A fluffed bite

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
8 31772

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

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Chapter 1-with one moment

It was one of those nights, where parties could go on and on.. But it was a moment where the soft headed sleepy head had rosen and blinked up. A vast movement holding his head as he could feel the aftermath of all the drinking of last night's party.

“Urgh.. my membrain….” he muttered, ruffling his longer hair as he sighed. Throat was dry, as was his lips. Wetting them to even get a good momentum. His body was aching up a bit, wobbly legs still on the mattress of silky black and red.. .. wait.. this was not his!! Nor was the mattress on where he was laying in. Despite even wearing nothing but a loosened tank top in wine red and his black and gray briefs. Why was he partly naked??

“Why am I naked?? Where am I?? Ahh fudgenuggets”

He cursed up again, holding his head. If it weren't the fact this could eventually be a dream, then why was his head pulsating like a trainwreck through a broken tunnel.

His soft eyes went wide as he heard the showertap stop. Focusing on the sounds.. where was he even?? Looking around, a big, very big room he was in. The bed could easily fit 5 to 6 people in as well as a huge dog. Drapey dark red and black curtains with roses upon them were covering the big windows, loosely hanging from atop and had seen better days. Properly more than once pulled aside to cover the morning sun rays.

Mateo sat up, his gaze around, frantically as he for  sure was…. this was not his room. But the taste was exquisite. A statue head which seemed to hold more secrets, looking like a very noble guy. That face.. he sure could remember…

Turning around, he couldn't see or even gaze around to focus on what this room had else to offer. It wasn't his bedroom and he would never sort it like this…

Footsteps were heard, instinctively he gripped the blanket tight as if wanting to hide. Gazing then to the figure who had a towel around hips.. strong well formed hips for his strong slender type. Muscles still  showed, but not too much.. Hearing his heart beat in tact of a drum, gazing upward.Chest bare.. softly dripping water pearls running down and a hand drying the long brown/hazel hair. A birthmark on the side of gorgeous…

“hey.. You done gazing upon me or do you wish to continue??”

the voice caught Mateo off guard. A slight blush crossed his cheeks as he shook his head

“N..No I.. was just looking ..I mean I was listening to were the footsteps were coming and… WAIT a sec!!”

Saying as he gripped the blanket even tighter, feeling his heart race. A soft smile escaped the one before him, resting the towel now on his shoulder. He knew that look.. Oh how the guy before him knew that look very well. All those times of others..

“Before you ask lil birthday guy.. no we didn´t..” seeing a relieved expression escape the mouth of the night drunken before him.
Raising his hand as he walked over to the small desk across the bed, sitting down as he crossed one leg. Dangerous to be in that angle where Mateo was.

“You passed out after singing that song upon the table in front of all, landing in my arms and cheeks, kissing my lips, arms around me and saying you wanted a happy birthday treat.. I just brought you up here to get you to rest… I must say.. you put up a lil battle as I tried to take off your shoes and get you  in bed”

“W..wait.. kissed you??? But.. I never would.. hmmm.” holding his head again, trying to remember.
“my body knows when to fight… Who knows what intentions you…had”
“Oh?? You say that to the one who invited you over those drinks??”

Explaining. For a reason, he found this amusing. This soft nerdy looking guy was commenting. A slight chuckle as he tried something. Dashing forward towards the commentary partly half drunken guy as he pinned his hands down on the bed, being over him. Holding him not too tight as he gave a sweet smile

“look here lil´mignonne*.. if I wanted to do something.. I would have already.. don´t you think?”
*french for cute/cutie

A blushed face of Mateo who was not expecting this stranger upon him. His heart raced, feeling how strong the other was.
For a moment the two stared into each other's eyes. The tension truly something both seemed to.. enjoy..But gently raising his head aside, the guy

“I just brought you up here so you can rest..Bring you away before your so called friends wouldn't take more advantage of you as they already do..”
he let the hands go of Mateo.. For a moment, that feeling.. Holding someone else's hand…He had no experience with guys.. let alone have this experience in general…It was truly something new.. The tingly feeling, warmth spreading in his body.. his heart thumping to a melody he never heard… Mateo almost missed the touch.

Being freed from his stand,  shuffling back to the bed end and seeing how the guy sat upright, sorting the wet hairstrain that had draped down his face.

