dance and turns swiftly to look for the champagne.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Just don't get too drunk, we still need to be paying attention," Wisty calls after the others as they go.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi, same grin on their face. "That ok I was not asking you"

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

“If I wore it how much do you think it’d drag on the ground?” He laughed. “I think I’d pull it off though, ya think?” He glanced around as he overheard the snippets of convos from others. “I’ve seen you drink but.. how are you at dancing?”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Oh! Me! I wanna dance!" Ash beams at Natsumi and Mialani.

Lethe looks to Thistle. "Have you danced before?"

Ain | Fiore

"I'm just going to get a glass don't worry."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran's eyes widen in surprise with a "mnnhgheehh??" as he's shooed. "Oh, huh-- If you say so!!" A small lopsided grin returns to his face as he snorts, "Can I dance with you guys too afterwards? Wisty? Ash?" 

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"Yeeesss " Mialani goes and grabs Ash's hand and wait for Natsumi to come along to go dance.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Im limiting you if you do. You have to promise you'll actually stop when I say." Alex squints up at him 

Jamie grins "Sorry, it was still pricy and I don't think I want it dragging around on the floor. Plus you'll definitely end up tripping on it." He looks over to the others, calming a bit seeing everyone starting to enjoy their time here. "Why, is that an offer? Can you even dance?" 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba breathed a sigh of relief seeing Kim and Carlos leave peacefully. He nods, "Yeah, the 'main events' done, now we can the rest of our job."  He cast a glance at Auran, and grins really stupidly before he starts singing to a well known tune of Whitney Houston's, "Oooooh? Do you wanna dance with someboooodyy" He does a little sashay, holding out out his hand to Auran, "Do you wanna feel the heat with some body?" His brows are waggling, specifically with the "heat" comment, doint the worlds slowest pelvic thrust for emphasis before sobering. "But nah seriously, lets go dance."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

"Mmmmn fair point.. best to try and relax a little. Maybe drinks first and then a dance.. Did anyone want anything from the drinks bar? U-Jin, come with me for a drink?" she directs towards Kasper in Korean, gently tugging on his arm 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Yeah of course! I wanna dance with all my friends!" Ash says with a thumbs up to Auran before squeezing Mialani's hand and using their other one to take Natsumi's. Dance train~

Ain | Fiore 

Feeling a little sad for the limit he pouted, "Yes sir..." 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle considers that a moment. "Some...what? I knew someone once who taught me a bit, but I do not know if they are...human dances. But I have read about some."

Wisty gives Auran a return grin. "Yeah, man, come find me whenever you want." She laughs into her hand. "I'll dance with any of you guys, mark my words."

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

"I won't," Jarno assures Wisty as he walks away, lifting his hand as an acknowledgement and farewell, choosing to simply ignore Natsumi's sass he wasn't even sure was sass to be honest He heads to table to grab a champagne flute. Just one tonight. Just to shake the events off. 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi bounces excitedly like a duck seeing its siblings and follows them along.

Romeo deadpans watching them all run off to the dance floor.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe hums and curtsies to Thistle, holding out her hand. "Would you like to give it a try?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty is still hanging out by Romeo for the moment thank u very much; she nudges his arm a little playfully. "What, you don't wanna dance? But you're so good at it and everything."

Thistle blinks, before she gives a tiny smile and a curtsy back, carefully taking the offered hand. "Yes, I would like to, if you would be alright with teaching me."

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

“Better than you.” Syd feeds into the dramatic a bit with a pose, extending a hand out for Jamie. “And I can prove it. How about it?”

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo looks at Wisty and huffs. "I'm not that good at it, and it's ballroom dancing." he frowns.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

"Im also... _still not good with drinks... so you'll have to keep with my pace a lil-..." Alex is embarrassed a lil and starts escorting Fiore to the drinks.

"Well, this is gonna be a train wreck." Jamie laughs and takes the hand. "Don't complain if you get stepped on."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs and sways side to side a bit to make her skirt swish slightly. "You think anyone else out there right now is a professional ballroom dancer either? I don't mind."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran's head snaps back to Jiemba and he just stares for like 15 seconds with the most confused face of a deer caught in headlights, before letting out the loudest snort and breaking out in laughter. "Oh my god, Jiemba" And he takes his hand and pulls him into the dance floor with a confident smirk finally creeping into his face.

