Haru's Interview

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
8 3218

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Haru gets interviewed about various things for a magazine article to go along with the photos they took of him.

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Author's Notes

For the scrapbooking prompt of the same name which asks "What does your bean normally carry in their pouch?"

What's In Your Pouch?

“So, what are some things that you keep in your pouch Haru,” the interviewer asked him, giving him a friendly smile.

“That’s a good question,” Haru replied, “Do you mind if I actually bring out the stuff to show you?” “Not at all, go right ahead!”


Haru brought out the largest item that he stored within his pouch, a small purple starry notebook.

“This notebook is the one where I write all of my song ideas and song lyrics whenever I can’t be on my phone. If I happen to forget this at home, I’ll use whatever scrap of paper I can find and then I’ll stuff it in the notebook later when I get back home.”

“Oh that’s cool, I didn’t think any musicians still wrote on paper,” was the interviewer’s response, which Haru found odd, but he wasn’t going to say anything.

“I also have a pen and mechanical pencil as well to write with, of course,” he said as he brought those out and put them on top of the notebook.

The interviewer nodded and didn’t say anything, so he just went ahead and continued to rummage around his pouch to figure out what else to share.

“I have my folding smartphone,” he put that on the notebook too, “I also keep my earrings in here sometimes if I need to take them out for any reason, I honestly wouldn’t keep them in here with my phone if my phone didn’t fold to protect the screen.”

“What sort of occasions do you usually have to take your earrings out for?”

“Uh, sometimes for modeling gigs, but mostly for acting. Although, I’ve had some roles where they actually wanted me to have them in,” Haru shrugged, “it depends. I also take them out if I think they may catch on something and tear my ear.”

The interviewer silently nodded in understanding.

“I also keep a pair of wireless noise-canceling earbuds in their charger case in my pouch as well. I also often carry around a mask and sunglasses in order to help me hide my identity if I need to go somewhere and not get attention.”

“Is there anything in your pouch that might be surprising to others?”

“Well, I actually do keep a fidget toy in my pouch to help me focus during really long interviews when I’m with the whole group because I don’t always get asked questions,” Haru replied, bringing out the fidget toy to show to the interviewer.

“Oh wow! That really is surprising, but also really cool!”

“Yeah! It is! It was a birthday gift from Bang-u and it’s been super helpful to me.”

“Awww, that’s really awesome! Is there anything else you keep in your pouch or is that it?”

“That’s really it,” Haru replied, giving the interviewer a smile before starting to put his stuff back into his pouch.