“of course.. if you can remember what went on last night.. I am no one to judge you.. You choose who you want.. Even if I don´t understand it.
Shrugging his shoulders, continued to dry the partly wet hair.

Mateo took a moment to focus back, holding his head, in his mind telling himself to get a grip. And to focus. Breathing in deeply, he looked up.

“I think..  A thank you for bringing me here.. Although I don´t recall you mentioning your name…”

“Theodore.. you can call me Theodore.. Lil Mateo..”
“Wahh.. I am not little!”

ruffling his head as he sat up, remembering how lil´clothes he had on, rushing back down adn covering himself up. He can´t remember saying his name or introducing himself to this stranger.. how did he…

“Don't be ashamed.. don't hide  your body.. it's elegant and gentle..You can show it..”
“But I do not wish to.. Not to a stranger who almost went on with..

“You do know one should be thankful…I didn´t force anything.. Besides..”

pointing down to the bump on the blanket
“isn't it rude to point at others?::”

A highly blushed Mateo, with red face and heated ears, shuffled down “Leave!!.. Please leave the room!!”

Theo chuckled up, standing up
“Very well. Your clothes are aside and already cleaned.. After that puke stain and mustard spots..I shall be in the living room then”

walking by with a relaxed expression as if he would see this on a daily, Mateo wanted to dig himself under the ground…

It took around 20 minutes for Mateo to calm down, shower to get the stench off, wash his face, get dressed and try to cool himself off. He couldn't explain why his body reacted like that.. Heck why it did in the first place. Was it  because of this man?? …The alcohol?? yes… truly it must be that. after effects…Seeing on the dressing table across the bed where his clothes were neatly placed, was also a small plate with pills and a glass of water. Mateo knew the pills. Against headaches and from a very good company.. It took a while, sniffing  it, seeing if these were really those pills or other. Taking them in, drinking and exhaling.

Having a hangover surely wasn't entertaining and slowly recalling what had happened last night. Before thinking on, his phone rang. He checked the side and swiped over to see missed messages and 2 calls. Oh boy was he gonna  be in trouble. Today was his day of working with his father in the company for the very first time. A trial as his father stated. Usually he would just dropp off the lunch his father tends to forget. But this time was real.. Picking up as he tried to calm his voice.

“...I do hope you intend to come right on time. In half an hour the CEO will be here and you are not.. If you intend to leave me on the spot, then I won´t…”
“I'm almost there father. I was just fetching breakfast for us”

It was a lie.. ohhh a big fat lie.. But he didn't want to tell his dad that he had woken up half naked with another man in bed.. so to speak. As they exchanged a few words, hanging up as he held his head

“Oh.. Im dead…”
“No.. you´re not.. very much alive and healthy to be accurate”

Theo spoke as he had leaned casually against the doorfram, apparently having heard it.
“But.. I am!! If I am not in the company in 25 minutes with breakfast… I..”
“What does your father eat.. and you??”
“What?? it won´t matter.. How am I supposed to be there in… where am I even??”

he was slightly flipping out. Stress was something Mateo didn´t handle very well. Lying as well as he was a true and honest guy.. this was something out of the ordinary.. The alcohol.. yes.. it was that.. or.. was it??

Before he could make trails in the ground, a soft hand patted his shoulder. Theo felt the energy Mateo was giving off.

“Easy now.. Deep breather in, deep breather out… Now.. What do you both eat.. and what company.”
“-.... I..”

He spoke while Theo seemed to be typing in something in his phone. Along the second typing as the address was spoken out.

“Very well. Get finished dressed.. Come along”
Wording while Mateo was standing there dumbfounded

“What?? This is a dream.. I just told you..”
“And I told you to follow me lil mignonne”

taking his hand suddenly while walking out. grabbing Mateos small backpack he had the night with him and giving as second look as they walked through the living area. Luxurious indeed, large big windows… but not of that, this was serious!

“§Gloria” he called out as a young lady stood at the door, opening them.
“I need Taro and Jenkins..Asap and get Miles. We are in a hurry”

Mateo just saw these people listen to his words and rush elegantly off. As if this was common. Did he land in a rich guy's house???

While walking down the halls, Theo had a more serious approach: “Take off that jacket…when we are sitting, the pants too..”
“Wh..what?? I am not going nude on..:”
“Just do it..” gazing in his eyes, stroking then gently mateo´s cheek
“You do want to be on time at your father's company.. don´t you``?”

