calm (rewrite)

1 year, 11 months ago

rewrite of an old work. 4/30/21

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"you're fucking ridiculous!" kyle's hair bursts up with flames upon speaking, his eyes glowing with a firey rage as he yanks kimberly in by her scarf.  "why the hell did you interrupt my fight?! i was so close to beating that asshole!"

"who are you calling ridiculous?" kimberly shoves kyle's hand off harshly, shoving him into a tree. "i'm not the one who went off prematurely in a quest for us to do together!"

snarling, kyle pushes back up from the tree, towering over kimberly with snarky eyes. "oh, so now you wanna work together? what happened to being alone? refusing my help? going off on your own? if you're gonna criticize me, at least own up for your own hypocrisy!"

"hypocrite?" kimberly eyes swirl with rage, as if controlling the storm clouds collecting about their area. "i just saved your entire life and you're calling me a hypocrite?! one more hit on your arrogant ass and you'd be icy remains right now!"

"jesus fucking christ--" kyle rolls his eyes, forcing out a dry, mocking laugh. he leans over, utilizing his height as leverage over kimberly's significantly shorter form. "did you forget that i specialize in fire? which is strong against ice? or are you just jealous that i could get better hits on it than you ever can?"

"you shut your goddamn mouth!" kimberly retorts, voice raising higher with every single word.

a rumble of thunder begins to sound behind the two as droplets of rain trickle down into the overworld. somewhere from not so far away, a violet streak of lightning crackles down from the black clouds, flashing for a split second. kyle backs up, realizing the temper that he just caused kimberly to unleash, but the lightning which does not relent in the slightest.

with each word, kimberly prods at kyle's chest harshly. "i. am. not. jealous. YOU are always the one doing stupid things that I have to get you out of! what the hell do you think happened all those past times?! i was the one who held you back on EVERY. SINGLE. QUEST. i was only-"

"calm down, kim!" kyle snapped back, interrupting kimberly. "look around at what you've done! now you're changing the weather!"

"I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" kimberly practically screams at this point, voice nearly washed out by the pounding rain. somewhere in her voice, a choked sob sneaks in, but nobody can tell the tears apart from the train trickling from her hair down to her cheeks. "i saw you back there! you could have been killed! i was trying to save you!"

"well, you didn't, so would ya just look at that!" kyle growls, flames still somehow manages to spark at his palms despite the downpour over their heads. "maybe if you actually fought with me, we'd actually be somewhere, but look at where we are now!"

kimberly raises her head to her surroundings. the two of them, arguing out in the heavy thunder, not a single step closer to finishing their quest. ...maybe she needs some time alone. shooting kyle one last dirty glare, kimberly swerves in another direction and begins running off to a sheltered cave instead, leaving kyle all alone, soaking under the rain.

"that's right-- just fucking leave," kyle mumbles, leaning onto a tree and slumping down. "i'm better off without you at all."