Bread Bandit

ChikPeas foxdog2
11 months, 6 hours ago
11 months, 6 hours ago
9 61263 1

Chapter 5
Published 11 months, 6 hours ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

Max and Jura reunite after Years of being apart Jura gives Max a little taste of the city and takes him on new adventures.

Oh and at some point some cranky old guy with a walking stick shows up.

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Author's Notes


Gold Count: 

Max: 29

Jura: 43

Word Count:

Max WC: 2948

Jura: WC: 4380

Coffee Break

Max: 146

Max took up Jura’s arm with a nod and was more than happy to leave that place behind. When they were going up the sloping ramps, Max nodded to the direction of the rocky beach instead. A stroll around the lightly rolling waves might be better.
After a little while of nothing, Max finally broke the silence, still a little bug-eyed.
“Right, the Navy…. I- hate them. Hope their ships burn… and that ship?? I don member them but, I do remember somethin’ ‘bout cards… What is the Crooks…?”
All the new information was making his head ache. A cat ran across their path, chasing after a smaller rat, but that was the only sign of life. Max stood at the edge of the path with Jura and stopped walking. Instead he looked out into the fog and breathed a bit lighter now.
“This is better.”

Jura: 296

"I think if you want to go on a boat…" He started to say and just sort of trailed off, turning his mask to stare out into the waves. It still smelled like salt, which was a little nauseating, if only because the reek of a whaling ship was still fresh on his mind and in his nose. He stepped away from Max a bit and to the rocks, looking around to see if anyone could see them through the fog. No. Good, just cats. Those he could deal with.

Jura moved his hands to his mask and lifted it from his face. Slowly taking in a much needed and very deep  breath. Salt. Ugh. But better then… whatever it was he was smelling at the docks. That made him want to vomit the more he thought about the sludge. He probably wouldn't do much better on a fishing boat. The second a fish was gutted he knew he'd be done for.

"The navy… you said-" he had to pause to try and wrack his brain for the memory. Max had said why he was in jail right? Some girl? Some girl with important parents? He gave up trying to put it together into words and just sighed. Letting his hands fall to his side, the mask left propped up on the top of his head like a weird visor. It wasn't like anyone would be afraid of his face in this fog, so he looked at the ground and stepped around some puddles, trying to distract himself a little from all that activity and the ache in his arm. "She seemed to like you. I don't know where the Crooks End is."

How could Max say he was mean? Clearly he made friends with people.

Max: 248

“The Navy…? We go way back… they imprisoned me but, here’s to Hoping that General is dead.” Max turned his head toward Jura and waited for him to continue on. It fell to silence again and then they were both staring at the ground. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. That hell was over.
His mind had been racing to the month he had spent in the brig of a Naval ship being tortured in so many miserable ways… It made Prison the nicest thing that had happened to him since his capture. Perhaps it was added to why he was so violent to begin with when they dumped them there, in the dark.
“Did she? Heh… I have some very… vague memory- I punched her in the face, yup- I dunno why she was happy for it. Women are strange.”

Maxin walked a little off the path and found a rock to sit on. He clutched his head in both hands and sighed before letting out a little laugh.

“Ha- well that certainly didn’t take us far for an adventure… how can ya live in this place.”

After he removed his hands, he watched the waves below and fought the impulse to jump. He always wanted to jump off high things after his fear of the height went away. Maxin flicked his tail at the odd thought and looked back to Jura for some sort of direction, or maybe just a moment to breathe…

Jura: 204

Max was pretty old, so Jura figured whatever parent he'd pissed off to land himself in jail, or brig, was either dead or too elderly themself to be in uniform and directing atrocities. He looked up in surprise from the puddles under foot at the mention of Max punching that woman. Confusion plain on his face. "You made friends with someone you fought?" Why on earth would someone just get over what he assumed to be a drunken brawl? It wasn't something he could manage himself, but he just figured that to be a part of Maxin's personality.

The rogue watched as Max found a larger rock to sit on, so he went to one as well, though he didn't sit and instead stood atop it, following his companions gaze to the waves. "I don't usually go anywhere during the day. So it's quieter." And if he went anywhere, it was to open markets towards the evening, through the quieter streets that held homes and small shops. Not to the main runs, where more drama was likely to unfold. He turned his head back towards the other man, so he could see him with his better eye, "You like it better on a boat?"