A gaze of endless waves as he felt lighter.. it was a charming motion indeed. Nodding only as he felt himself swoopt off- Theo was carrying the clueless guy and after some doors, setting him down.

it was a very formal room, lot´s of suits and designs.
A tall Gentleman with elegance in his way, holding measurement and a block to write on.

Theo helped with the arms up, positioning Mateo how it was needed. He could see himself in the Big mirrors in front and behind him. He looked like shi…

“Now turn..”
the voice hollered out in a swift gentle way as Mateo turned. He couldn't believe what was going on. Was he getting something to wear??

After 5 minutes of swift actions, he was wearing a new suit. A very stunning and expensive one at that.
Mateo could see the dark haired gentleman Theo nod “Very good. I need the dark purple tie”
Speaking as he tied it around Mateos' neck. A short moment lingered.. those gentle fingers stroked along the flesh.. as if focusing on, but shaking his head as he continued. A weird moment indeed-
Swift fingers twirling and got the short haired Mateo to gaze into those eyes. For a moment feeling lost.

"Hmm.'' So quiet??. You should focus now.. lil Mignonne” patting his cheek with a soft and gentle smile

“now.. the shoes…”
“Here sir..”

He didn't even need to turn around to know how elegantly and quick this tall gentleman was giving him the pair needed.
Dressing the other in, kneeling down and slipping the shoes over elegant black socks of the highest quality.
Feeling like a disney princess, it was kind of awkward, holding onto Theos shoulder for balance..He could feel his heartbeat stronger. Was it the stress?? This  situation he was in?? Or the way Theo was …

“Now..come-.. Anges, Delilah”

he called another name as from the back, a very fashionable lady with her co worker, a very well dressed young man, were approaching, following Theo and Mateo

“We need the business look, normal style” saying while they left the building.

Mateo could see many bow as he passed by, feeling light headed. The pills had made wonder as his morning hangover was gone. Passing by them, the two behind them as they had entered a very luxurious fast car. Space for 5. A drive in the front who seemed he could race anyone on the count of three. As he entered this luxurious car, Theo followed close after and having the two within as well. Immediately they got to work.

“what.. what is going on?”
“Well we can´t have you appear there and look like the newspaper from last week now can we?””

Sitting across from Mateo, the window went down as he held his hand out. A cute assistant with glasses and short cut black hair handed him a small package 

“here you go sir. Have a great day” wishing him as he stood upright.

The motor started and Mateo stared in disbelief. Seeing how snippets of hair fell down, but got  immediately caught by the skilled duo

“Wait. i like my hair.. please don´t cut them!”
“They won´t.. they are merely making the split ends gone.. your hair will remain the same length.. just.. neater as you would say”

Snipp, snapp.. The car was driving fast (one wouldn't feel it as it was swift and calming) Mateo could partly see out the window, how fast they really were. The eyes following the movements of the duo. Hair was done as they moved on to his face.
Swiftly making sure it looked suitable. It didn't take them long either. A well packed duo for anything. Both smiling then as they held a mirror up. Big eyes as he could see how well he looked.

“But.. how..why?”
“Well see it as a birthday gift from me.. You did have a horrible one last night so I thought I would do you a lil something..Want to impress your father and the CEO for sure”
“That.. is.. ohhh.. My hair”
Seeing the way they were, got his smile up. 

(Mateo later thinks Theo is being like this due to company connections, but it isn't so. Since Theo  didnt know him or who he was)

As the car made a soft turn, looking to see all well seated, he felt differently for sure. It didn´t give him much time to think either. All happened so fast..

Before he could say anything, the car stopped as the door opened by the assistant who was next to the driver. 

“We are here good sir”
“Well. hurry now.. don't want to be late now.. and here…”

Handing him the package. It was partly warm.  

“What.. is this??”
“Breakfast of course.. you don't want to miss out now..And have a good day.. Tell me how it went yes?”

handing him a small card as the assistant helped him out of the car. Tucking the card in the inside of his jacket for now, grabbing the package tight “Oh yes.. fudge nugget.. The time”

Staring side by side as Theo leaned out the car, tugged on the end of his business jacket “Easy.. Deep breather.. remember?”

giving a playful wink as it got Mateo´s focus back, nodding and running off… the backpack forgotten on the side.
Theo gave a soft chuckle as the assistant took it “I shall bring it”

Inside the building of the company, Mateo´s father´s working business who is a pharmacy and one of the best. The father is one of the main leading scientists and biologists there. Highly seen from the company boss who makes visits now and then to check on it all.

