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6 years, 3 days ago

Sophie tries to bring up intimate relations with Jack. (It's a SFW comedy)

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      Sophie looked up, one finger on the newest dog ear of her book. Jack was still pouring over the materials and instruments organized on the cold rock slab. She crossed her ankles and scooted herself down the edge of the slab, flattening her hands out by her thighs and leaning his way.
       "Hey,“ she said.
       "Hello,” Jack answered. Sophie dropped her eyes down to his gloved hands working with mechanical grace.
       "I was thinking, since you like to study and learn about humans so much… right?“ she said.
       "Yes. And not only the internal parts.” Jack flipped a scalpel between his fingers, catching the sunlight on its blade. She watched him drop it into a pouch and move to the other end of the table.
       "Right,“ she said, scooting herself further down to keep up, "so, I was wondering if you knew something.”
       "I know some things but it is far from everything.“
       "Do you know what we humans like to say the two basic goals of life are? Eat, and…”
       Jack paused, lifting his head. “…Learn?”
       Sophie squinted. “More cynical than that. We’re talking about humans.”
       After another pause Jack turned to face her and tilted his head. That meant he was thinking very deeply on this, too deeply. He rose a finger. “Die.”
       "No- no no no.“ She grinned, face flushing, and put her hand on her forehead. "Take it a step back. That’s not, uh…”
       "No!”  Her shoulders bunched up. “Screw! I’m-” She quickly lowered her volume, “The word is screw. I’m talking about screwing.”
       "Oh.“ Jack’s head moved slightly, looking past Sophie into the wall of the ampitheater. She studied him, lips pursed in anticipation, gave him a couple slow, encouraging nods. He seemed to come back down to earth. "You mean, as in…?”
       "What, did you never watch a pair of deer in the forest go at it?“
       "Why? Have you?”
       She made a face at him. Jack glimpsed downward and saw her hand splayed over the cover of the book she was reading. It featured a shirtless man with a woman in his arms, a romantic full moon shining through the open window behind them. He looked at Sophie again and took a subtle step backwards.
       "So,“ he inhaled.
       "Oh, I was just wondering if you knew,” she saved quickly, sitting up and folding her arms. “Yanno, because it seems like a really entry-level thing to know about. And it involves bodies.”
       "Bodies. Yes.“
       "Like, specific body parts, that most people have.”
       "Uh. Yes. I can show you.“ Sophie’s eyes went wide and she stared at him sideways, mouth small and tight, having the feeling he was blurting out things without thinking now but it was too late and he was already starting to point at himself. His hand drifted upwards and hesitated in front of his face. Then it came in to hover around the shoulder area, made a wobbly zigzag down his chest, stopped, then dropped indecisively to his crotch.
       "No!” she yelped, covering her face. “That’s fine. Nevermind.” Jack did not mind neverminding.