Max: 133

“I don’t think I did…” Max shrugged.
The wind was picking up and blowing a bit of vapor up at them. If it was warm out he might’ve enjoyed the coolness of the water but for now, Max hopped up and scrambled away back to where Jura was standing.
“Freezin’ out here… but yea I like bein’ on a ship. Always workin, always somethin’ to do, always enough rum.” He joked. “But better? I dunno, Jura I haven’t lived any of my life yet.”
That was the truth… he didn’t have any basic knowledge, he just felt bad for acting like some feral beast. Maybe he could find a place he fit in more on land, maybe there was another mine to work in… was there somewhere he might like better on land?

Jura: 321

Jura understood what it was like to hardly have the time to live. He was barely out of his teens when he was thrown in prison for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most of his life was spent as an orphan among other orphans, fighting to survive, no education even save what Jura had managed to teach himself and his younger siblings. Then…what was it, eight years in that horrible place- thinking about nothing but wishing he was dead. He’d only been back in Faline for about four if his math was right. A really hard thing to adjust to, but at least he’d remembered how to socialize when it was required of him. Everything else about his life? Just a mess. “I know.”

The wind was indeed cold, something Jura always accounted for lest it make him ache more. He was dressed in his thicker clothes from the night before, a gray coat and pants that left none of him but his face exposed to the freezing vapors. Still, they’d both be covered in ice if they lingered around the water for too long.

“You just need to find something to do.” What that might be, Jura didn’t really have any suggestions. He didn’t have the same drive to keep moving, to stay active and run himself ragged. At least, not all the time. After a bout of sickness, maybe, but not right now. “Besides the alcohol- which you can get on land by the way, what else do you like about the boats? Don’t you get tired of working yourself to death all the time?” Jura certainly did. He was exhausted the night before just from dragging buckets of water around for a bath. Not something he was really proud of to admit, but that was how his body was. Too fragile. “I’m not like you, a little too much walking around wears me out.”

Max: 219

“Seems to be a theme of my life.” Max rolled back in a stretch, then looped his arm around Jura’s again. It felt like a fancy way to walk. He led him away from the sea spray and back towards the buildings in search of somewhere warm. Max stuck his free hand in his pocket and grinned. He was still a good damned pocket-picker. That lady had no idea.
“Ah- the people? Like ‘em better there. They remind of the mine workers, never knowin’ when another force gonna take yea. Attitude’s a bit different than others. The way the waves feel under yer feet, nd ain’t nothin there to block out all that sky.” He closed his eyes for just a second and remembered what it was like on the ocean, no buildings to blot out the horizon, just endless beauty.
Maxin gave a sweet little laugh and looked over to Jura.
“Hell- no ya ain’t. That’s a good thing. I don’t think I can be tired for long, thas how I survived though. Best for ya to survive off that brain of yers. Don’t work to death like me- take care of yerself.”
He just aimlessly walked back up the path a bit towards where they came.
“Got any place that’s… warm, somethin’ warm t’drink? It’s on me.”

Jura: 311

Maybe it was before Max got out, but he had the means to improve his life now that he was free. “It doesn’t have to be all gloomy Max, you got plenty of time to make something of yourself.” As he spoke the man grabbed his arm, so Jura used his free hand to tug his mask down and into place. Assuming they were leaving the water’s edge to go into town and away from the protective shroud of fog.

Sure, using his brain was an option, but he didn’t feel particularly bright compared to other people. He wasn’t educated or even had experiences like his boss Enn, or any of the other people he worked with. Even reading a book gave him a headache sometimes. The only thing he really had going for him was the ability to use his hands, skulking about in the shadows like the light of the sun would burn him, and being quiet.

Glancing towards the man, he caught a smile flash across his features and assumed he was up to something. He’d ask about it later… or maybe not. Max suggested a bar not so long after his little grin and tipped Jura off. He’s pickpocketed someone, though Jura hadn’t been paying enough attention to tell who it was. He’d been too distracted by whalers and the smells.

“I liked the wilderness. I guess, wasn’t so many buildings. Trees though… that doesn’t count. It’s part of the scenery.” Just as pretty, just as big as some of the places here in Faline.  