Running inside the building, huffing to catch his breath, stand and calm down. He was somewhat nervous.

Entering the side, the receptionist team already knew him, letting him pass after a good comment on how he looked.

Upon using the elevators and off to the office and lab areas as he entered the room, as Sergè the doorguard let him in. “!neat” commenting quietly.

Inside, the team was shuffling around. Not long until the big bosses would arrive. 

“Father?” he called out, seeing as the part scruffed beard, hooked nose and slim body of his father stuck the head up. It was 5 minutes left and he had managed it.

“A dear boy you.. my word… “ he stopped, paused and gave a look.

“You are dressed so..fancy..Where did…”
“I´m sorry I didn´t arrive sooner uhm.. here you go..”

A perplex look as the father took the package, opened it and sweet smell filled the area.. Baking goods, coffee and tea… donuts even. Enough for the whole staff.

“These are.. Wow. my dear boy you really brought..”

A smile up, the company who sold the goods, was one of the expensive goods. Mateo now could see what it all was, nodding

“uhm… yes.. I thought it was …”
“I see we are coming along well?”

A deeper voice echoed through the halls. The Ceo including company boss was here. And not a minute to soon. They were very punctual.

“Ahh Dr. Ezaria.. I see your son has brought your meal again?.. ``Oh?"
“Actually for all Sir.. I didn't want them to go with empty stomachs on this project”

Mateo´s choice of words always hit. Being polite and accurate, his gaze got the attention now of the CEO group and the big Boss. He felt it again.. weak knees.. the stare.. being the center of attention was something he couldn't do.. Anxiety… had kicked in.

“Ahh yes as you see we are coming along well. My son makes sure we are well prepared hahaha” the father defuses the situation a bit. But the stress came up as the big boss looked down. He was tall and large.. A former boxer one told before coming up with medications and pills to help the body. How he got to run his own company is still legendary.

Mateo swallowed hard. His chest is tight..heart was racing.

“I heard you helped alongside now and then. Some formulas were well suited thanks to you.. and speaking of suited. Well dressed I see. Are you applying for a job?? Your father said you wanted to work here..”

“I.. uhm.. y.. yes sir.. I am very well….skilled with …”

There it was.. his anxiety had gotten him. Like a snake wrapping around, stopping him from speaking.. almost not breathing. His head was swirling…

before anything would happen however, a voice interrupted.
“Excuse me good sir.. you forgot your bag”

the assistant of Theo had held the backpack up. Getting Mateo out of his stance

“Oh.. my.. my bag! Thank you so much!” taking it as he held tightly. It was one he had since years and something it had given a sense of safety. Even if it was tattered and had the smell of pastry on it.

“You seem to be not from this company.. good sir” one of the ceo spoke
“Ah yes sorry for my intruding. I am the main assistant of the Silas Industries Boss. I wanted to make sure Sir Ezaria arrived safely and having his bag”

the heads all turned up.
The Silas industries were a long time company that was as good as the Pharmacy one. Very well known, highly demanded in stock and was supportive of all.

Mateo rose his head up, blinking. He had read alot about it but never would he think…Well what did he think?? His head was swirling from the moment.. Anxiety crossed with confusion. Was the man he was with.. who brought him here…

“Do apologize but I must return now.. if you wish to speak to my boss, I can arrange a meeting if so wished”

the talk of the duo left with the father leaning in
“My son.. Did you manage to befriend…”

his words cut off, as the boss gave a nod. Seeing as Mateo was something of a “wanted” for the company, he held his hand out

“I will arrange a meeting so we can see to your start of the working arrangements with your father if you wish”

Did he just get a green light on joining the company??

“Oh.. s sure''. I´d be delighted!!”
Shaking the hand back as he smiled up. A wish came true.
He had applied for a part time job at the company to support the father as well as have enough time for his family.

The morning went rather well. A chat with the boss and CEO was challenging,  stepping out of the office got him weak on knees but he had made the first step. Surely impressing but.. Was this all.. He ruffled a bit the clean done hair, resting his thumb and finger upon his cheek.
“He knew… he surely.. did..why else was he so friendly??”

