ivy g vs ivy f

1 year, 7 months ago

script written for ivanabe gaye vs her corruption au counterpart, ivanabe feared. (2019)

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part 1**

Ivy: **enters saloon** Howdy there, Lloyd!

Lloyd: Hey there, Ivanabe! What can I get for ya today?

Ivy: Though I would love to sit down and have a drink, I’m actually lookin’ for somethin’ to do! Got any suggestions?

Lloyd: I’m all outta jobs for ya, kid. But I overheard a couple other guys talkin’ about this strange noise comin’ from the woods. Maybe that’s somethin’?

Ivy: That’s great! Thanks, Lloyd! I’ll buy a drink tomorrow!

Ivy: **leaves the saloon**

Ivy: A strange noise, eh?


Ivy: **dismounts Fahhgott and walks in front of woods**

Ivy: Seems normal ta me....

Ivy: **enters the forest as a noise begins to sound**

Ivy: Holy heck, I could hear it!

Ivy: **follows sound into the middle of the forest**

**there’s this massive blue portal**

Ivy: Wh-what in a tarnation? What’s this?

Ivy: **tries to poke the portal but her arm gets sucked in**

Ivy: Wh-

**the portal vores her in**


**thats the end of part one for ya**

**now here’s part two, yeehaw**

Ivy: AAAAHHHHHHH- **smacks onto the ground**

Ivy: Ugh... **slowly gets up and looks around**

Ivy: Hm? I’m back in front of Dirtwater... That’s was anticlimactic. Hold up, what does anticlimactic even mean?

Ivy: **enters town**

**everyone doing something turns to her and bows down**

Ivy: What the heck? Is there some sort of god behind me? **turns around but there’s no one there** Why y’all bowing down?

Ivy: **walks over to someone** Hey, what’s goin’ on?

Person: **continues looking down**

Ivy: Okay...?

Ivy: **shrugs, walks over to saloon and enters it**

Person 1: **whispers to friend** It’s *her!*

Person 2: **whispers back** Don’t make eye contact!

Ivy: **walks over to those guys** Hey, do ya guys know what’s goin’ on today?

Person 1: **yelps and falls off the chair**

Person 2: H-h-h-hello, Miss!

Ivy: Miss? I thought everyone just called me Ivanabe...

Person 1: Wh-what brings you to us?

Ivy: Well, everyone’s actin’ strange today so I figured I asked someone if they knew.

Person 1: Hold on, you’re dressed differently today. I thought ya said you hated that bandana!

Ivy: What? No! Rufus gave that to me, how could I hate it?

Person 1: Are ya really the Ivanabe we know?

Person 2: Fred, shut *up!* What if she gets mad at us?!

Ivy: I don’t know what’s goin’ on here, but trust me, I never get mad at anyone unless they did a really bad thing-

Person 1: We’ve been saved! Ivanabe turned nice!

Ivy: Nice? I thought I was always nice...

Person 2: Then... you’re really Ivanabe?

Ivy: Last time I checked, yep, that’s me?

Person 1: Hooray- AGH!

Ivy: What? **turns around**

**there’s another version of her standing at the door**

Other Ivy: **narrows eyes** What’s goin’ on here?

**end of part two yeehaw**

**part three hawyee**

Ivy: Yikes! Who’s this scary-lookin’ version of me?

Other Ivy: I could ask the same. Who’s this dumbass version of me?

Ivy: Wow, rude!

Person 1: I can’t believe this- two Ivanabes?

Other Ivy: **shoots gun in guy’s direction** Shut it.

Person 1: Eep!

Ivy: Hey, what’ya do that for? **marches up to her**

Other Ivy: He was being a pest. And you are too.

Ivy: I don’t know what you’re doin’ talkin’ like that with my face, but I’m gonna settle this!

Other Ivy: With what? **smirks**

Ivy: Oh- um- I haven’t figured that out yet...

Other Ivy: I was right. You’re a complete idiot.

Ivy: Hey!

Other Ivy: How about this: Let’s battle to the death.

Ivy: What? No!

Person 2: *whispers* Please, if you win this battle, we’ll all be free!

Person 1: *whispers back to him* Are you crazy?! She can’t win!

Ivy: Don’t underestimate me. I don’t like killing people, but I’m gonna find a way to solve this without violence. I accept your match.

Person 1: You literally just accepted a violent end!

Ivy: Whatever! I’ll think of something!

Other Ivy: **lips curl into a smile** You shouldn’t underestimate me, either. Let’s go outside.

**end of part three whoo**

**part four hawyee**

**the two girls step outside**

Ivy: I’ve never been in a real battle before, how does it start?

Other Ivy: Man, you’re even stupider than I thought! I’ll set the duel time to exactly twelve o’clock

Ivy: Any rules?

Other Ivy: **smiles** One rule: If you run away from the battle, that’s an automatic lose. We’ll make boundaries and if you cross that, it’s a lose too.

Ivy: May I add something to that?

Other Ivy: Go ahead.

Ivy: Once one of us steps outta bounds, the other gets ta choose whatever happens to them.

Other Ivy: It’s a deal.

**the two stand face to face in the middle of Dirtwater

residents gather to watch**

Other Ivy: We’ll start right when the clock strikes.

**civilians nervously watch the clock**

clock: **bong-**

Ivy: **fires gun**

Other Ivy: Tch.

