Mini Stories !!

11 months, 6 days ago
11 months, 6 days ago
5 883 2 3

Entry 3
Published 11 months, 6 days ago

I'm at an art studio for most of the summer- the instructor gave us prompts to answer in 5 minutes. They were boring so I decided to relate them to my chars and answer it in a "show, not tell" sorta way. I wrote the drafts in 5 mins and digitalized / fixed on my phone. Leaf, my faithful editor that fixes all my problems, your welcome to edit :)

Doing one on every char!!

DONE : Blue, Bonbon, Kiko, Bunny, Lani

DOING : Princess, Toku

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G4mer G1rl

[ How does social media affect us and those around us? ]

Kiko woke up with a startle. Her neck was stiff and she couldn't feel her legs… she had fallen asleep in her gaming chair again. She hauled herself up, bumping her keyboard and illuminating the screen in front of her. It read "stream ended", from the night before. Below it showed her thousands of followers, followers who enthusiastically fill the chat after she builds a cottage or obliterates her opponents in bedwars. The twitch community was the single thing encouraging her out of bed each day, something she couldn't imagine not having. She built her life around it, never hesitating to click the "start stream" button. Although, at night, she'll sometimes gaze outside, wondering if there is more to life than a block game. Maybe