Asking himself as he left the building, the backpack on and going down the stairs from the company. The street was nearby as he sat down to think. The main clock struck 1 p.m and Mateo was eating a hot dog at the nearby stand, chatting with Gunther who ran the small lil foodshack in a modern look.

“I never saw ya so tidy man.. Like.. are ya dating a hot chick?? or getting a sugar daddy?? If yeah, lemme have some too haha”

joking as he patted the back. Or rather wanting to as Mateo swiped away “Careful! I can´t get this suit dirty.. I need to return this.. ..I.. can´t believe that had happened.. like.. Am I still dreaming??”

Feeling his cheek pinched by slight greesy fingers, smelling delicious of hot dog, Mateo held his cheek

“Haha sorry Mat.. Wanted ta help ya.. It ain´t no dream.. ya look´n good.. So.. How was the party last night`?..Those fuckwards dumped ya again didn't they??”

the older man scruffed his beard while talking. He was easily in his 40´s.

“I.. you know exactly how they are…” saying softly as he finished his food
“I still don´t get why ya hang around em`?.. they cost ya more than a girlfriend with shopping issues and ya still let em…Ya barely got savings..”
“I Know!... i .. I know..”
“Then why the fucktard ya still hanging with them??”
“Because.. then I  would be alone.. noone else would want to hang around with me if they knew how I truly am…”
“Ya know those aren´t real buds then right?? Ditch em before they ditch ya and ya sweet butt in the alley..”
“I´d be alone without friends then Ggunther.. You are the only one who understands me.. the real me….I don´t want to be alone…”

Frying up another portion of his dish, handing it to Mateo
“Here.. ya need ta eat dear lad.. On the house..  or.. hut if ya want… but lemme tell ya this..”

he leaned in, soft gentle dad like eyes as he spoke.

“Ya won´t survive long if ya have friends like that.. only bad people do that”

Mateo knew it.. he knew the old guy was right.. he knew what he had was a toxic thing.. But..it would mean to be alone.. to be on the monitor or talking to himself.. at least this way he had something.. but.. it was true.. Whipping his face, ruffling as he tried to get a hold of the situation.

“I need to change..” taking his backpack and heading to the nearest Bathroom in the company area and stepping out with his own look. The suit neatly packed together along the shoes and tie as he folded them and wrapped them in a plastic bag placed within his backpack.
His casual wear of turtleneck in black, checkered vest and jeans jacket over with cozy pants and comfy sneakers. He felt more like himself. Ruffling the hair while walking. He wanted to check on his mom in the bakery before heading home.
He told himself after the mom´s visit, he would however return the suit and shoes to the company. Having the card now twirling between his fingers, scruffing on the fact that this stranger knew who he was.. of course the name was known.. the internet had lots of data.. And this guy.. this.. hottie of a guy was the company's son.. or owner?? he didn't know.. only that this guy Theo was working for Silas company.
Why else would he be so nice and friendly to him… connections of course..
A slight sting in his chest as he could  imagine the scenery. Must have been pretty funny from the other view.
Shaking his head as he walked into the small lil´bakery where people were enjoying it.
It was 20 minutes from the company apart and making it super practical around.
Mateo had walked instead of taking the tram. He needed to clear his head on the happenings.

As he walked in, the old lady aside greeted him as always.

“Ahh my dear boy.. welcome back again”
“Nice to see you too Mrs. Parker”

He knew the main customers. He enjoyed their company.. he felt secure here as not so many were around.. it meant not so good for his mother since more would be better profit, but…

“Aww my dear boy. Finally you´re here. I thought that company would suck you in”

An older woman, looking around her 40´s approached from the side of the counter, covered partly in flour, patting her hands off the apron as she  hugged him.

“my, my. So fancy hair?? Since when did you get a haircut??”
“Don´t pretend I don´t see it. A mother notices things like this”

Which she usually did.. but at home.. there was no sort of communication or closeness like it was with his mom in the bakery… here she was there with him and partly only for him. The two could chat, bond.. sadly only 2x the week as she wants him to do something better than he does now. 