Ain | Fiore 

"Then we can just go with something light." Fiore picked up two glasses of champagne and handed one glass to Alex. Taking a sip he looked to the dance floor, "They seem to be having fun."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

Seeing no one else taking Athena's offer, he was quick to offer his arm for her to take insteas. "I'd love to get a drink with you, Xingyin. I'm curious to see the selection they have." He responded back to her in Korean as they'd went along their way to relax.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

"Of course. I don't mind at all." She takes Thistle gently by the hand to an emptier space. "First is position. It changes based on who is leading. Since I am teaching, I can lead. For you, you put one hand on my shoulder, and the other one holds my hand. My other hand that isn't holding yours will settle on your back."

"So, who's dancing with who first? Or, should we just spin in a circle while holding hands?" Ash asks, bouncing on the tips of their feet.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

She shrugged "Yeah, guess no one else wants drinks. That's fine." she laughs and takes his arm, walking with him to the bar, smiling at Alex and Fiore "hey.. be careful with how much you drink okay?" she said, teasing lightly 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

He blinks a little surprise, "You want to dance?"

"I can watch if you guys are dancing" the smile

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex takes the glass and has a baby sip of it. "Yeah... heh, this kinda reminds me of Barcelona." He smiles, then turns to Athena and blushes. "I-I'm not having much! Promise!" 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle nods along with Lethe's instructions, putting her free hand carefully on her shoulder. "Ah, I am sorry if I feel...strange to touch without gloves..."

Wisty laughs, leaning against his side. "'Course I do, you know I love dancing, right? But if you'd rather just stick around here, that's fine too."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

"I meant that for both of you" she threw a wink Alex's way taking a glass of rose and offering another to Kasper "Cheers?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo stands up. "We can dance." and he offers his hand.

Ain | Fiore

Fiore laughs softly into his glass, "I won't toss you again if you want to dance again." He glanced to the other couple and nodded. "Alex has control on how much I drink today." 

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱🥔

Esme walks past the couples gathered at the drinks table somehow carrying four martinis.

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

Syd pulled Jamie, getting onto the floor with a dumb grin. Smug cat. "You've done worse to me, I don't mind." He wiggles his shoulder a little to prove the point. "I've got you what could possibly go wrong." He paused for a split second before using a hand to hold Jamie's waist. The height difference was suddenly noticeable.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba is very eagerly pulled to the dance floor! That's the face he liked to see! "So do you know the first thing about the waltz, or are we going prom dance shuffle?" He proceeds to demonstrate said shuffle. Auran, I'm sorry. 

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

He snorts a quick second. "Yeah, that's definitely a good compromise. Keep a good eye on him, alright Alex?" Kasper said with a chuckle before he takes the glass and gladly clinks it with Athena's (and Alex and Fiore's if they'd like to as well). "Cheers!"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena noticed Esme and looked at them curiously... are they gonna be okay.............. "c..careful there, Esme.."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty blinks before she laughs again, taking Romeo's offered hand. That was fast. "Okayyy, as long as you're sure." She tugs on his hand a bit lightly towards the dance floor.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Carlos takes Kim outside and gets into the back of a police vehicle with them when it drives up, to be taken to the nearest station for further questioning and holding. Another officer of course discreetly informs his siblings and offers to take them to the station, if they choose to go. 

Watching all this, unbeknownst to anyone, some figures whisper to each other while observing... 

"Yes... Spectre has left with Dog 1... yes... the plan is still in motion."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran snort-laughs again. "Man, if we could figure out tango, we can figure out a waltz." He giggles at his demonstration, not even trying to hide the lopsided grin before he pulled Jiemba into a dance.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe tenses up a little, before adjusting and settling into the position. "You're fine. I am not very touchy to begin with, usually. Truthfully, your touch is likely a little better than a normal person's." "Next, we will move our feet. Just follow my feet with your mirroring one. We will do it slowly, to the rhythm. You can look to your feet, if you wish. Normally it's considered rude, but when beginning, I believe it is better to have a visual when learning."

Ash notices Mialani isn't saying anything, so they make the choice for them. "Natsumi, would you dance with me?" They bow and offer their hand to them.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

She clinks her glass with the others too before downing the drink, waving at Alex and Fiore before urging Kasper to the dance floor uwu

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani let the two start dancing and happily dances without a partner right next to them, cheering them on and hyping then up. Doesn't notice anything else and is just trying to have fun 

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex clinks his drink with the others and then takes Fiores arm, smiling a lil and motioning for them to also join the dance floor. "I trust you, don't worry~" 

Jamie was suddenly much more entertained by the fact Syd was leading considering the height difference. This'll be funny. "Guess I'll follow you're lead. No pressure."