Jura turned his head to regard the street they’d meandered too. Off a way from the bustle of the docks and slowly being occupied by people who were off to work or just starting their days. Shops opening, the like. “There’s lots of taverns.. Just pick one? They all sell similar stuff.”

Max: 155

“Well…. Y’know how it is... ya quit workin’ nd the memories start commin’ back. Easier to just keep goin but yeah; the wild’s pretty nice. Lots of beasts out there but… it’s quiet. Would ya ever move out there?”
his eyes began to scan the dark buildings for a warm light. Colorful buildings of all shapes and sizes passed them by, and he was looking here and there- at the people and the few carriages going through.
“I uh—-“ he cleared his throat as they began to pass a multitude of signs on buildings. “I can’t read Jura…”
Which was a hard truth to admit. He had no idea what the buildings meant or anything in relation to what a city tavern looked like.
They all looked the same to poor Max, but he could guess by the crowd entering and leaving what they might be. The city life wasn’t for him by any means.

Jura: 285

Oh if that wasn't the plague of anyone with unresolved trauma. He wasn't unaccustomed to dwelling on it all or experiencing nightmares of his own, but poor Jura at least had the benefit of being too damn tired to care sometimes. He would just sleep when he could, and not think about a thing the rest of the time.

"Ah." He said after a long while of pause, inclining his head upwards to look at the signs for Max. "I'm not the best at it either but a lot of these ones with the signs hanging out from the walls are… places to eat, taverns. See the little pictures?" He said and waved his unrestrained arm at a sign with an emblem of a flower, "that one is a florist. They sell flowers and bouquets. Wedding kinda stuff." The next window they crossed in front of had a display of pastry looking items. Its sign didn't have a picture, "Another bakery. I haven't been to this one. Looks expensive." Maybe he would stop by some day, but a treat for his boss, or for Max if he was still around.

Ahead, Jura nodded at one with two mugs tipped towards each other, "That one says…" he had to pause to squint, not the best with far off things and letters, "Um, and inn." So a place that would sell breakfast items for cheap and beer, he presumed. They wouldn't know the menu till they went in, but the place didn't look to be particularly busy. "Do you want to try that one? Could be good and probably warm." He pointed up, "See the chimney smoke? I'll read the menu for you."

Max: 186

“Hmm, ya should teach me to read.” Max said a little preoccupied with the place Jura had just pointed out: the FishHook… hmm. It was a quaint little place on the outside with older paint, blue and white. Max looked over to Jura with a shrug and a small smile.
“That’ll do.”
He lead the way and let go of Jura so they could fit through the door. Inside, Jura was correct, it was warm. The dining area greeted them first and there was a large fireplace on the opposite wall where a few tables of people already sat. Everyone was busy in their morning gossip, reading some sheet. Max had been in a few taverns at least but, none so quiet. He was a little shocked actually. Only one older man sat at the bar.
“Ya can pick a place.” He gently nudged Jura before his eyes caught sight of what he was after. A barmaid came around the bend with a steaming and dark pot and two pairs of mugs. Coffee, strong and black.
“Be right with you.” The maid said to the pair.

Jura: 285
Jura could certainly try but he didn't consider himself a good teacher by any means. Sure he taught his siblings some words, but how much would that help them? In response, the man just chuckled, "Come visit me and I'll try." Because he was sure Max would find himself a boat to work on and return to his true love, the sea.  

Once inside the building, Jura occupied his eyes with trying to find a good spot to sit. Somewhere out of the way but still offering a good view out. He of course didn't plan to eat, just sit with Max, keep an eye out for trouble. Lucky for the both of them, the tavern was relatively empty. Staffed by one woman running coffee from table to table and presumably a few in the kitchens. Those who were seated elsewhere in the place also didn't seem the sort to cause trouble. Elderly folks, those reading the daily newspaper or having breakfast before going off to work. A relaxing crowd. Something that didn't make Jura paranoid and restless but would probably do the opposite for Max. Too quiet, too much time to think. He'd try his best to keep his friend distracted from his darker thoughts.