He avoided the talk of the last night party and began to help her with some of the goods. The scent, the kitchen around.. it was the atmosphere of Bakery goods that gave his anxious lil mind a cool off. He loved to bake among other things. Something he was truly good at.
A rare sight of him in the bakery and it was sure that sales went up.
He could bake the most common but delicious things:

like bars, breads (bagels, buns, rolls, biscuits and loaf breads), cookies, desserts (cakes, cheesecakes and pies), muffins, pizza, snack cakes, sweet goods (doughnuts, Danish, sweet rolls, cinnamon rolls and coffee cake) and tortillas.

He loved to bake in various ways and depending on his mood, the different types. 

Using his soft firm hands to roll the dough and make the “magic” of the baking goods.

Seeing him covered in flour when expressive with his hands as if dancing to a melody only he could hear. It was a fascinating sight to see and let the co workers around enjoy the moment even though he was fully focused on what he was doing.
His mother had forbidden him to work as an employee in her bakery as she didn't  want him to “ruin his life” with a job like this.

But it was a fun side of Mateo and he loved every moment of it.
Time passed by.. 3 hours to be exact and at 5 p.m the clock went “Kahoo” They had an old wooden clock with a bird to remind them. The mother hastily dusted him off.
“Here.. deliver these please and then off home. Your brother will arrive tomorrow and we need to sort out things before he comes.. and pick your sister from school please.. I have to work longer”

hearing that, knowing the old mom mode was back.. Focus was always on his other siblings. A soft sigh as he cleaned himself up roughly, grabbing the goods and placing them in the front basket of the company's bike. A very stable and good bike at that and one Mateo liked to ride to deliver to  their usual customers. The sun was slowly on the downside and for 5 p.m it would get darker here.
As he wanted to hug his mom, she wouldn´t. Stress and work and the fact that the brother is coming tomorrow got him on edge.
Taking the goods as he rode the usual route.

It was at the last address and only the door was separate. He had delivered the goods within time and looking in his basket, seeing one box was left. His mother always packed one extra for him and his sisters.

if one looked at his family tree, it was clear he was the full on middle child

His older brother Dawson is a lawbreaker and more than once got into trouble (part of a gang) and drives a motorbike. He is quite different to Mateo as he tends to smoke, swear and doesn´t take ** from anyone as he says what he thinks.

The older Brother Owen over him is a business guy and like his father, more work than caring. It was on the money part to get to that sweet success. An arrogant type and 2 years older.

The older sister Charlene (Charlie nicknamed), (twin of his older brother) is more of a freelance and doesn't like to work. She is very creative and can tease but in all cares for her lil brother. Despite the parents arguing, she is the only one who knows how she is. Is in a huge fight with the parents though and neither can stand when she is around. So mostly not at home, and if then either drunk or quietly up. She is very skilled with kids, can fix and repair  (mechanical skills) and is art creative (loves to draw)

She has a close friend called Margo (best friend and hangs around with)

Mateo is the middle kid

His younger sister Mollie is a typical "Spoiled brat" and knows how to play her cards. Taking all the attention when she feels like it. Even for a young age, quite bossy around and loves to tattletail and see others get scolded. Wanting more attention and more than others, making things hard.

Youngest brother Anthony is a handful as all attention is needed on him. At age 3 the "me" and "mine"  phase can be present alot. Usually babysat by the caretaker, Mateo or at times the siblings. Whenever possible

The older sister is usually very handy with kids as she has a good feeling of it. (best)

As he held the box of goodies in his hands, softly smiling, a familiar voice was heard

“There ya are!! We thought you slept under a bridge or whatnot”

it was one of his friends, letting the box go back into the basket as he held onto the bike.

“Well no. I was…”
“He was swept away by a suited guy! i saw him.. did you both have fun?”

She replied with a chuckle.
“Didn´t know you were gay.. no wonder Amelia rejected you”
“I .. i m not gay.. And yesterday .. last night I was wondering where you all went..”
“I thought you didn´t remember?”

one had asked confused, shaking his head “n aww as if we would ever leave you behind!”

Mateo sighed deeply, looking at the puddle of water beside before talking

“Friends should support another.. it was my birthday and you all..”
“Celebrated of course! Oh yeah.. your card by the way.. found it on the ground.. it was ice of you  to invite all”

taking the card he  stared up. “What?::”
“Well yeah. You said you d invite all of us at your birthday so naturally we all drank.. dunno how much but ya fine with it right?? I mean. you do have enough cash, seeing as you had that suit on today..” an arm around his neck as the one friend spoke, making big eyes

“Wahh you have a suit??.. Really??”
“Yeah and a fancy one at that right??.: tell em! I saw you  today.. got  dropped off a huge fucking rich car.. that guy ya charmed your cute nerdbrain definitely spoiled you rich didnt he?”

it was all a disaster.. Mateo was shocked. Not only had his so called “friends” maxed his credit card..by seeing how ruined it was along that.. but also this..

