Sootfur giving up 3/4 of her children

1 year, 8 months ago

Sootfur leaving her children with Fuzzy’ears

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Enjoy my short story that took way longer than it should have :,D

Sootfur was thankful for the warm Greenleaf air, she didn't want her kits to freeze up with being out of the nursery. She said a quick prayer to Starclan that the other Queens would keep Owlkit safe. Sootfur was curled around her three remaining kits grooming their little bodies for the last time. She hoped they would grow up to be strong warriors. 

The tunnel beneath the Thunderpath was silent and the kits started to stir at the chirping of the crickets. Maybe their father would be here soon, She didn't know how long she could keep them quiet before a night patrol could find them and send them back. She was going to miss her kits. Maybe they would given better names than what she had planned. It had taken her this long of Arguing with the other Queens to chose Owlkit's name, and he wasn't even here. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a monster pass over head and the kits began to mew. She panicked and did her best to groom and calm them. The largest of the three dug his long tiny claws in her side, it didn't hurt, but she did her best not to hiss. She heard heavy hesitant paw steps from outside the tunnel and stopped grooming the kits. She got a strong whiff of Thunderclan and the sight of a friendly face. 

"Took you long enough" she spoke softly in relief, trying to not wake the kits. Fuzzy'ears pressed his forehead to hers and licked between her ears. Then he saw their kits for the first time. He admired them for a moment, each of their little soft brown pelts and tiny features in the dim light of the tunnel. "They're so small" he whispered, bringing his head close. His pelt was so close to her and she wished he would never leave. Oh why was Starclan so cruel to make this her fate. She only wanted to live this moment with him for the rest of her life and never leave his side. But things were different now. and when she returned it would be Brutestar she was to face he would have her, and he'd never let her leave. 

"Is this all of them?" Fuzzy'ears asked, lifting his head the slightest bit so she could look into his bright forest green eyes. She gulped remembering the prophecy, and Owlkit laying in her empty nest in the nursery, safe and sound. "Yes" she said as calm as her voice would allow. "Eldest of your kits will bring fire and destruction to the clans, the others will change the code to fix what has been done" Fuzzy'ears said under his breath. Sootfur's heart sank, slowly she bent her head and nuzzled her second born. "He's the eldest" She spoke sadly. "I-I'll see what I can do for him," He whispered. Fuzzy'ears bent his head to grab the kit by his scruff and Sootfur hissed. "I'm not going to hurt him," He stated "I'm going to bring him up so he might never bring down the clans"  She looked at him through silted eyes and a worried expression on her face. "I promise"

She watched as he picked up her kits one by one by their scuffs, being gentle to attempt to soften their Mewling. He turned and made his way up and out of the Thunderpath tunnel and through the trees. Sootfur watched as he disappeared with her kits and she sat alone.