"Over there." He said as he patted Maxin's back once to get his attention, owl-like visage turned to a corner of the tavern. A small booth tucked behind a pillar in the corner of the place. Good view of everything and also a nice spot Jura could squish himself into and be relatively unnoticed. Maybe, if Max was the one to pay attention, he could get in a little nap, already aware of the nagging aura that accompanied headaches.  

Max: 154

“Visit ya? Ya kickin me out?” Max replied in a quiet tease when Jura picked out a table.
He went over and sat down in one of the booth seats, then got cozy. It was a very cozy tavern, so very opposite of what he was used to. It felt like a subtle buzzing in the back of his brain but tiger than that he could easily relax. Max let it slide and leaned back into the booth; giving it a shot. Of course the thoughts came up and through but he let them slide by.
“Mornin’s nice.” His notes were low in the bassy tone until the barmaid came up with a big smile on her face. She gave Jura a little funny look out but quickly shifted back to the big smile. Maxin caught it, and quirked a brow.
“What can I be getting you two today?”
“Coffee— ya wantin’ anything Jura?”

Jura: 172
"No, absolutely not." Max was welcome to his house anytime, provided he still lived there. That got him thinking, would he get lost in the maze that was the streets of the mar?

"I'm not usually awake this late…" Jura admitted as he seated himself and cast his eyes out to the floor of the tavern, maybe a little wary despite the relaxed setting. Of course his eyes were on the waitress when she approached, Jura quietly listening to Max order his coffee. Maybe he could try some. Ease some of the exhaustion that was creeping into his limbs from his lack of rest. "Coffee…is fine please." he figured he could drink that without having to entirely remove his mask, though at the woman's expression he did look away elsewhere, clearly either nervous or self conscious. Knowing it was unusual for most people to walk around with their faces obscured. Up to no good, she probably thought, but he wore it purely so he didn't have to see others' reactions, or himself.

Max: 162

Tired eyes trailed after the woman as she nodded and disappeared to get their order. A heavy sigh was released and Max rested his elbows on the table before he folded his hands. All the excitement this morning was dragging him to feel a bit more tired, but looking over at Jura, he certainly wasn’t to that level yet.
“Alright. Might be ready for one of your nap things. And ya haven’t slept yet…? Ha, guess not if I was in the bed… We can go back after this. Oh- and here’s something.
Maxin reached into his pocket and retrieved a handful of jingling coin.
“Snatched this from that woman…” He placed it on the table and scooted it to Jura. “Doubt she’ll be too friendly if she finds out. But it’s for coffee and then whatever if left over ya can have… say for takin’ me in.”
Max shrugged his broad shoulders with a sly grin.
“Guess I still got it.”

Jura: 224

At the sigh, Jura looked up again and to his company, "Now you want to take a nap, what about working all day?" He said with a slightly amused tone in his voice. He certainly looked exhausted, but that really wasn't anything new for him. It was always just varying degrees of weariness. His lack of sleep made today slightly worse, he supposed, so a nap might be a nice thing for the both of them. "I don't mind you sleeping on the bed, you probably need it more than I do." The softness anyways, so much better than sleeping on uneven rocks or the plain ground like he assumed Max was used to, especially if using his bed helped ease the soreness in his friend's back.

Coins were flashed and slid his way, so he extended a gloved hand of his own to push them right back to Max, "No, I have enough money. You don't owe me anything. I'd help you even if I was struggling." Which he was sometimes, but he tried to keep Enn's words in mind and wouldn't worry himself about that right now.  

Jura smiled beneath his mask at the man's own grin, voice quiet so nobody would overhear him, though that did nothing if Max got going. His deep voice carried far, "You getting into pickpocketing now?"

Max: 195

“Ah okay, definitely keepin’ it then. And Hah- back in my day, I trained the new rats how to pickpocket.” He replied, trying to lower his voice but maybe failing a bit.
The maid returned and placed a pot in the middle of the table, then put two mugs down. Max nodded and began to fill his already. He took a swig, burned his mouth a bit; then replaced it to the table:
“Ah… after seein’ who was on that dock I changed my mind.”
“Anyway- you any good at it? I assume so.” His voice was smooth and quiet, whereas his chuckle was a little louder. He had that problem when in public.
Max remembered back to his early years off the islands, making a living off of what they could snatch off of the rich or simply unsuspecting victims that passed them by on the streets. Him and his little gang bounced around from street to street and left anger and terror in their wake. Those were the golden days of Max’s life. He smiled at the memory while taking another sip of his drink, wondering if the orphans still roamed free there.

