OC Prompts/Questions

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
1 289

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

A series of questions/prompts featuring my OCs for added world building and characterization!

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Chapter 1

Prompt: Your OCs come across a fence while in a hurry. What would they do to go across?

Damica: Uses the door as fast as possible, closes it behind him.

Sunshine: Same as Damica, but does it a little slower and softer as to not hurt herself but still taps her feet while doing so and making worried noises.

Beats: Would try to vault himself over it. If it works, he flexes. If it doesn't, he opens the door quickly as to try and not embarrass himself even more.

Vivian: Climbs the fence and safely drops herself on the other side.

Mystery: Would simply go over it as if it was a tiny ledge due to his size. If it was bigger, he'd try to vault over it as he's too small to use the door.

Ridge: Vaults over it no problem.

Phage: Uses some mechanical tentacles (Doc-Ock style) to go over the fence. If no machinery is used, she just takes the door quickly and closes it behind her.

Jani: Tries to use door, breaks it anyways.

Prompt: If your OC had a character theme, what would it sound like? What kind of genre of music would it fall in? Is there a song that sounds similar to how you envision their theme?

Damica: His theme would sound uplifting and energetic. Sounds like something from an anime opening/ending. A song similar to what I have in mind is "One Way Dream" from Sonic Frontiers.

Sunshine: Her theme would sound soft, slow and cute. It would sound something similar to lo-fi music.

Beats: His theme would be energetic and having a catchy beat to it. It would be in a chiptune music style.




