Dynasty of the Dragon : the Lore

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

A rapid insight of geography and royal lore of Yis.

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Lore #001


The Kingdom of Midland is widely known as such because of the King who reigns over Wyndham. Although, lots of people also have knowledge of an independent Realm called Yis. Known for its shipcraft and fish trading. Yis is not only a realm but a package of four big islands, ten medium and seven smaller. The importance of those are settled out of their use and meaning to their inhabitants. Yis is guarded by Dragons and therefore, can’t be commonly invaded by the sea nor the skies by simple men. Thus explaining how and why Yis remains independent even nowadays. The Royal Family of Yis are called the Laeliare, known to be Dragonriders. They are said to be the protectors of the Lands forever and always.


Art by Max Riess

"When I see dragons? I suppose I can say I see us, in some way. We are the dragon's blood. And that's what makes people from the East say we're closer to God than to men. But without them, would we have such power? Would we still possess our soils? Our Lands ? Isn't that the dragon blood that makes us who we are?" — Princess Maera Ist of her name 


The Dragonspit is an infamous place for one thing : keeping in the Dragons of the Laeliare. Including some that had not been ridden since a long time now. The number is voluntarily kept blurred for the simple yet meaningful reason of inserting fear and dominance over MidLand. But, approximately, 15 Dragons are active at the moment, and the number of the ones in slumber is unknown. But songs tell they wait for their call. It is depicted as a stone building made out of fallen dragon's scales for the solidity of the walls themselves. Maera Ist is known for sleeping there against her Dragon : Ramel. Some Dragons do not take on visitors well and prefer their riders instead, but lots of them are social enough to tolerate them. Just like when Guts accidentally walked in and faced Farnel, the Dragon of King Laenar. 

Although on the tip of a mountain, Dragonspit deepens into cavernous and labyrinthic tunnels that are voluntarily built as such to get people lost easily if they do not know the way. It is known as a temple topped by what seems to be the representation of a carved dragon skull to symbolize, opened with an arena for the dragons to take flight and stairs that goes to the abyss of Dragonspit. In the nest of the beasts. It smells a lot like rotten flesh to unused people and dead bodies, although frequently cleaned up. 

However, some Dragons are too big for the Dragonspit. As it is the case for Ramel. The she-dragon showed preference for sleeping away from her fellow Dragons. Therefore, a room had been carved at her size. Dragonspit is located on the First Big Island, which also contains the Palace of the Laeliare', as a sign of their power.


Artwork by Ilya Nazarov

"Any time someone walks in the Dragonspit, we flip the coin again. Only a dragonrider may dare to see those beasts as they are made of intelligence and feelings. Most people underestimate them for their lack of speech, but Dragons knows. They feel, they resent, they love. They are just like us." — Princess Maera Ist of her name. 

The Dragon’s Daedalus 

The Dragon’s Daedalus is also called the Palace of the Laeliare’ and is located on the First Big Island, alongside the Dragonspit. It is a castle of hard stone and scales of dragons as well. The Laeliare family lives there. The Castle was abandoned at first, but legends told it formed itself thanks to weather and the presence of the very first Dragon, the latter desiring a place to rest and lay. Which would later become the residence of the Laeliare’. 

The insides are also made of stones and tiles, the bedroom of Princess Maera for instance is made of it all. But the bed frame is the carved skull of a dragon that tells the tale of the very first Dragon : the Devourer.  The castle is said to remain chill during summer thanks to the stone and the scales, and to get heated pretty fast thanks to the materials used. At the highest tower, there’s always a Dragon watching from a far if a danger is to come. Therefore, The castle has never been invaded for as long it’s been used as such.


Art by Philip Straub

The Devourer’s Nest 

The most scary place out of them all, according to the Dragonriders themselves. The very first dragon, nicknamed the Devourer, is hiding inside this gigantic cavern located on one of the smallest islands. Every once in a while, he can be spotted flying outside and apparently hunts the smaller ones of his own species and eats its own babes from now on since it has no animal to eat any more. The only dragon he left alive is his female, the latter living with him. When he does fly outside, the others dragons have to hide away from its sight. It happened, he devoured some babies that had the unfortunate curiosity to get near him. But if left alone, he wouldn’t bother anyone.



Art by Pen Fan


Yrathe (pronounced i-raf) is the main city governed by the Laeliare’. It is not so gigantic, but widely developed thanks to the money and materials the Dragons bring to the city. It is spread into three districts : the Gold, Silver and Bronze districts. The Gold being the wealthiest one, to the bronze, which are near the coast. Yrathe protects witches and people capable of magic, as Midland does not accept them. They also take healers in. Which makes the King of Midland forbid any visit to Yrathe. 


Art by Marthe Jonkers