Mini Stories !!

11 months, 7 days ago
11 months, 7 days ago
5 883 2 3

Entry 1
Published 11 months, 7 days ago
105 3

I'm at an art studio for most of the summer- the instructor gave us prompts to answer in 5 minutes. They were boring so I decided to relate them to my chars and answer it in a "show, not tell" sorta way. I wrote the drafts in 5 mins and digitalized / fixed on my phone. Leaf, my faithful editor that fixes all my problems, your welcome to edit :)

Doing one on every char!!

DONE : Blue, Bonbon, Kiko, Bunny, Lani

DOING : Princess, Toku

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Fantasy Land

[ If you could live in a fantasy land from any book or movie, what would it be? ]

Lani raced through the open field, eluding into the abyss of bracken. She had challenged the wrong Ponyta- only wanting to get through this dusk part of the Kantos region. She hid behind a tree, but the pokemon didn't lose its interest, continuing to stare daggers into Lani's soul. She knew there was only one way out of this. In sync, as trainers and pokemon are, her partner and fiercest pokemon stepped forward from her shoulder. 

"Umbreon, go!" She shouts. This was going to be a tough battle.