Jura: 324

"Was it the navy men?" The ones in uniform, and the guy shouting, he figured. He had his own hangups around guards and certainly wasn't going to fault Max for getting anxious around them, even if his poor arm aches now. A little annoyance, sure, but he was glad his friend was calmer now.

"That kind of risk isn't something I do much at all anymore, I have better stuff to do." Less conspicuous or potentially dangerous tasks anyways. Higher reward for generally less risk if he was going after documents. Maybe a couple guards to play hide and seek with, but nothing compared to what he dealt with as a kid. Even if it wasn't him getting his ass kicked, seeing his siblings coming back to the hideout black and blue after getting caught with their hands in someone's pockets always upset him. It was all a necessity for a street kid back then, and maybe now, but he had more agency now. "I guess." He occasionally nicked things from people in the Mar, always returning the items- a little game or to keep his skills up. Maybe even to impress people he was flirting with.

Jura was glad Max kept his voice low, so as to not tip off the whole place that they were shady, or shadier considering how Jura dressed himself.

Picking up the pot of coffee and one cup, Jura poured himself a little. Head turned out to the tavern for a moment as he judged whether it was safe to take a drink. Nobody was looking his way, so carefully he pushed his mask up enough to fit the cup. The coffee was bitter, which wasn't his favorite by a long shot, but he was tired and it helped a little.

"You only drink black?" The rogue asked as he lowered the cup slightly along with his mask, "I like a little sugar." Or a lot of sugar.

Max: 172

“Yeah it… was the navy men.” He twiddled his thumbs and drank a bit more. “Sugar? I just drink whatever they bring. Never put sugar in a cup before.”
Maxing let the conversation fall, yet when the server returned to check on them, Maxin asked for… sugar, and when she came back with a small cup, he let Jura take as much as he wanted and only took a little bit for himself. He paid their server and sipped the coffee which really didn’t change in flavor for him.
When they were done, Max leaned back and sat for a bit with his arms folded across his chest. He could either stare at Jura or the fire, so he chose 50/50 of staring at both.
“Well- ya ready?” He stretched, wondering what to do next. His tiredness came and went but now there was a strange pain in his chest. Max wasn’t used to caffeine, but he let it slide and figured it was just a side effect of the drink.

Jura: 329

That made sense, in a similar scenario, Jura would run with his tail between his legs too. He’d keep that in mind if he offered to find the man a job, look out for those guys, maybe see where they moved, what times they were in port, and so on. A little snooping wouldn’t hurt.

“ I mean, that's fair. Drink what you can when you can and all, but if you have the option, it's really nice. Did you try anything sweet like those cakes in the bakery?” Or the pastries he’d brought this morning, though those had been a little more on the tart side. Maybe Max would enjoy the sweeter things like Jura did, “I’ve enjoyed something called Caramel, sometimes you can buy it at the street markets or at uh-” what were they called. He tried to remember as he shifted up his mask and took another sip of coffee. Making a face at the bitter flavor and adding a scoop of sugar to his cup. “Um, carnivals? Festivities… They do things like that sometimes in Faline.” What was he saying? Max wasn’t in jail since he had just popped out of the womb, “Well you probably know about them…my siblings and I never got much opportunity to sneak into one but we liked to watch the lights and people who dressed up.”

Oh, he should probably stop talking and drinking his coffee right? Max had said he was tired, and judging by how he reclined in the chair, he figured he wasn’t long for wakefulness. So, Jura lifted his mask up as much as he dared and chugged the rest of his cup down. A little pick me up before they walked back to his house… and did nothing. Maybe he would take a bath himself, then take a nap. Sorely in need of both. “I’m ready to go. If you see anything on the way back that you want to eat, let me know.”

