Mini Stories !!

11 months, 7 days ago
11 months, 7 days ago
5 883 2 3

Entry 4
Published 11 months, 7 days ago

I'm at an art studio for most of the summer- the instructor gave us prompts to answer in 5 minutes. They were boring so I decided to relate them to my chars and answer it in a "show, not tell" sorta way. I wrote the drafts in 5 mins and digitalized / fixed on my phone. Leaf, my faithful editor that fixes all my problems, your welcome to edit :)

Doing one on every char!!

DONE : Blue, Bonbon, Kiko, Bunny, Lani

DOING : Princess, Toku

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[ If you could time travel, where would you go / what would you see ]

Blue was invested in books ever since his parents left and sister lost her way. He lost himself in history and folktales, futuristic robots and fbi missions. But no matter how many stories he wrote or books he read, he never found his own. If he did have one, it certainly hasn't started. 

Blue woke up in the middle of nowhere. It was a tangle of trees and bracken, far away from the comfort of his home. He hears a noise nearby, echoing from outside the forest. It sounded familiar, drawing him closer. He emerged out the bushel of branches to see a beautiful landscape of glistening tides and plush grass. He stared for a moment, until the voice spoke again. It called: "Blue! Breakfast!" He stood in shock- despite his own hunger, he had a feeling the voice wasn't calling to him directly. "Coming.." responds another voice. But this one.. was his. Blue didn't know where he was- whether this was a dream or another wave of illusion- but he knew one thing. Whatever this was, it was his story. And he certainly was excited.