Fort Solitude

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
3 1012

Entry 3
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Prompts and snippets from Mysteries of Mitos ARPG, might eventually reorganize into more proper lore but for now it's just a place to keep my notes & writings together~

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Prompt #5

Ore isn't fond of battling or really any kind of competition. She'd much rather spend her time helping others or painting her 'masterpieces' along the walls of her sleep cave, but when push comes to shove she does know how to fight. At least well enough to slip away when given the opportunity or get her friends out of there. She's even taken to studying moves to help more in avoiding conflict than creating it as a means of protecting herself and her newfound friends. Her friends on the other hand don't seem as opposed to getting down and dirty, she's seen both in enough tussles in her short time at the fort and even had to pull Vi off a poor trespasser that had had more than enough.

What Ore does enjoy is exploring, finding new places and seeing new things to paint whether that be landscapes or 'mons. She loves preserving her experiences through art and then sharing that experience with others. Sharing her joy is the best part of making new things and she is more than happy to help. In fact she also enjoys helping others so much that she keeps a ready stock of supplies and first aid on hand just in case she comes across someone that needs it while exploring.