Max: 260

Despite his eyes wandering around the tavern that they relaxed in, Max was certainly listening to Jura talk. Actually was this the most he had said since they met? The coffee must’ve been kicking in. He had to clear his throat briefly.
“No- I’ve uh, never been to a festival. Think I heard of em? No idea… Never heard of a.. What, a caramel? I think I said that right… Why did people dress up for those festival things?”
His eyes briefly held Jura’s gaze but movement out of the corner of his eyes from a group entering made him turn his head away. There were four, maybe five men that had just walked in. They appeared very young with one older. Scruffy looking. Probably up to no good- just like him.
He noticed their eyes lock onto the pair immediately. The group stared so hard that one even stopped. Had they never seen mages before? Surely a masked man and someone with horns didn’t even begin to scrape the oddities out there.
Immediately on edge like a dog with it’s hackles rising, Max slowly stood up and scrunched his features. He aggressively bared his pointed teeth, more like fangs, and lashed his tail. The entire group got the message. Max won the pissing match and they all went to the bar with their backs turned to him.
“Damned kids.” He grumbled.
Max stood and coiled his tail in amusement, then let his shoulders slouch while he relaxed again.
“I think I’m ok for now actually.. Coffee’s cheap an’ fillin.’”

Jura: 416

It probably was the most he’s said in a long time, well, if he ignored a week or so ago when he went to Enn’s to pester the poor man in the middle of the night.
“I’ve seen them before, I just don’t know if you have. It’s like a party. They have games and people dress up for it and there's lots of food.” He really didn’t know much else than that and just sort of let that topic die. Or rather, he didn’t resume with anything else he thought of. Not when Max seemed to be looking elsewhere. For a moment Jura figured he was bored, disinterested in whatever it was the rogue was rambling about.

His thoughts on the matter seemed to be partly true, as his company stood and made a face that Jura considered terrifying. Sinking a bit into his seat and adjusting his mask so he could see for himself. Hood shifted just slightly where he could catch the shapes of a couple figures retreating across the bar. Not guards, thankfully, but up to no good. Max and him probably stood out against the rather boring patrons of the tavern. “Maybe we should head out then, before more of them show up?” Maybe there wouldn’t be more, but he still didn’t like the idea of staying in a place and having more attention drawn to them.

So, with his mind made up, Jura slid out of the booth and headed towards the door. Hopefully Max would follow him back to his house, but if he didn’t, well… that would suck.

The walk back was less eventful, all things considered. Though the roads were busier now, something Jura wasn’t a fan of at all. This was his time to be asleep, not mingling with everyone and their grandma on the streets of Faline. He didn’t even look particularly fancy today either, to use as a deflection in his head for the staring they would probably be subjected to.

“Ok… so unless there's something you want to do, I really need to take a nap.” He said as he approached his door and produced the key from somewhere on his person. “I’m not a morning person… oh, but you are welcome to do whatever you want while I’m sleeping?” Eat some more, figure out the concept of boots, look at the three whole books Jura had to his name. There really wasn’t a lot to do now that he thought about it.

Max: 326

A rather uneventful walk back took place as he followed in-line behind Jura through the city. People were beginning to fill the streets and in the distance it sounded as if a great crowd was gathering for some unknown reason, must be a higher market area. They hadn’t traveled too far it seemed before things began to look a smidge familiar. His dark crimson eyes traced the intricate buildings while they passed and a few things caught his eye but not enough to stop for. If only he had been here as a child. This city would have been a gold mine.
They took the path up to Jura’s home soon enough and Max came to a stop with Jura, granted yet again his eyes were distracted by a flock of pigeons that took flight from atop the roof. They must’ve been out all morning… Max cast his eyes to the sky and took note of the position of the sun. Yup, it was just about noon.
Jura sounded, off- but while he listened to the man speak he sounded simply exhausted. His tail flicked at the idea of trying to find something to occupy himself with. What was he supposed to do? Pull the wings off flies maybe. His head was already screaming at him.
“Uhm, no I ain’t got nothin’ to do quite yet… But uh, ya should get some sleep, Jura. Ya sound miserable. Might go for a walk or somethin’.” Yeah, or something alright.
He found a new hunting ground.
Max tucked his hands in his pockets and drank in the surroundings. He thought he remembered the route to that tavern pretty well. Maybe too well. The door opened and the pair were greeted with nothing but darkness. So the fire went out. Which meant it woudn’t be warm at all but still probably better than it was out here. Max waited for Jura to go in before he followed behind him.

