Fort Solitude

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
3 1012

Entry 2
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Prompts and snippets from Mysteries of Mitos ARPG, might eventually reorganize into more proper lore but for now it's just a place to keep my notes & writings together~

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Prompt #2

Snow days weren't particularly special days considering he lived underground and rarely ventured beyond the fort itself atop the canyon, in fact most weather changes he missed unless he had need to go top-side. And even then with his inner fire he hardly felt the cold or the biting wind. That didn't mean snow days were boring though, no they often turned into some of the most interesting days if the fort bell summoned him such as today.

The fort was old, standing long before Pierce found it and was a simple place in the harsh landscape to offer shelter to those traveling through. Today as he slipped through the winding tunnels he could already hear the wind howling through the canyon proper, the sound almost deafening as it echoed its way into the inner passages and tried to drown the dull chimes of the bell. The cyndatar finally reached the top as both sounds finally died down, squeezing himself through the secret exit to the tunnel network and out into a layer of soft snow that now coated the rocky ground above. He stopped there a moment to catch his breath, feeling the gentler snow flurries curling around him as the worst of the blizzard shifted to batter the far side of the gaping chasm he called home.

"Hello?" the sound was quiet, almost snatched away by the flurries, but it drew the resident mouse's attention back to the fort itself and the bell that nestled within the entrance. Huddled there just out of the wind was a tiny scrap of fur, an espurr maybe though the way it was sitting seemed off. Pierce shook off the snow trying to build on his back and stepped up the join shivering thing just under the fort's eave.

"Bad day to be out, you staying long?" the cyndatar's voice was rougher than he'd intended, it had been a while since he'd had visitors or need to speak but the espurr didn't seem to mind. It rushed to side as soon as he sat down and remained glued there, most likely trying to warm itself with his inner fire. Pierce hid a smirk as he shifted slightly, repositioning his tail so he could flare it away from the fort. "Lost?"

A low purr started at his side as the steady flames appeared but it was still several minutes before his new companion offered any form of answer. "No, I was looking for something in this area..." the kitten finally pulled away, turning to watch the still falling flakes beyond their shelter. "I expect finding it won't be so easy though."