“I already said it..

“Oh you gotta charm him more. We´d love to get stuff like that too. we re friends right?? You don´t want us telling about the lil romantic fling to others.. that you are gay..”

“I am not gay!!! And I find it highly disturbing that you all maxed out my account even though I said multiple times I have no money on it!! it is highly rude and..”

his real side came out. The highsmart side that others rarely saw. But he was at his limit. This was too much.

“ohh now now.. easy.. You seem a lil…Bothered”
squeezing his shoulder as he grinned up. “You  know real friends help another.. right now you are hurting yourself.. We can protect you from robbers.. we always do…”

At the moment, a sleezy guy from the side chuckled up “Ahh kids.. Aint dat easy… gimme all ya money… and I might let ya live..”

the guy was huge. Knife in hand, eyes fierce as the 3 “friends” suddenly pushed Mateo infront of him, snagging the card and dashing off “ya can have him!”

Mateo was shocked once more.. Anxiety in as he stepped back, bike holding.
“I have no money.. They took it all already.. please i…”
“Ahh ya yammning and whining aint gonna soothe me soft boiu.. gimme dat!” grabbing the box as he saw the goods “”Ahh ya got goods. I was starvn!” taking a huge bite as he ate directly in the box, knife still pointed towards Mateo who was still in shock of the situation. The Alleyside was a bad idea to be… He could just hop on his bike… just ride away… But he couldn´t.. he was scared.. he wanted no harm.
As he tried to, “nu  Uh… No ya dont´”
snagging the bike and breaking it as if it were nothing. That was surely a former ex wrestler or fighter because that bike was broken as f+.

It happened fast too as the big guy grabbed his backpack
“What ya got n ere”
“No! thats my bag. please!”

Being shoved on the dirty ground surely got ;Mateo shook. He felt the cold wall as he looked  for an escape. Seeing how the stranger pulled out the booklet, wrapped suit and his belongings, emptying it all on the ground. The suit in hand “Woah.. ya got fancy shit in here.. Imma keep this.. where is more.. ya surely a rich brat..  “

Grabbing him by the neckcollar as he lifted him up, the knife against the cheek and feeling his heart race. His breathing got shallow in a fast pace. Wanting to talk, wanting  to flee but nothing..
“im sure ya rich parents gonna…Stop struggln! I might urt ya!”

He wiggled around, he wanted out. He wanted safe!
A cut on the arm as Mateo felt the sting, shouting up. His mouth being held shut “I told ya shut it!! “
Punching his face to keep him in place.
“Now.. you..”

“no.. you!” a deep voice echoed as a huge punch hit the big guy, sending him off the side and letting go of Mateo. Oh how it hurt. Feeling the ground  but what was that?? 

As Mateo managed to ruffle himself up, only seeing the shadow parts of the darkest point of the alleyway as a muffled shout, a shriek sound and a big flop had hit. It was the body of the big guy.
he could only see red glowing eyes, a snarl like an animal…
Mateo shivered, somehow his body reacted on his own as he grabbed the suit, his belongings in the bag and rushed off. Blood dripped from his arm of the knife wound.. the big spot of blood.- Footsteps and a clawed hand stroke over the fluid. Licking it and giving a snarl back seeing him run off.

As Mateo finally managed home, sneaking up the side so as not to be spotted by anyone, he pitched his arm and covered the cheek with makeup he used from his sisters. Looking at the clock, it was time to get his lil sis. She had practice after school so giving enough time for him to get her.
Only problem is.. no bike to pick her up. Ruffling his hair and breathing deeply as to calm down from what had just happened. This day had gotten bitter so fast.. His Anxiety reached more than once his danger levels and what the heck was that thing in the ally???