**waves hand and a plant shoots up from the ground, catching the bullet**

Ivy: Wh-

Other Ivy: Pathetic. You weren’t even aiming for me. **plant flicks back the bullet at full speed**

Ivy: That’s cos’ I wasn’t tryna to, stupid! **dodges**

Other Ivy: You used your turn. It’s my move now. **holds up dynamite and throws it at a spectator**

Ivy: What- Ah! **throws her own gun to stop the bomb**

**dynamite explodes onto her gun**

Ivy: Hey! That’s playin’ dirty!

Other Ivy: As a snake oiler, you should know everything about playing dirty, eh? Besides, the rules never said you couldn’t harm spectators.

Ivy: You’re a bitch.

Other Ivy: Save your insults. It’s still my turn. **loads gun with a poison bullet**

Ivy: God, I hate this battle system... **unsheathes knife**

Other Ivy: **fires gun into the air**

Ivy: Ha! Now *you* weren’t even trying to hit me!

Other Ivy: Watch and learn.

Ivy: Eh? **looks up**

**end of part four**

**the bullet comes back down at full speed**

Ivy: **quickly jumps out of the way but it grazes her arm**

Ivy: What even were the chances of that?!

Other Ivy: You may be able to strategize against simple opponents, but I’m just like you. Winning against me is impossible.

Ivy: Grr..

Other Ivy: **walks to her** Let’s save this time to talk, before i obliterate you. You’re from another world, aren’t you?

Ivy: Huh?

Other Ivy: Stupid as usual. I should have known you’re from the pacifist run. I’ve heard about you from my... sources. I never expected we’d be in a duel right now. I know who you are. You’re Ivanabe Gaye, aren’t you?

Ivy: How- how did you know my last name?

Other Ivy: I know lots. You’re from the universe where all the problems are solved peacefully and you’re adored by everyone. Tell me, Gaye, what gains more support? Love, or fear?

Ivy: ...

Other Ivy: If we were to compete in terms of popularity, would you get a single vote? Of course not. Everybody’s too afraid I’ll hurt them if they don’t choose me. It’s just like King Minos. By making everyone fear him, he easily controlled the people of his kingdom.

Ivy: Uh... who’s this Minos guy?

Other Ivy: I forgot that you’re a complete moron.

Ivy: Rude.

Other Ivy: Since I know your name, it would only be *fair* to tell you mine.

Ivy: *mumbles* Nothing about this is fair...

Other Ivy: Ivanabe Feared. It was a dumb coincidence that my name is what it is, eh? Just like yours.

Ivy: Stop talkin’ so much! Just-

**plant grabs her arms and pin them to the ground**

Ivy: Agh!

Other Ivy: **kneels in front of her** You’re kind and caring. You help anybody in need. You use your trickery and cleverness in ways where nobody ever gets hurt. But what does that gain you? Friends? Popularity?

Ivy: **glares at her**

Other Ivy: In the end, everybody takes advantage of that. You might be strong, but I’m stronger.

Other Ivy: **loads gun and points it to Ivanabe’s forehead** Game over, Gaye. You lose.


**cliffhanger :)**

*holy shit part 5*

*gun barrel smokes and one vine is ripped out of the ground*

Ivy: **heavy breathing** That was too close for comfort.

Other Ivy: I’m impressed. Any normal person could never rip out my vines.

Ivy: Oh, yeah? Any normal person would get stronger if they were about ta get shot!

Other Ivy: No time to be salty. It’s your turn. Let’s finish this.

Ivy: *cuts the other vine and stands up*

Ivy: Since ya attacked with dynamite, I’ll take out my own. **pulls out a dynamite and tosses it**

Other Ivy: **jump back as dynamite explodes in her spot** Did you really think that would work?

Ivy: Depends on what ya mean by “that” **throws another dynamite**

Other Ivy: *dodges again*

Ivy: I’ve got ya right where I wanted.

*flings knife at her*

Other Ivy: **jumps to the side and it misses**

Other Ivy: Ha, what was that?

Ivy: Look at your feet!

Other Ivy: **looks down**

Ivy: Outta bounds. I win.

Other Ivy: Very well. **puts away gun** I focused too much on dodging your attacks. I should have paid more attention.

Ivy: You know your flaw? Ya talk too much! While ya were yammerin’ on and on, I took my chances and developed a strategy!

Other Ivy: Then, you win fair and square. What will you do to me?

Ivy: I want ya to leave the West. Just don’t ever bother these guys again.

Other Ivy: You won’t kill me?

Ivy: I told ya, I’d find a way to solve things without death.

Other Ivy: If that’s your choice, then so be it. I may be cruel, but I’ll keep my fighter’s honor.

Ivy: Whatever.

Other Ivy: Congratulations. Perhaps your kindness will do you something. **turns and walks out**

*one last part*

**part 6 bc i ran out of characters**


Ivy: What’re ya guys lookin at?

Spectators: **cheers and screams**

Random person: She’s gone! She’s really gone!

**cheering continues**

Ivy: Um?

**cheering stops**

Ivy: Though I really appreciate it, I really need ta get back home!  Do any of ya know something that could take me there?

Random person: There’s a portal in the forest!

Ivy: Well, thanks! **turns to crowd** Go ahead and do what you want! Bye! **starts walking away**


Ivy: **walks up to portal** Welp, here it is! Let’s enter it normally this time- **gets sucked in before she finishes**

Ivy: AAAAAHHHHH- oOf- **lands on ground**

Ivy: **brushes herself and looks around** Hm? I’m back at Jewel Saloon!

Lloyd: *staring at her*

Ivy: Howdy, Lloyd!

Lloyd: Oh, hey, Ivanabe! Did you um, have fun?

Ivy: Almost died, but I guess ya could say that! Now, could I have a shot of bourbon?