Jura: 392

Jura unlocked the door and waited patiently for Max to enter, locking it again after him. "I'll be alright. If you go out, keep an eye out for guards. Make sure you know your way back here." So, in case something happened… Jura could try and help. Hopefully nothing would happen and Max could explore at his leisure.

It wasn't uncommon for the place to be dark by the time he got home, but considering the time there was a small beam of light across the floor closest to the one window, illuminating a small patch of the stone flooring. The little bird figures shadows stretched out with it in a way that Jura considered a little comical, or ominous depending on his mood. He stared at their silhouettes for only a moment before moving over to the fireplace. What embers had been there this morning were long since out of suitable fuel, even while holding a hand directly over the ashes he felt no heat from them. "If you are going out I'll just leave the fireplace alone. It'll take too much time to relight." No it wouldn't. He was just tired and figured he had enough blankets on his bed to keep warm.  

Standing and rubbing his hands together, Jura went to the end of his bed and started undressing. At least partially. Removing his gloves, boots and the blank mask he wore first, followed by the scarf beneath that and eventually the thick gray coat. He'd keep the rest of his garments on, which consisted of a long sleeved black shirt and the pants that matched his outerwear, these lacked nuisance belts and buckles. Things that would leave painful indents in his skin if he fell asleep with the weight of his body on them. Neatly, his removed coat was dropped over the nearby chest, a glance spared at his wrist where the bandages were slightly blotted. Later. He'd mind that after some rest. "If you need anything, wake me up ok?" He said as if he'd be easy to wake in the first place. Max could manage, anyways. Maybe with a little aggressive shaking.

With that, he let Max do as he pleased and tiredly climbed into his own bed. Cold, initially, but he'd warm up after a while. Having plenty of blankets to trap his body heat.

Max: 592

At Jura’s own words, Max was now granted free reign of an open city. This was like releasing a kid at a playground. As soon as they were inside the older man was sitting in a chair plotting out his actions going forward. No he did not know the city, but those were minor details.
Once Jura was well tucked into bed, Maxin eyeballed the fire pit that Jura apparently didn’t want to bother with. Maybe he didn’t, but it was cold and that tavern had spoiled him with heat. So, Max got up and struggled a bit to light it after throwing wood in. He knew how to strike rocks together, not use a matchbox. Once it was lit and gave out desperately needed warmth, he eyed up the scarf on the end of the bed. It was cold out and it looked comfortable.. he snuck over and snatched it, hoping the mound of blankets wouldn’t stir from the motion.
Like a stray cat looking for furry little prey items went the escapee. It was a journey to retrace their steps through the quieter streets to the tavern but once it was found, Max relied on his hearing to get him the rest of they way, making a sort of map in his head as he moved through the streets with traffic ever increasing. After another long walk, he found a bustling market. Most of it were of garments and niknaks, jewelry, things of the sorts. At once he got to work.
He chatted with some vendors, pretending to be a foreigner- which he was, and learning about the wares being sold. He asked questions about how the vendors got their businesses and how they were doing- just small talk. Then he began to meet people of all walks of life. Some were willing to carry on a conversation in passing others not so much. He was eventually roped into a crowd his age and he played his social cards very well. He met them all under the alias of Bernard. Bernard was a poor miner, working the streets through songs to make extra earning. It drew pity but it also placed him with the working class. Hard earned wages and honest people. He shared mining stories and fishing tales, carefully choosing his words. Then as the day passed on, Max said his farewells and left. Time to go to the closest thing he had to home.

If… he remembered where Jura’s home even was.
Another hour spent panicking while wandering through the streets, Max found the Fishhook tavern. He let out a breath of relief and followed the streets. He paused in front of a very interesting looking shop and decided to go inside to have a look. He found a very fancy looking scarf with golden threads that shined when you looked at them… interesting. Purchasing was confusing, but it worked out in the end. Then he found a place that sold food by following his nose- and from there it was back to Jura’s.
Back inside the apartment, Jura was still asleep. Max sighed in relief, put his bag down on the table, emptied his pockets of coins and jewelry on the table, then fed the last few burning embers to the remaining wood next to the mantle. This was quite the adjustment, the big city. It took a toll on his mind. It felt wonderful actually. Max took a seat at the table, ate his lunch like a starved sea monster, then fell asleep in the chair.