Arrival with a Carryon

1 year, 14 days ago
10 months, 19 days ago
11 7980 1

Chapter 5
Published 11 months, 25 days ago

These are little stories regarding the ‘Ōpūnui siblings over the span of their lives, and their eventual return to the island where everything began…

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The knocking on my door jolts me to turn that way.

“Yeah? Come in.”

If it was my dad I’d be more polite. Not because I want to, god no. Just because he’ll bitch and moan about my fucking etiquette. Nah those footsteps were most likely-


Ding ding ding. I should win the lottery.

Khelani steps in.

I raise my eyebrows. Apparently she thinks I look to serious. To be fair I do live on my resting bitch face, and half of Morgan’s team for me to train are a bunch of Jack asses who have shit for brains.

Especially K-

“oh SORRY did I come in at the wrong time?”

Wrong time? Oh come on what did I do now?

“No? Why do you say that?”

“Oh sorry- uh. Wrong impression? I forgot you don’t-“

She looks up and down. Fuck I did just have shorts on. I nod my head- I’m pretty sure that son of a bitch did the same. We were a lot alike- not in all of the ways. I’d never hurt Khelani like Kaipo did, sick bastards lucky to  have a sweet ex. If it was my choice he’d be long gone. I grab a tank from my closet.

Thinking about Kaipo reminds me of- no. Stop. God dammit, why do I do this to myself?

“Need anything?”

“Oh you didn’t have to- Umm. Uhh… yeah I do.”

Me casa su casa. Works for the bed too. Sit, don’t mess it up too much.”

“Woah Leo hell this is one mighty fine bed you made! Where did you get so good at folding sheets?”

“College. Dorm checks ever week.”

“Military school’s wack!”

“Well at least it’s good shit to learn.”

“Oh yeah for sure, better clean than messy!”

The stain at the bottom of my shirt won’t come out even with persistent scrubbing via nail and washing with spit. Oh well, it’s clean.

I sit on the bed and Haukea sits on my shoulder, her claws pricking the curve in indention top my forearm. She fit like an external jigsaw piece, I always liked it.

She misses me, I am half considering taking her off and to Caer Sidi home, at least she’d be of some comfort there. And Khelani can still visit me and Haukea cause of dads whole shit with-

“Can you help me?”

Shit- there I go again, I look to her. She’s holding flowers and thread, two needles. Ahhh that’s why she’s here.

“I’m here for manual labor huh Lani?”

“NUH-UH! I know you did this good! Mama said you were a pro.”

“She says that about everyone Khelani, I’m mediocre at best.”

“Okay but me to! So can you please?”

“Didn’t say I wouldn’t.”

She tugs at me.

“YAyyy thanks Le-“

“OW FUCK- watch where you put the needle!”


It wasn’t, but damn she got my bicep good. Lil shit was hurting me, like a flu shot. Kinda- without the meds. I take it out and wipe it on my shirt again, near the first stain. It’s mahogany now.

“It’s not. Be careful please.”

She nods, absolutely devastated- I mean, I felt bad for her! I didn’t mind, and in fact the whole scenario made me laugh.

“Oh my god Khelani calm down! Damn, you should have joined the military! Ha! Oh man this shit is-“

I’m cracking up to much to see Khelani very red to the face, she scrunches up and laughs too.

“Okay okay! If you say so!!”


We were synchronized in sewing, flower by flower. Between our legs and my bed was a basket full of plumerias, they made for the best leis. My foot moved to keep my motion, Khelani flopping here in jerky motions, made me loose focus a time or too.

“Hey Leo.”


She doesn’t respond but I look at her as she shows her lei- it’s beautiful. I mean- I didn’t expect her to make a shitty one, but she puts mom to competition, queen of the lei as some of the neighbors call her.

Haukea chirps, I nod my head.

“Good- like, real good Lani!”

“You like it?”

“Yeah of course I d-“

She pulls it around on my neck, the flowers controlling my smell. Not in a bad way, I liked it.

“Then have it! You can wear it today!”

Today? Oh right. Luau. Makahiki after all, and this family won’t shut up about it. I dont either, I enjoy it. Khelani looks at me, like waiting for me to look at her. When I do she puts a plumeria behind my ear, right.

I grow hot in… embarrassment ? Whatever the hell it is I don’t like it. I know why too. I take it out.

“You know the rules.”


“I thought it would be funny if-“

“He kanaka Khekani au. Hele ʻo Plumeria ma hope o ka pepeiao o ka wahine, ʻike ʻoe i ka moʻomeheu.”

She dropped her shoulders. God there I go sounding like my own father. For fuck sakes this isn’t how I want to be- be a fucking man- the hell does that even mean to me?


She shuts down. God- I can’t believe myself. It makes me really sick. Of course she wants me too, she hasn’t had to do this in five years…

“Stop. I’m sorry.”

I turn to her, make sure she knows I mean it.

“Who the hell cares? Fuck it, let me wear it.”

“But you’re right… Kaleo it’s not-“

“It’s not right? Technically, you can say that. But there isn’t a rule that I cant yeah? Sorry, I’m a hardass sometimes.”

She smiles and goes to pick up the flower from the ground, it was still intact, thankfully. She puts it right behind my ear.

“You know… you look good with it in! Still look all macho if it helps-“

I grab her head in a chokehold and mess her hair, she squeals- perfect. She’s pissed that I ruined her hairdo- it’s what she gets for messing like earlier-


Author's Notes


He kanaka Khekani au. Hele ʻo Plumeria ma hope o ka pepeiao o ka wahine, ʻike ʻoe i ka moʻomeheu. | I am a man Khelani. Plumerias goes behind the woman's ear, you know the tradition.

Hibiscus is the traditional Hawaiian state flower!