Halloween Past

1 year, 6 months ago

From Charring & Islington's youth. Slight content warning of implied child neglect and the reaction to two people yelling. There may end up being a part two of them actually trick or treating.

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Islington shifts slightly trying to not look impatient as he stares up at the clock, watching the hands tick by at what seems to be a slower pace than it should be. He’s also trying to ignore the arguing he can hear from the other room, 13 years has been more then long enough to know that it’s his mother and uncle arguing, and that has also been long enough for him to not join in. He’s not sure what Charring is arguing with her about, though these arguments have become more and more frequent, and has a little worried he may return home from the tutors and his uncle won’t be there to greet him.
He wraps his arms around Deli pulling her closer to his chest, if the work hadn’t been so trivial it would have taken him longer to complete and then he wouldn’t have focused on the growing tensions. Delilah does her best to comfort the young boy, letting out a couple of soft squeaks to try and calm him down. He briefly drops his eyes back to the papers, maybe he’s made a mistake and can puzzle his way through it instead of eavesdropping, as mother calls it, but he doesn’t have to do much more then glance over to know he hasn’t. Everything has Its proper workings out and he’s done this exact set of equations just a few days before, his tutor just wanted to make sure he was retaining all of the information well enough. 

What seems like after hours of shouting, but in truth couldn’t have lasted longer than an hour, the door to the kitchen slowly opens. He doesn’t need to turn around to know who it is that has entered.  
Charging is always far gentler with the doors around him, not to mention the angry hisses that come from Pierogi as it drags behind the other teen. Islington let’s go of Delilah and leans into the back of his chair as his uncle comes and drapes himself over the back, it gently blows on one of Islington’s candles before he then speaks.
“It took a lot of convincing but you get to be a child tonight, Islington. You and me are going trick or treating and you are going to eat more candy in one evening then you have in a lifetime.” Charring explains, his wings flutter behind himself as he talks, letting his excitement show. Islington wouldn’t normally believe a statement like that, they’re normally very hyperbolic, but well considering he’s only eaten a handful in his time he believes that is more than achievable. Deli bristles excitedly, they’d both read and been told about this, but his mothers never allowed it before, so he doesn’t even think about raising the question as to if that was what they were fighting about, because he knows it was.
Charring gets off of the back of the chair to allow Islington to carefully scoot it back and get out of the chair, his movement full of bounce. As he tucks the chair back in he pauses for a second, staring at the work he’d completed, mother didn’t say where she wanted him to put it once he was done, he guesses she was going to return before Charring returned. Unsure about the best move, Islington carefully restacks the papers before leaving the pencil sat neatly just to one side. He then turns to face Charring with a beam, who beams right back, but then Islington’s face drops.
“Wait I thought you dressed up for Halloween? I have no such clothing in my wardrobe that would be suitable for such an occasion.” Charring just grins back.
“Leave that one to me nephew dearest, I’m sure I have the right stuff in my wardrobe for it to work.” And with that he gently wraps has arms around the boys should to lead him out of the kitchen.

The sixteen-year-old can’t help the exasperated with that escapes his lips as he waits for his nephew to get changed. He’s thirteen, he should be bribed into doing his homework and hanging out with other kids, not cooped up like what his sister’s doing to him, what child doesn’t eat copious amounts of sweets and declare they want to be a god or something stupid when they grow up. No instead Islington has his whole life planned out for him and he seems more than willing to go along with it, though Charring does understand that he’s not stupid. He’s heard the arguments that have happened, he knows his mother’s patience is running thin for her brother, and he probably just doesn’t want that fate. Charring would love to believe That his nephew will stand up for himself though, he’s far better suited to being a scientist then a business man like the family wants; Charring would also like to believe that he’s not going to be prejudice like the rest of them, call it the one good influence that Charring has.
He’s snapped back to attention as the door opens slowly and the rather sheepish face of Islington appears peering around it.
“Go on then, step out, show me your costume and what you are.” Charring plasters the warmest smile on his face that he can, as Pierogi growls from behind him, not impressed by the zombie paint that’s stuck to his fur.  Slowly Islington comes out from behind the door and Deli softly shuts it behind him and he does a small pirouette.
“I’m a scientist!” The boy declares, “’N I’m going to find out the secretes behind the universe and love!” as he grins his wings slowly flicker to life behind him, the holograms providing a warm glow and Charring has to hold back a kind laugh.
“You sure are Iz, you and Deli ready to go?” he asks and Islington nods. The two head back down to the front door and Charring nearly let’s out a sigh of relief when he doesn’t bump into his sister or his father, he doesn’t want them to change their mind upon seeing them dressed up, but he’s sure that she’s off complaining to daddy 

dearest about what a nightmare her brother is and how he’s ruining their perfect Islington. He doesn’t resent his 

nephew for becoming his father’s chosen one, though he would rather it be him simply so the pressure wasn’t on his shoulders. As they leave through the door, Islington queries something,
“Aren’t we meant to have buckets or something along those lines to collect it all in?” Charring just chuckles softly and ruffles the back of Islington s head.
“Sure we do, we're stopping by my mates first, he has a load if cast and some spare buckets for us. Now, this is fun, you hear? No pressure to be a Lector, just some kids hanging out, nothing you say or do will get back to your mother.” He says before quickly cutting in front of him, looking into his eye, “and I mean this Iz. Want to go home early we go; want to stay we stay. Want to head to the cinema instead or do something those idiots have forbade, we do it!”  
Islington can’t help the gasp he lets out as his uncle calls the rest of their family idiots, but a smile crawls back onto his face as Charring grins. He firmly nods and Charring let’s go, swinging around to grab his hand and they continue along on their journey.

Islington hangs back slightly as the get to the house, Charring heading up to bang on the door. It doesn’t take long for it to be opened by his friend, who looks like he’s about to ask if the plan worked when Islington slowly walks up to them. It’s not often the youngest Lector is seen about the town, let alone in something that doesn’t resemble a uniform, well, this sort of does still.
“May I ask what your costume is?” he doesn’t want to seem considering to the younger boy, but he is curious. He’s also sure that if he upsets his nephew, he’ll have the rage of his best friend aimed at him. Islington however just let’s out a slightly shy grin,
“I’m a scientist!” He declares, “Trying to solve how the universe ticks.” Charring just shrugs softly at the answer, but he finds it rather cute, if a little unnerving that this 13-year-old wants to unlock their universe. So instead, he dives back behind his door, before returning, clutching two treat buckets already shoved full with a decent number of treats and what seems like a cake split between them.
“I kind of let it slip to mum that I was getting these for you two, and apparently couldn’t help but back a cake for the two of you.” He says a little sheepishly as Charring raises an eyebrow but the two young Lector’s still happily take the offered buckets. Islington has already stuck his hand in, carefully avoiding the cake and is unwrapping a lollipop to shove into his mouth.
“You’re a life saver Eddie, please feel free to send more cake" his voice then drops lower, “Also feel free to send your mum if I don’t turn up to school the day later.” He keeps his tone jovial, trying to not scar Eddie, but he is being genuine. The other lad nods before waving wildly.
“Well enjoy yourself! Have a good time, Islington!” He calls out, the boy spins hearing his name before giving s wide wave back, Deli lifting her head to do a big nod, her closest equivalent to the action.