Once things had calmed down, he had to bring the suit back,.. but it was too late for that and it needed to be cleaned.
“Oh.. fudgenugget”

He decided to do that first thing in the morning. Work would begin next month with the new cycle giving Mateo 2 weeks before to get used to. So his decision was morning to bring the suit to the laundry, then bring it back to Theo. And have a talk.. or should he??
Ruffling his hair as he stood up, almost gasping up from the sight of his older sis

“Geez Loius easy lil bro…”
“What you mean easy?? You gave me a heart attack Charlie.. Oh good Donut my heart..”§
“Ya fine lil bro.. or.. are ya?? Why ya got that  on ya arm?? And..”

She went seriously. “Who beat you up.. Was that Alex again?? Want me to talk some sense into him??” punching in her hand to symbolize it

“no.. no  it wasn´t.. Look.. Charlie.. can we talk about this later?? I need to pick up…”
“Oh .. annoying lil Princess Bitch?? She s already here. i picked her up and she s in her room already.. Practicing her acting performance for school”

“You already.. oh thank you”

His hand relieved on his face, feeling the sting as the cheek shad a light purple and orange teint.

“Ya look bads bro.. not the hair though, it´s dashing but..Wait here…”

Leaving her room as she came back after rummaging her stuff. A small box  with stickers on them from bands was placed on his table.

Mateo´s room was simple yet soothing. Cleaned up, all organized and easy to find things. His bed was an old classical Viktorian styled bed with curtains. He obtained from his grandmother as they did not have the savings for an own bed. He didn't mind as these were hella comfy with the right mattress. And curtains down was a soothing feeling.
it won´t be long until he earned enough for his own apartment. But for now having to share with his family.

Charlie, wild card but with a cool hairstyle and a smile comforting to him, sat down next to him on the sofa (a big window where he could sit and read, his favorite spot)
She had closed the door for obvious reasons and started to clean his cheek

“You know ya can tell me anything… right?”
“I know.. it´s just.. this day has been..”
“Shit??.. frantic??.. Hideous?”
“one could say.. You know the party last night?”
“The one I told ya not to go or things will turn shit? yap.”
“Could you please not swear… “
“hjmm. i ll try.. but yeat that.. place that makes bad..What about?”

She cleaned his cheek gently as he breathed in, as if getting air to talk.

“Well.. “

He began to tell her everything. Not letting out any details. He never had to hide who he was infront of her.. or be ashamed. Charlie understood him. Knew what he was going through. And was and is always there for him. Unlike his other siblings.

“.. And now you fear you are being used?.. I told you those bas… idiots of so-called friends are no good. Ditch them.. I ll help you even… and as for the spooky creature that jumped the guy.. Im sure if it wanted to kill you, it would.. or you wouldn't be here…”
holding his cheeks gently, looking at him “Which I am thankful for.. If anything hurts you.. let me know.. I ll punch them!”
“Thanks Charlie”

hugging her back as he deeply sighed
“I need to take care of things tomorrow.. But.. I´d love to have help…”
“Hmm You better not let them butter you up.. Those idiots can get a taste of pain if they dare leave you back …Alone that should tell you things::”

She got up, packed the kit away and hand on her hip.
“I must say.. that haircut suits you.. You look so formal.. almost like”
“Oh gosh.. Like Owen?”
“Pff nah. Better. Noone beats you lil bro…”

Giving a smile as she ruffled his hair.
Mmateo gave a soft smile, looking in the mirror of his desk. “It.. it looks good! You are madly talented Charlie”
“Hmm Just something I wanted on youtube.. Ya know how practical tutorials are”
“So then you are skilled in many things.. Which is good”

She ruffled her hair, in annoyance
“Tell that to mom.. She still argues with me about those things…”
“Well. You ditched the last classes..”
“Cause that fucker Roberts is after me! He made my scores fucking low..”
“Yeah right. but you know what I mean..”
“I do.. He seems to have issues with me too when it comes to specific topics… He challenges and wants to see me fail I believe.. I just don´t know why”
“Well if he tries again, I ll …”

“I´m home!”
A voice called  below as Owen, the twin of Charlie, was heard.
Both Mateo and Charlie in unison
“oh.. yay..”
to each other, leaving the room as the nighttime came on.

There was a huge discussion as the parents came home. For now ignoring Mateo as both the baby and spoiled brat were fighting for attention and Charlie keeping her voice up as to comment on the parents as the usual evenings went. Charlie stormed up her room, letting all know not to disturb her.
As all were busy anyway, Mateo grabbed his plate, went upstairs and spent dinnertime with Charlie. Noone ever knew that Mateo was gone. The problem here at least. 
