Fort Solitude

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
3 1012

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Prompts and snippets from Mysteries of Mitos ARPG, might eventually reorganize into more proper lore but for now it's just a place to keep my notes & writings together~

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Prompt #1

Pierce stumbled, his foot catching the soft sand of the training cavern moments before he landed hard on chest--again. One eye slitted open to glare at the far wall as he huffed, the action sending a weak flicker of flames from his tail but little else. He was exhausted and had little to show for all his efforts, he'd barely managed a single rotation much less scorching the stone wall he had chosen as today's target. Maybe it was too early for flame wheel but it would look so cool if he could just master this spin. Wishful thinking at this point, he just couldn't maintain enough height and power to gain any momentum for the move. At least he was alone in the cavern to stumble around like an idiot all evening.

The little cyndatar sighed, rolling to his side and curling in on himself as he squeezed his eyes closed. He'd get this...eventually, obviously not today but he could settle with tackle for now. He could feel heat against his back, his flames spurting in his frustration and was reminded of why he'd chosen this location. At least here he couldn't accidently set anything on fire. At some point smoke had joined the flickering embers, pouring out thicker than usual due to his weakened flames until it blanketed the training cavern in a thick haze.

By that point Pierce finally slipped an eye open again to squint at this new development, the haze hiding the cavern walls from him now, and let out another huff. The sound quickly devolving into low chuckles as he slowly rolled back to his chest and got his feet under him again. It wasn't the move he was looking for but maybe he could use this better anyway, with practice of course. He'd think about that tomorrow, for today he'd take it as a win and let himself crash in his own nest. Back on this feet at last the hybrid rock mouse made his way through the haze, stumbling to the edge of the cavern and out into the tunnel beyond to find the fort entrance and bed.

Author's Notes

Pierce learned Smokescreen!