Dear brother (1)

1 year, 2 months ago

Played zhully in a oneshot (run by yonah) and this is the letter they wrote to their brother composed during and after the events. The writing is a little hurried but still neat cursive, with dots marking where zhully stepped away from their writing. Zhully addresses her letters to 'brother' rather than using her brother's name because it hurts less that way and is less likely to bring up old memories.

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Dear brother,

No luck yet in my search, but I am making more flyers and I am sure they will bear fruit soon! I stopped by a small town today, a farmer is having goat troubles. I will see if I can help. There are others with me, it’s so great to see many travelers kind hearted enough to take time out of their day to worry about a farmer's goats! One even says she may have heard something of Vinar, and she offered to help in the search, this is very hopeful! Perhaps she can help me pass out flyers! We will help with these goats and then I must speak with her. I must find Vinar before it is too late.

I pause in my writing to listen to a story on of my companions is telling me, they seem to be a great and experianced traveler who has had many grand adventures one could only dream of. I am sure with their help we will solve this goat problem in no time. My companions seem to be discussing ghosts, but surely there are no ghosts here. Ghosts don’t show up on land, that would be silly! Or so I remember Vinar saying, I am happy to think of him laughing. I will have to see if they have any specialty goat cheeses in this town, I can add them to my collection of gifts for him. We are setting off again - I will leave writing here for the moment and continue after things have settled.


I am very impressed by the skills of my companions. Earlier I spoke of the great explorer and his travels. He held my hand and my mind suddenly seemed sharper. Has it been so long since I last held someone’s hand? Ah well the feeling faded quickly, I should focus on my goals at hand.

I found a fascinating trinket while investigating the goats! I have no clue what it does but the metalwork shows the care and detail the maker put into it. I am taking it back with me, it will make the most lovely paperweight. Another trinket had caught my eye - an alarm of some kind. It would had made a great gift but another of my companions had his eye on it. It warms my heart to see a fellow collector and I exchanged one of my best masks to aquire it for him. Even better, the explorer seems to enjoy the mask, I am ever so happy we can all grow closer through this.

This adventure makes me think of Vinar, he would have loved to be here. I must remember what I can to write it out for him another time. What of you brother? Would you have liked this kind of story? I can hardly remember the tales you used to tell me now…

We have found a library! It reminds me so much of home, I struggle to leave it. I am writing these notes in it now as we go through the books for clues. A couple of them have caught my eye (a cookbook and one on pottery for beginners). I think I will take them with me to remember this place by. Perhaps a new hobby to try after all this is over!

One of my companions seemed related to this place as if discovering something of his past. Watching it I was drawn back to my own past, but I must not return to old habits. I knew this time I can act, I must act. If I have a chance to make a difference I must take it. That is what you would do, isn’t it brother? That is what Vinar is trying to do.

Vinar! I have a lead! Brother, I know where he went. I know where to go, I will follow him. I will help him. The companion I mentioned before, the one who had heard of Vinar - she said he went to the island of Spirala. She will take me there. Such kindness I… It has been too long. We must prepare to leave. I will end it letter here, I hope it reaches you safetly. I will write again soon. Wish me luck.

Your little sister,